Solomon Kane - character biography, main characters, actors, quotes


Character History

A literary character invented by the American writer Robert Howard, the father of Fantasy genre. Wrong medieval wrestler with witch, monsters and evil.

History of creation

Solomon Kane is a central character of a series of adventure stories Robert Howard, an American writer who came up with Conan Cimmerian and Fantasy Universe Hayborney Era.

Writer Robert Govard
  • "Under the color of bloody shadows",
  • "Skulls among stars",
  • "Perepps bones",
  • "Moon skulls",
  • "Hills of death",
  • "Horror Pyramids",
  • "Wings in the night",
  • "Brotherhood blades",
  • "Drain of Fate",
  • "Devil Castle",
  • "Kids Ashhura",
  • "Hawk Basti",
  • "Black riders of death",
  • "One black spot",
  • "The deceased friend",
  • "Return of Solomon Kane."

Solomon Kane.

Separate episodes of the biography of Solomon Kane are scattered in different stories. The author describes Kane as a gloomy, always calm on the species of a person with a cold look, dressed exclusively in black. Kane is high with growth, pale and looks exhausted. The hero is armed to the teeth and wears a felt hat. With it there is always a pair of pistols, rapira and a crust. In one of the stories to Kane's equipment, an African staff-amulet is added, which protects against the dark forces. Staff Hero uses as a weapon.

Solomon Kane - Art

By the occupation of Solomon Kane - a wonderful seeker of adventure, tramp and a wrestler with evil. By convictions - Puritanin, and by origin - Briton. The time of the stories about Kane - the XVI century. The adventures find Kane not only in their homeland, in England, but also in the mountains of the Black Forest on the border of France and Germany, as well as in Africa, where the hero meets the sorcerer and Shaman N'Long - another noticeable cycle character.

Kane was born in the English County Devonshire in the Puritan family and in his youth made a trip to China and India, having hired onto a trading ship. Choosing a sailor's career, the hero became a caper - a pirate, which, with the permission of the authorities of his own country, captured and robbed the enemy's Spanish ships to the sea, and sometimes neutral powers.

Solomon Kane without hats

Later, the hero is fighting on the side of the Guenotov Protestants in France. It is in the Black Forest on the border with Germany and falls into the Devilsky Castle of Barona Baron Stalar. Traveling through the Mediterranean Sea and finds himself in Turkish captivity, and then on the galley. Freeding and returned home to Britain, the hero hires on the expedition of the famous English navigator Sir Francis Drake.

At times, the hero is inclined to demonstrate the nobility and revenge for the death of randomly encountered maidens. So, chasing the killer, the hero first falls into the African continent. There the plot drives Kane with a sorcerer Voodoo, from which the hero receives a staff that distinguishes evil spirits. After completing this adventure, the hero sails into a new light - that is, in America, open by Europeans at the end of the 15th century.

Frame from the film

Kane is involved in the defeat of the invincible Spanish fleet, is experiencing a few more adventures in Europe and even falls into the hands of the Inquisition, and then goes back to Africa. There, the hero, together with the already familiar sorcerer, N'Logi invites a local variety of vampires, explores the lost countries, exterminates Garpius and helps one friend to seize power in the country.

After many adventures, the hero returns home to Devonshire, but does not find peace and goes back in the wander.

Van Helsing

Solomon Kane's life and travel remind many fans of a fantasy adventure genre in the literature and cinema of another similar character - Wang Helsing, who played Hugh Jackman in the 2004 timeline.


In 2009, the adventure fighter "Solomon Kane" directed by Michael Bassetta was released. The film was based on the cycle of fantastic adventure stories of the American writer Robert Howard. The role of Solomon Kane in the film Played actor James Pyurf. In 2011, Purph played in the film "Iron Knight" another brave warrior - the knight of the Order of the Tempa Tomas Marshall, the defender of the Rochester Castle.

Full James Pyurfoy

The film "Solomon Kane" was filmed in Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic. The time of the film is 1600. Solomon Kane - Alcacy and Cruel British Pirate in the State Service (Kaper). The hero at the head of the squadron captures the African Fortress and is trying to break through into the hall where the treasures are stored.

However, the path of Solomon and his people block the demons who drag into hell, except the main character. Solomon one breaks through into the hall and together with the boys of gold finds another daemon with a fiery sword. He tries to pull the soul of Solomon in the payment of a certain deal concluded by the hero with Satan, but Solomon manages to escape, having thrown into the sea from the tower window.

Solomon Kane with swords

The impressed Hero year spends in a certain monastic monasticist in the south of England, exhausting himself with prayers. To pump out the concession of hell, Solomon cut off the body with sacred forces, but nightmares continue to pursue the hero. In his youth, a notable father renounced the hero due to the fact that Solomon did not want to take the father's will and become a clergy. In the end, after an accident that occurred with the elder brother, Solomon escaped from the country to do not "hang out" the murder.

From the monastery Solomon has to leave by the will of the abbot. That was the Lord in a dream and stated that Solomon should go on the road. This will be the way to redeeming sins. The hero is in the world of the Middle Ages, where the plague reigns and robbing gangs ruin the villages. One such gang attacks Solomon.

Solomon Kane.

A frosting hero in the middle of the forest finds the Puritan family. Solomon tells unexpected fellow travelers and benefactors about his own non-resident past, but those do not frighten it, and then the heroes are walking together.

The evil spirits, however, does not cease to give Solomon Kane signs of attention. The heroes meet the witch, and then the washing of enchanted robbers-of-line, who kill Solomon's companions and kidnap their little daughter. In search of a girl, Solomon faces a wild priest and monsters-Trupieda, finds his own father and brother, living, but turned into a demon, and gets, in the end, forgiveness from God.


"It is inseparable one link of the chain of advocates of the human clan from another, and it doesn't matter whether Paladin mankind goes in a swirl skull and a horny helmet or dressed in boots and camisole, a two-handed ax holding in his hand or a heavy rapier, Dorian he, Sax or Englishman, His name is Jason, Hungist or Solomon Kane. "" - I'm not looking for trouble! - Sorry, because you found them. "

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