Alexey Zavgorodi - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Songs 2021



Scenic pseudonym Alexei Zavgorodi - positive, and it probably explains how he managed to have time to do everywhere. Only with such an attitude to life, you can write songs and engage in producing, voice movies and be a member of two music teams at once - one of the most popular groups of Ukrainian show business "Time and Glass" and the advocacy of the Electrohaus with the eastern motifs of "brains".

Childhood and youth

The singer by nationality is Ukrainian, on the sign of the Zodiac Taurus, born in Kiev in 1989, 10 minutes later the twin sister Elizabeth. Bright creative abilities have manifested itself at a young age, and no wonder. Grandfather Alexei led the National Academic Choir named after Georgy Rope, parents met in the theater: the father there was a director, and Mom danced in ballet.

It is clear why she wanted the Son to devote the main time choreography. However, the boy wondered where he was taught also music, vocals and acting skills. The answer was found - in the Kiev Children's Academy of Arts. The plug-in and entered. The future artists were taught the same teachers that worked in an adult theater institute, children were played in some performances with students.

Then 2 years Alexey and Lisa lived in the UK, studied in business colleges. There was a chance to get there and acting, but the Zavgorody returned home, graduated from the Faculty of Management of the University of Culture and Arts.

Personal life

"The show business works a rule: always when a guy and a girl in a duet, fans want them to be together. So it was still here, on stage we play every song as a performance. It is normal that people want to see tenderness or passion on stage. "Talking about the fact that Alexey and Nadia Dorofeyev are associated not only by professional bonds, unconfixed. However, Nadezhda is married to Vladimir Gudkov (Dantes), and Zavgorodiy is married. In an interview, however, he stated that the presence of a legitimate second half would not bargain if suddenly had a feeling for someone else.

Dorofeyev identified relations with a colleague as a cross between work, friendship and family. Artists understand each other "on the retina of the eyes", keep mutual secrets and always in touch, even on vacation, which is carried out separately, exchange ideas and plans.

With the wife of Anna Andriahuk, the singer met in 2006, being another not known as a member of the New'Z'Cool group. The girl then was friends with a different guy, and the Zavgorodi moved to the side.

Roman began later. Despite the misconception, the artist impresses a modest person. Because of the dismisses on dates, young people communicated a little, and Aleksei wrote recognition in the postcard.

The wedding took place in 2013. In the photo from the celebration, the singer is captured without a mustache, and this is a rare case. Since that time, no longer has the hairstyle changed.

As the plot is recognized, it is very important for him to know that the wife loves him for human qualities, and not for popularity and large fees.

Anya left his job on television and retrained into a designer, develops his own fashionable clothing brand. At first she was jealous of her husband to hope. In addition, before the eyes there was an example of a Potap, who divorced his wife and stopped the connection with Nastya Kamensky. Now girls communicate, and there is no hostility between them.

Spouses dream of a big family, and Alexey says that he is already ready for the birth of children and wants twins. The main achievement to which should strive, considers a luxurious house in San Francisco and the star on the Hollywood "Alley of Glory".

In addition to music, Zavgorodi is fond of sports, billiards and photography, leads accounts in Twitter and Instagram, where it is divided by the latest news from personal life. Attractive man (height 185 cm, weight 69 kg) more than once participated in the filming for glossy magazines.


Alexey knew how to include the parent tape recorder as soon as he learned to walk. As a child, the artist was fond of the work of Michael Jackson and collecting his records. Among the idols - Alisha Kiz and Justin Timberlake. Favorite musical styles were pop, hip-hop, disco-soul, R & B.

Then the Zervgorod, who created with the grandson of Bogdan Mortar, Dmitry Rap-group, saw on TV of a young Potap (Alexei Potapenko) and decided to implement in the same party. Then the pseudonym positive appeared. The company included South (Yuri Gorny), whom the press calls the first husband of Irina, now the former wife of Potap, and a file (Vasily Kotlyarov).

Friends wrote a song and gave to listen to Potapenko. The producer was not impressed with the creation of novice musicians, but allocated a studio to record the album, helped with arrangements.

Newly related team called Newzcool. In 2005, the first speech was held at the "Black Sea Games", next year the Disk "School, Bone, Rap" came out. Zavgorodiy is still grateful to the Potapus for believing in success when no one paid attention to the guys.

Slava came with the soundtrack to the full-length film "Gallery". In 2007, together with girls from Queen $ "Newzkul", het "Lake Tears" has released. When the project "Potap and Nastya" was born, Alexey became a back-vocalist there, spoke in hundreds of concerts of the head in Russia, the United States, Canada, Germany and other countries. It helped the novice artist to gain experience in the recording studio, freely feel on stage and not be afraid to speak in front of the public.

In 2010, a new page opens in a positive biography. This is the year of creating the group "Time and Glass". The idea of ​​a new team belonged to Potap and Irina Gorod. As the couple later admitted, the name was born at the airport when they were waiting for a plane landing.

Potap immediately decided that the duet will decorate a pretty girl with a good voice. Positive partner positive was chosen on casting. The producer like Nadezhda Dorofeeva. It is noteworthy that soloists could get acquainted on the competition in 2005, but their paths crossed later, on the way to the Artek children's camp, then in the Crimea, from where Nadia Rod.

Alexey's time and glass style estimated as a combination of pop music elements, underground and all sorts of house - Deep, Anbient, Future and Tropical.

The first song presented by a group instantly conquered the Ukrainian and Russian charts, although Zavgorodi believed that in Russia they learned about them after the invitation to the "Comedy Club" show, and it happened only in 2015.

"The map fell out" to taste to listeners. 2011 brought young performers even more popularity. During this period, hits "Love Dot No", "Silver Sea", "Tile" sounded at all radio stations. In 2012, the guys pleased the fans with the songs of "Harmoshka" and "Tears".

Two years later, the positive joined the Potap, Vadim Fedorov, Eduard Kamenev, Ruslana Storochik and Andrei Blochless in the new Mozgi project. The group twice became a M1 M1 Music Awards laureate.

In 2016 "Time and Glass", too, I also waited for success - the clip "Probably," scored more than 6 million views of Youtube in less than four weeks. Musical critics were not so loyal by expressing the assumption that the new song resembles a Light IT Up dance composition.

Duet, competing with "brains", for three years in a row received a prestigious Yuna award in the category "Best Pop Group". The award is considered the main in the Ukrainian music industry.

Another breakthrough occurred in 2017. Hit the team "Name 505", the clip on which is the most visible in the CIS, became the only Russian-speaking, included in the track list of the Just Dance dance computer game itself. "Time and Glass" are inscribed in one row with Justin Biber, Queen and Fifth Harmony Ft. Kid Ink.

Following the musical channels secured for Alexey and the title of trendsetters of show business. This was facilitated by the clip "On Style", mixing music, mods, colors and dance. In the frame, soloists 4 times changed images.

At the concerts of the group in the auditoriums, no matter how surprisingly, many children. Supported believed: this is because their songs are kind, suits are bright, performances are fun. Little listeners do not deceive, and sincere letters and drawings inspire.

It is logical that the positive, together with Dorofeva, became a stellar judge and a mentor of the vocal show "Voice. Children "on Ukrainian television. He helped young talent to reveal his talent. In the fall of 2017, Alexey was seen in the humorous TV show "League of laughter," where he made together with the team "Cropa".

In the spring of 2018, the singer was injured on the shooting of the clip "E, fight". By idea of ​​the director, the plot of the biker depicted. The young man decided to perform the tricks himself using only lightweight insurance. On one of the double, he fell from a motorcycle and received torn wounds and bruises, after which he was hospitalized to the Kiev clinic.

In the autumn of the next year, "Time and Glass" in the Kiev Palace of Sports presented a program Vislovo. The transformer scene, 90 artists, 24 rooms and 162 images, special light and new dance stylistics - all this could not cause a storm of emotions from the public and from Alexey with hope. The singer admitted that at the end of the concert, locked in the dressing room and burst out from the overaffect of feelings.

Alexey Zavgorod, now

By 2020, the discography of the Zavgorodnaya numbered 10 albums and collections (excluding singles) recorded in two teams. The musician said that I would not want to reach the ceiling in creativity and see the finish ribbon. However, in March it became known that the group "Time and Glass" broke up.

Participants assured that it was not a conflict, but in the desire of everyone to go their own way. The point in the joint work of Alexey and Nadi was the "final titers" tour, the final performance of which will be held in September.


  • 2014 - "Time and Glass"
  • 2015 - "Deep House"
  • 2017 - "Countdown"
  • 2019 - Vislovo.

As part of the brain group

  • 2015 - "Electrosurma"
  • 2016 - War.
  • 2018 - Brain Takeaway

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