Maxim Freedom - biography, photo, personal life, news, instagram 2021



Surprise the avid Melomanana is difficult, because the genre variety of music does not know borders. Therefore, vocalists who are trying to find their place under the sun with the help of various contests, where you need to show a singing talent, it is not easy. But still units manage to declare themselves almost on the whole world. Such luckier includes a person with a speaking pseudonym Maxim Freedom who has achieved recognition and glory due to a stubborn desire and work.

Childhood and youth

Maxim Anisimov (the real name of a young man) was born on June 13, 1991 in the city of Vladivostok. Unfortunately, the information about childhood and youth by the artist is quite small, but it is known that Maxim is bought to music from an early age. Therefore, being a five-year-old child, he began to attend the musical studio, which was called "ringing voices." But in the diary, young artist, one troops were blocked, since, because of age, Maxim did not show interest in study.

Maxim Freedom in Youth

Although with the school's school's school at the future participant of the show "Songs" did not hold on, he still sought to go to the goal, so at the student years, Maxim considered his main hobby.

From the biography of freedom, it is known that, having received a certificate of secondary education, the young man did not enter the music school, but to the Far Eastern Federal State University, where he studied the basics of the economy. Later, the guy regretted his decision, because the science examining the economic activity of the Company is pretty fed to him. But nevertheless Anisimov did not give to study and received a diploma of economist.


In 2014, freed from study, Maxim, together with his friends, founded the rock band, which was given the name "Letya". The guys united not only talent, but also a categorical non-appearance of the scene of the Far East. It is noteworthy that in the new team Maxim performed several duties at the same time, acting as a soloist, guitarist and keyboard player.

Maxim Freedom and Liberty Group

In the hometown of the rock band with the speaking name collected up to 300 people on speeches, which was good at the beginning for the young team.

In winter, 2016, Maxim, together with his comrades, left to conquer the capital of Russia, and Moscow met the guys hospitably. After a year, the musicians released the album, giving him the name "cold". To stay afloat, Anisimov taught music and conducted master classes.

Further, freedom understood that it is necessary to continue its creative development, so participation in the show "Songs", which comes out on the TNT channel is a pattern, and not an accidental coincidence.

In early 2018, the guy went to the casting of a music show, where she showed himself from the best side. It is worth noting that the winner of this project was delivered by Glory, as well as a contract with Black Star and Malfa labels, which are guided by Timati and producer Maxim Fadeev. Among other things, the young man demonstrated his songs and the famous comic of Garic Martirosian, who became an invited judge on the show.

The singer confessed in an interview that listening was honest and all over a minute later, one and a half minutes. Max told that 17 thousand people from different cities of Russia arrived at the casting, so the guys stood a kilometer queue before filling out the questionnaire and get a number.

Maxim Freedom in the show

Before the jury, Max sang a song without instrumental support and the jury did not appreciate the voice of the guy, but he still passed the next stage, where he performed in the group, fulfilling the composition called "We are not in vain here." Anisimov surprised the audience not only by execution, the performance of the Letyada group accompanied the memorable video sequence - dancing feet of mannequin and futuristic patterns.

But this time, not all the jury appreciated the vocal data of the guy: Timati remained dissatisfied with the "meowing voice", which reminded Maneru of the execution of Ilya Lagutenko from the Mumi-Troll group. And Garic Martirosian and Max Fadeev liked the original style of Anisimov, so the showman and producer voted for ensuring that the group continued participation in the project.

Thus, together with his rivals, Maxim settled into the Tower of Mercury, and the whole country was observed for the life of a young artist. Moreover, the guy managed to attract the attention of the audience with his appearance, thanks to which he was compared with Brad Pitt, the Marvel Toron and Kurt Kobein. During the show "Songs", Maxim Anisimov not only believed in himself, but also realized that the musician's profession was not from the lungs.

"Repeat, write music and texts, sleep for four hours. But all this is not as difficult as to be under the cameras. Although they forget about them in a couple of days, you constantly think about what to talk and how. It was also hard not to have the opportunity to influence anything. I remember, once, they swear about my stage costume, and half an hour left the speech, "the guy admitted in an interview.

The composition of Maxim "Air to Cigarettes" gained popularity after the second reporting concert, giving first place in the Russian Chart Singla, who performed Dima Bilan.

In addition, being a member of the show, Anisimov spoke with the singer Molly, and also sang in Tandem with Christina wallet author's song called "Girl with Kare". Although the audience supported the singer, the young man confessed that participation in the show was given heavily. The guy dreamed of moment when it is finally possible to relax.

Personal life

Maxim is a simple and open person who is unlikely to become infected with star disease. In an interview with a man in 175 cm and weighing 60 kg, he told that for normal life it is enough to have 25 thousand rubles per month.

"There are sausages - eat, no sausages - we don't eat," Anisimov told.

Also Maxim loves to play ukulele and loves to spend time with friends in nature.

Maxim Freedom and Christina Kosheleva

As for the personal life of Maxim, the audience concluded that the young man was not indifferent to his colleague on the shooting shop - Christine Koshelev, which at the time of participation in the show was in relationships. True, in an interview, the girl admitted that her love relationship with a guy from his native city was confusing and complicated.

Maxim freedom now

For victory in the show "Songs", Maxim lasted one step. The first place, as well as the prize of 5 million rubles, received the singer Terry from the Timati team, and the contracts with labels were honored with Koshelev and Danymuse.

Maxim Freedom in 2018

And Maxim received nationwide glory and the support of the audience. Despite the loss, Anisimov is not despite: the guy continues to engage in music and will soon please the numerous fans with the clips.

Freedom has become popular, vocalist even offer participation in advertising, from which he still refuses. Maxim is registered in Vkontakte and leads a page in "Instagram", where it is not indifferent to his work can learn the latest news.


  • 2017 - "Cold"
  • 2018 - "Air to Cigarettes"

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