Group "U-Peter" - Composition, Photo, Personal Life, News, Songs



"Yu-Peter" - the rock band, the leader and the founder of which Vyacheslav Butusov became the founder after the collapse of the legendary Nautilus. The team combined the musicians of various famous rock teams and submitted to the public the work of the new format, but in the best traditions of Nautilus music.

History of the group and composition

1997 - the year of the collapse of Nautilus - opens the prehistory of the U-Peter group. From this time, Vyacheslav Butusov with his head plunged into the atmosphere of creative search: he recorded the album "Ovals"; implemented a project with "dead dryers", the result of which was the ELISOBARRA-Torr disk, who gave music lovers "Gibraltar"; Included in the project "illegitimate Algimik Dr. Faust - Pernation Snake".

Soloist Vyacheslav Butusov

The last butus was invited as a performer, and the musical side was supervised by Yuri Kasparyan - a former guitarist and one of the participants of the Movie group. In this tandem, so many creative ideas were born that the proposal to create a group was more than natural.

On the guitar and the bass guitar they volunteered to play the founders themselves, but the rest still had to find. Soon, the composition was supplemented by the former keyboard player "Aquarium" Oleg Sakmarov and the drummer Evgeny Kulakov.

Guitarist Yuri Kasparyan

The official date of creation of the Group is October 11, 2001. On this day, the team was presented, and in November of the same year the first single "Impact love" was recorded. By this time, the group had already had the name - "Yu-Peter".

Over the original name, the fans immediately began to reflect and critics, offering the most obvious interpretation of "You - Peter". However, Butusov himself explained that the translation of the name from Staroslavlyansky means "her stone" and in general "there is another shade, other associations."

Drummer Evgeny Kulakov

At the dawn of the creation of "Yu-Peter", the ex-captain "Nautilus" gave many interviews, and more often the question was the question of the analogues between the new team and the old, which became the legend. The leader was definitely responsible: "Yu-Peter" is a consciously assembled team in contrast to the spontaneous "Nautilus".

Almost all 2002, the group toured around the country and neighboring abroad, performing songs from the repertoire of "Cinema" and the solo projects of Butusov. And only in 2003, Yu-Peter has worked out the material for the new concert program and the first album.

Bassist Alexey Andreev

In the same year, in December 2003, Oleg Sakmarov left the team, and the musicians remained threesome. In this composition, Yu-Petersburg will work until the collapse in 2017, replacing only two bass guitarists: in 2008 Sergey Vyrvich will come, and in 2011, Alexey Andreev will change him.


In the first studio plate "The name of the rivers" included 11 Butus compositions. With new songs "Yu-Petertsy" began to storm the areas of rock festivals in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities, a lot was toured. What to say, the unification of the traditions of two legends of the Russian rock was very intriguing, so the expectations from the creativity of the new group were quite overestimated. Because of the first years and passed in the atmosphere of eternal comparisons, analysis, parallels and criticism.

There were those who called "Yu-Peter" "25% solution" Nautilus ". Therefore, the first album "Yu-Petersburg" tried to make another, fell into the genre rock-style a lot of living tools, introduced a subtle arrangement, filled with unique melody and allegorizing meaning. In the "biography" the musicians tried to transform. There are a lot of electronic music in the album, and some tracks are generally sounded in the rhythm of pop rock, for which Butusov has repeatedly reproached for the care of conceptuality.

The second studio album called "biography" The musicians recorded in 2001. The disk turned out to be survived. And in both senses of this word. Two compositions - "Girl in the city" and "The Song of Going Home" - became full-fledged hits, they got into television and radio traffic and sounded, as they say, "From each Iron".

On the "girl ..." was removed the video, which is still the most famous video group. Another side of success was avalanche of criticism from colleagues in the workshop, which called the creativity of "Yu-Peter" "Frank Popus". Here's how it was subsequently reacted by Butusov himself:

"` Yu-Peter` did not put the high goals. I play and sing myself into a buzz ... Some of course says that the songs of "Yu-Peter" - Pop. But it does not confuse me "(Interview with the newspaper" Today ").

The next album "Bogomole" "Yu-Petersburg" was released only after 4 years, in 2008, intentionally making it gloomy-laconic, with almost one hit "Tell me, Bird." This time the criticism turned out to be favorable.

Among the connoisseurs of rock music there were many of those who called him the best in the works of Yu-Peter through a pronounced guitar damp. Butusov himself also turned out to be satisfied with the work done and was pleased with the fact that the first team had the opportunity to write in free, not constrained by the contract.

The memorable 2008 was also marked by the release of the double tribute album "Nubum" dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Nautilus. The first part of the hits of the team, filled with the stars of rock scene, in the second - songs recorded by U-Peter.

"Flowers and thorns" - so Bucosov and the company called another studio album, the mood of which was inspired by the culture of Hippi 70s. The plate (also came out on vinyl) marked the first appeal to the ejections of the "Cinema" group. Butusov and Kasparyan wrote music to the unknown verses of Viktor Tsoi "Children of Minutes", and this composition entered the album and became the Soundtrack of the film "Needle. REMIX. "

In 2012, in the break between a dense tour schedule, the musicians produce a 10 Peter concert album. More than 20 of the compositions entered into the collection - this is a cover version of the iconic in the literal sense of Nautilus songs. "Tutankhamon", "clad by one chain", "Wings", "Walking on the water", "I want to be with you" and others are executed at the anniversary concert of Vyacheslav Butusov, dedicated to his 50th anniversary, rock scene stars.

The final in the studio discography "Yu-Peter" was the album "Gudgore", recorded in 2015 in Norway. 13 compositions written by Vyacheslav Butusov entered the disk. "Flood", "I go to you", "Farewell, my friend" - each song is estimated as fans and critics, and not so much because of the music, how much because of texts filled with new meaning and philosophy.

In February 2017, the leader of the "Yu-Peter" Vyacheslav Butusov announced the dissolution of the group. The project existed for 15 years, exactly as much as "non-optimal" "Nautilus".

Group "Yu-Peter" now

As Moskovsky Komsomolets writes, "In June 2017, Raker gathered a new team, in which Denis Marykin drummer entered, who collaborated with Zemfira and Peter Nalock, bassist Ruslan Gadzhiyev, before that I played in the Koszynko group, and a session guitarist known in St. Petersburg Glory Suories.


At the end of 2017, Butusov presented the documentary "Nauhaus", filmed by the director Oleg Rakovich. The tape talks about the creation of the Nautilus Pompilius group. At the presentation of the painting, the musician announced that the album of the new team would be released already in 2018, now there is a record and collecting material.


  • 2003 - "River Name"
  • 2004 - "biography"
  • 2008 - "Bogomol"
  • 2010 - "Flowers and Terni"
  • 2015 - "Gudgore"


  • 2003 - Echolov
  • 2004 - "Girl in the city"
  • 2008 - "Tell me the bird"
  • 2010 - "Children of Minutes"
  • 2010 - "Eyes"
  • 2012 - "Ten Steps"
  • 2013 - "Battle of magnate"
  • 2013 - "I want to be with you"
  • 2014 - "Gudgore"
  • 2014 - "Take me with you"
  • 2014 - "Black Bird - White Wings"
  • 2015 - "Punk Girl"
  • 2015 - "I go to you"
  • 2015 - "Farewell, my friend"
  • 2015 - "Shining"
  • 2015 - "Jupiteria"
  • 2015 - "Let it be so"
  • 2015 - "All you need"
  • 2015 - "Apocalyptic"
  • 2015 - "Flood"
  • 2015 - "River Heavenly"
  • 2016 - "Air"
  • 2016 - "Christ"

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