IKAR - character biography, myths and legends, Dedal


Character History

Each people are true and preventing legends and legends telling about the past and combining reality and fiction. In such narratives, the usual images and fictional beings are surprisingly adjacent. So, in Greek mythology, along with ordinary mortals, there are gods and demigods, unusual creation and individuals who acquire unprecedented force. Myths carry human dreams and morality. The work that tells about Dedal and Ikara, tells about how excessive confidence helps to achieve unprecedented heights and will fall down, condemning the death.

History of origin

The legend reads the following. In ancient Athens there lived a talented artist of blue blood, famous for gifting in architectural and sculptural business. A man named Dedal erected the imperial palaces and temples to worship the gods, famous for all ancient Greece. His student was a nephew of Tal, a capable of a parenchy, who invented a saw and a pottery circle. One day, walking along Acropolis in the company Uncle, Tal stumbled and fell from the mountain. In the death of the young man, the grandfather was vinyl, because of what he left Athens.

Dedal and Icar.

The famous artist sailed to Crete, where he married the servant of the king. The wife of Navroat gave birth to Dedalu Son Ikara. In a new place, the Master's talent was useful to Mosnos, whose spouse gave birth instead of the child the monster - Minotaur. Dedal built a labyrinth for him. Over time, the longing of the native places began to coal an architect, and he began to gather back to Athens, but the king was against the departure of the family.

Santal smartly wings like birds to fly from the island by air. He taught his son to fly, explaining that it was dangerous to climb close to the sun. The wax that combined feathers could melt, and then death turned out to be inevitable. The water threatened to wet the wings, so it was also unsafe to approach her too. Dedal punished Ikar to observe a specific course to fly without trouble.


Having risen into the sky, Dedal and Icar was trembled like the birds, and the witnesses of the flight thought that they found the phenomenon of the gods. The son followed his father, not neglecting the covenants, but the happiness of the flight spacked his head. Having a new ability and unprecedented horizon previously provoked extraordinary joy, and the young man forgot about caution.

He took off to the sun, and wave on the wings began to melt. The homemade adaptation ceased to hold the weight of Ikara, and he rapidly approached the sea, unable to resume flight. Ikar called the Father to the rescue, but he did not hear him.


Understanding what happened, Dedal was out of herself. He unsuccessfully wanted his son in the sea, he could not find the body of a young man. Subsequently, dead Ikara found Hercules. The sea where the young man found the last refinement, called Ikarian. The body of the hero is buried on the island of the Dolich, which is now called the name of the Ikaria. Santal got to Sicily, and then to Athens, where he became a tribal valor of the grandfathers.

Legend of Dedalie and Ikar

The history of ancient Greece is full of reminders of talented masters and creators of structures, which today do not seem so unreal. Myths say that Dedal was an inventory that created the tools and mechanisms that are inappropriate. It is not surprising that the talented sculptor and architect remember in the world so far. But much stronger in the memory of the descendants, the story that happened to His Son Ikar was crashed.

Icar in flight

The young man became famous for becoming the only man who risked to climb the sun. The son of the inventor, in the literal and figurative sense, was overwhelmed, forgot about Father's warnings and soared much higher than it was necessary for a safe flight. Approaching the sun, he remained without structures that carried him over the waves, and collapsed into the marine bunch.

Ancient Greek mythology is full of moralistic deviations. Analyzing the legend of famous creators, it is easy to see allusions and symbols. The grandfather is associated with the Father, the creator, despite the words of whom Son came. The sun acts a growing force, and the wings - a symbol of a gift that highlights Ikara among mortals. The fall of the young man became car for the fact that he dreamed to disobey the Father. And also prediction: do not strive to strive above those borders that you are able to overcome.

Fallen Icar.

Analysts consider the alternative version of the interpretation, according to which the images of the Graduate and Ikara are united for the sake of dreams that did not manage to implement. Father was careful and managed to get to the target. And ICAR became the subject to create idioms. "Flight of Ikara" is now called excessive self-confidence and courage, reassessment of opportunities, ideas that exceed the death and futility of hopes, as well as the unattainableness of the truth for its seekers.

Interesting Facts

  • Unlike some heroes, the existence of which there were no confirmations, the reality of the origin of the father of Ikara, the Grandfather, was proven by his works. According to legend, some of his sculptures were mechanized and could move. In ancient Greece, his works seemed miracle. Today it is quite acceptable that the seat of Athens Pallas, the Statue of Hercules in the philas and Athens, the sculptures of Trophonia and Britomartides, the sculpture of Athens in Delias were not static.
Building Grandfather - Minotaurus Labyrinth
  • It is noteworthy that the professional belonging of the grandfather is laid in deciphering his name. Greek "Dedo" means "realize in art." Dadal took place as a master. The list of its developments and creations is a minotaur labyrinth and the thread of Ariadna, the wooden cow of Pacifia and the Dance Hall of Ariadna. But the main invention is wax wings, progenitor models of deltaplanov.
  • And Icar is decrypted as "dedicated to the moon" or "prestige".

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