Svyatoslav Eschenko - biography, personal life, photo, news, monologues, humorous concert, speeches, wife 2021



Svyatoslav Eschenko - Russian artist of the conversational genre. The comedian and parody of the workshops trying on the scene of the images of different characters, infects the public with fun in the "manschlage". It appears at prefabricated concerts among domestic humorists and organizes solo events.

Childhood and youth

Svyatoslav is still born in a symbolic day for a comedian day, April 1st. The boy was born in Voronezh in 1971. The creative inclinations of the child manifested themselves early. Father Igor Eschenko was a musician and director, and Tatiana's mother Schechenko - Pianist, so the atmosphere has been maintained in the family.

Interest in the paroding manifested itself from glory early. He portrayed his parents, classmates, teachers at school. The boy had a notebook in which he left notes in the form of reservations, funny statements and jokes. So the first copyright parodies of Elychenko were created.

Father quickly noticed the talent of his son, and his mother died his abilities to play scenes and monologues. It was obvious: the humor of Svyatoslav "in the blood". The second hobby was tricks. Father, at that time, Kryukruk Voronezh Regional Philharmonic, invited his son to perform on pop concerts. So the boy received the first salary.

Hobbies of fame badly affected their studies. Drawing attention to the individual features of his inspirationors, Svyatoslav missed the theory by the ears that teachers came. Of all school subjects, he just liked the literature and Russian.

Physics, mathematics and chemistry did not worry a young man. He was confident in the choice of a potential profession and planned to enter the Voronezh State Institute of Art, so it was not interested in anything. In 1988, Svyatoslav Eschenko became a student of the Theater Faculty, which graduated in 1992. In the youth, the future artist composed the author's songs and poems, humories and parodies. Together with fellow students, he created her settings and performed solo.

The master of the course invited a talented actor to work in the Voronezh Academic Drama Theater on the second year. In parallel, Svyatoslav was implemented in a humorous genre. The busy schedule of young artist gave itself to know. Combine study and work on the dramatic stage with the direction to which the soul thras was not easy. Four years later, Svyatoslav realized that it was necessary to follow his own vocation. Theater was not. In 1993, a young man completed labor relations with theatrical stage.

He was confident in his abilities, acting by the artist of the conversational genre from the scene of the Voronezh Regional Philharmonic. The audience took the comic heat. Father insisted that son should be attended by happiness in Moscow, where the capital stage could bring him. Hattles of humorist in Svyatoslav Eschenko saw the playwright Matvey Green. The writer helped the novice artist by the instructions and provided a service, introducing with Evgeny Petrosyan.

Humor and creativity

The meeting with the founder of the Theater "Krivoy Mirror" played a key role in the biography of Svyatoslav ESCHENKO. Evgeny Petrosyan, at the time, led the humorous TV show "Mentopanoram". The humorist invited talented artists to cooperate and gave them the opportunity to become popular.

Svyatoslav successfully used a chance provided by fate and quickly gained fans. The monologues of the artist reminded stories from real life. His heroes became mother-in-law, neighbors, spouses. Used by a humorist of the roles of the prostacy closer to Eschenko with the audience.

It was not forced to wait for the first prizes for participating in pop contests. In 1996, the humorist became the laureate of the International Competition "Sea laughter". Arkady Rykin. In 1999, he was awarded as the winner of the All-Russian Competition "Humor Cup".

1997 was marked for the artist participation in the play of Evgenia Petrosyan and Elena Stepanenko "When finances are singing romances." The Star Hour of the comedian took place in 1999, after acquaintance with Mikhail Zadornov. Satiro penetrated the creativity of Eschenko and invited him among other young humorists to participate in the program "Lengty company". In the same year, the first work appeared in the filmography of the Artist - Kinolenta "Joking Find".

The artist delighted the audience with new unique images every year. Among his characters, two grandmothers (Kolyanovna and her telephone girlfriend Vovanovna), Tamada at the apiary, the grandfather, who is called in the army, punk in his nickname, and this is only a small part.

Svyatoslav began to give solo humorous concerts. He independently developed a program of speeches. Among the demanded projects of ESCHENKO - "Russian Breakway" and "We went to laugh!" 2000

In the 2000s, the humorist actively performed on the domestic stage. He tried touring in large and small towns, pleaseing the audience in the thumbnails of the "grandmother in a cruise", "lady with a dog", "Boomerang", "Caucasian maternity hospital" and others.

In the summer of 2018, Svyatoslav Eschenko appeared at the festival "Yumorina" in Sochi, during the year participated in the transfer of "Laughter with delivery to the house".

The artist's scenic image gallery is regularly replenished with new characters. A distinctive feature is essentially in the ease of reincarnation. With an increase in 180 cm and weighing 82 kg, a humorist easily depicts old men and young people, full and slender heroes, representatives of various subcultures and people with whom everyone may encounter any minute.

The specifics of Svyatoslav Svyatoslav in the absence of obstacles between the artist and the auditorium. The comedian interacts with the public and builds speeches on communicating with the audience. The artist acts sololy and in duets. In the Createup with Marina Ninth, the number "Music Spore" was born, with Alexey Shcheglov - "Red Hap".

Periodically, rumors appear in the media that the one or another concert program is final for the artist, but this is not confirmed. Eschenko continues to work on a favorite thing and at leisure is engaged in self-knowledge. Despite popularity, the artist is difficult to name a media person. In his account in "Instagram" published photos with colleagues on stage and pieces from screen gears.

Personal life

In 2007, an unpleasant case took place in the artist's biography. Svyatoslav Eschenko went to his concert and got into a serious accident. The humorist received a concussion, two brain injuries and a fracture of the left hand. Thanks to the treatment and support of his wife, health is essentially recovered.

For a long time, the artist was married to Irina's wife. Svyatoslav met with his wife thanks to the profession. The girl worked as a concert director when the comedian started the creative way. The son of Nrad appeared in the family of Narad. The name of the child was given, based on the Vedic mythology, to which Svyatoslav joined the wife.

For some time, the spouses were engaged in molding. Joint projects can rally close people or embroil. In the case of Eschenko, the second occurred. For many, the divorce of two creative people turned out to be a surprise, since their union was approximate. On the Internet, the joint photos of the spouses appeared on the Internet, and in an interview with Svyatoslav spoke positively about his wife.

Irina and Svyatoslav were drove, and then divorced. The couple broke up peacefully, in a friendly, confessing that the divorce is a mutual thoughtful decision. The son remained to live with his mother, but supports warm relationship with his father, meeting him periodically.

In the program "The Fate of Man", published in February 2021, Svyatoslav told Boris Korchevnikov, which did not decline for a long time, despite the fact that the relationship was already outlined.

"I did not divorce due to the fact that dad at one time broke up with my mother, and she did not transfer the divorce and died. Dad wanted to go to Moscow, as he was offered a job there, and in Rosoncert, including. And my mother did not want to go to the capital. She said that she had nothing to do in Moscow. When Mom went, I was still young, and when dad went three years ago, I did not understand why I live. "

The humorist told about the ideal image of a woman he would like to meet. The companion must be soft, feminine and inspire for feats. Now in the personal life of the humorist, the place for a suitable girl is free.

The hobby of a humorist, which is impossible not to mention is religion. She accompanied Eschenko from the young age. The foundations of the faith of Svyatoslav laid her grandmother. At the age of 7, the boy knew prayers, was familiar with the Bible and sang in the church choir. In the conscious age, the artist studied Judaism. He attracted the teachings of Krishnaitis.

Svyatoslav became a member of the International Society of Krishna Consciousness. Later, the comedian left the organization, explaining it by fraudulent initiatives by the association.

Eschenko loves to travel, visited Australia and New Zealand.

"In India I was more than once and gladly go back there. There, amazing people live, whose spiritual always has priority to physical. I have a soul there rest. "

Svyatoslav Nechenko now

In the spring of 2020, Eschenko drove with tour of the country. Despite the fact that due to self-insulation, the concerts had to postpone and transfer, Svyatoslav was still in Volgograd and his native Voronezh, where the cold was caught. He performed, overcoming the disease, in the interruptions chewed anise grains to calm the throat.

On January 6, the comedian spoke with the New Year's Recovery program in the "Hermitage" theater in Moscow, where she showed the number about the wedding; resting and caucasian seller; wife who inserted her husband chip; Parodies on pop stars and chastushki.

The schedule of the artist for the first months of 2021 was occupied by a series of concerts in different cities of the country. Eschenko planned to go to Murom, Carpets and Vladimir.


  • "Fan"
  • "Jealous wife"
  • "Cheese and Kuturier"
  • "Unusual Crossword"
  • "Blonde in Marmalade"
  • "Elevator"
  • "Insurance agent"
  • "Lady with a dog"
  • "I want to go to jail"
  • "Skan"
  • "Punk in the village"
  • "Starvation"
  • "Mother-in-law"

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