Orhan Gemal - biography, photo, personal life, cause of death



Journalists, not agreeing with the actions of the official authorities, invariably attract attention and cause a storm of emotions of viewers. Works are evaluated both positively, collecting crowd of like-minded people, and negatively, undergoing tight criticism of dissent with the views of reporters. One of these press workers was Military Orhan Gemal, whose biography I sparkled by Adrenaline, and life was cut off as in a plenty movie.

Childhood and youth

Orhan Gemal was born on November 12, 1966 in Moscow in the family of the famous Islamist and a public figure of Heydar Gemal. The parents of the boy were different nationalities, the mother is the Orthodox Russian Christian, and the father is the descendant of the Azerbaijani Karabakh genus. However, Grandfather Orhans, like his father, chose a Russian woman in his wife. The children of the family of Gemal, starting with Heydar, appeared in the world in the capital of Russia.

Heydar Jemal and Orhan Gemal

The press is known about the child's future warlock, but it is obvious that the sibling of an ardent community could not remain an ordinary average. Since childhood, the boy absorbed the ideas of the struggle for the rights of the Islamic people, who, by the way, were not always approved by the public. Repeated Father Heydar Jemal was accused of journalists in supporting the ideas of Wahhabis.

Having left the school bench, the young man went to give away the duty to his homeland and spent two years on the urgent service, from 1985 to 1987. Soldiers' weekdays took place for Gemal in Mukachevian array assault team.

A year before the service, the young man entered the Moscow Geological Exploration Institute named after Sergo Ordzhonikidze. A forced break in school student sold after demobilization and in 1990 received a diploma.

Orhan Gemal

After graduating from the university, a young specialist was sent by distribution to "Yakutgeology", where she began to work for the benefit of science. By the way, Orhahan Heydarovich reached certain results and conducted research on this field. The young man quickly took the position of chief of the detachment, part-time becoming deputy head of the party.

In 1994, he led the Atlasian intelligence expedition in conjunction with colleagues in research. He studied and mounted caves and underground spaces of anthropogenic origin. However, journalism remained real addiction of a young geologist.


On television, young Orhan fell in 1988, still studying at the Institute. Starting from the administrator, the ambitious gemal soon took the chair of the director of the Health program. Having spent the prescribed period in the role of geologists, in 1995 Orhan began to work in the editorial office of socio-political newspapers. On the confirmation of a journalist - "Evening Moscow", "Independent Gazeta", "New Gazeta" and others.

Military journalist Orhan Gemal

At the new field, the gemal discovered the glory of a risky military bar, which is different from the other involvement in the situation highlighted in the report. So, colleagues remember that the journalist tried to help the characters of the plots, was interested in their lives and fate beyond the filming.

The religion of Gemaal is still a father. The boy belongs to the followers of the Prophet Mohammed. Islam and Muslim world often became objects for lighting in plots and blog blogs.

Orhan Gemal in Teludia

In 2000, "Union of Religious Journalists" is being created by him and its like-minded people, and in 2003 the Muslim Union of Journalists of Russia. From 2011, Gemal is invited to the post of Special Correspondent of the newspaper "Izvestia". In addition to journalistic work, it remains a Columnist blog in the "snob". An experienced and charismatic warrior acts as an invited expert and the observer in the broadcast show and radio broadcasts, including on the "Echo of Moscow" and "Rain".

Meanwhile, the opinions expressed by Orha Heidarovich are disputes and condemnation of even oppositional journalists in relation to state policy. So, Jamel criticized sharply and expressed against Russia's accession to Russia, argued that Russia is to blame for the incitement of military conflict in the Donbas.

Orhan Gemal was wounded in Georgia

In an interview with Radio Liberty, a journalist frankly declared that it refers to the Prokrainians, called himself "dill" and noted that the Ukrainian people had the right to rebellion and self-determination. At the same time, according to the military bar, the Bandera were only a propaganda phenomenon.

Among the high-profile statements by Gemal - the denial of the Holocaust, and therefore he was accused of anti-Semitism.

Book of Orhan Gemal

Unsuburnes of the journalist to the sharp sensations and fearlessness. Colleagues recall that during hostilities at the Donbass Orhan attended the events in the bake, while inappropriately stood in full growth under flying bullets. In the end, in the fall of 2014, the correspondent was captured by the fighters of the battalion "Azov", subjected to interrogations, but was subsequently released.

Prior to this incident, Orhahan Heydarovich fell under the shelling in Georgia in 2008. After that, Jemal wrote a book about the Russian-Georgian-Ossetian conflict "War. Chronicle of five days." He was injured in Libya in 2011. These events seemed to have just spurred a journalist to cast another challenge to fate and death.

Personal life

Family life details remained for the execution of reports on military conflicts and disagreements of states. It is known that Jemal, following the example of ancestors, married a Russian woman. The elected of the journalist was the colleague on the workshop - the special correspondent of the "New Gazeta" Irina Gordienko.

Irina Gordienko, Orhan Gemal, Alisher Saipov

The wife of Gemal covered the relations of Russia and Georgia in reports and articles, raised the topic of the life of Russian prisoners. Irina did not accept Islam, unlike the mother of Orhan Heidarovich, but in an interview with the Zauro Gaziyev Special Fores "Izvestiy" shared hopes for the acceptance of the wife of Muslim religion.

As for children - the correspondent brought up the only son of Mansur.


On July 30, 2018, a shocking news appeared in the media that in the territory of the Central African Republic, 23 kilometers from the town of Sibu, the bodies of three Russian journalists were discovered, shot in the salon of the jeep. The truth is that these people are journalists, namely Orhan Gemal, Kirill Radchenko and Alexander Rastorguev, did not significantly know immediately.

Kirill Radchenko, Alexander Rastorguev and Orhan Gemal

According to rumors, the Izvestia certificates were found at the dead, later the publisher stated the absence of employees in the territory of the CAR. In Facebook »Friend and Colleagues Orhan Heydarovich, Maxim Shevchenko, a message appeared that the spouse of the journalist identified her husband in photographs.

According to the official version, correspondents arrived in the country on July 27 to work on the film about the mercenaries of the Cheap "Vagner", explained the partners of journalists from the "Department of Investigations Management", funded by Mikhail Khodorkovsky. The group acted incognito, not ahead of Russian and local authorities. The assistant allegedly performed by the representative of UN peacekeepers. Some Martin, who recommended the Russian Russian women who had to take them to a meeting with the instructors of Wagner in Berengo.

Funeral Orhan Gemal

According to the CSD, investigators were not allowed to the territory of the base due to the lack of permission of the Ministry of Defense of the CAR. Then journalists went further on the estimated base in Sibu. Without reaching the city, armed people were attacked on one of the locations on the car, shooting the car practically in emphasis. In this case, the driver was not killed.

According to the main version, the cause of the attack was robbery, since journalists had a large amount of money, as well as many expensive equipment. The bodies of the dead were delivered to their homeland on August 5, 2018 for funerals.

The death of colleagues became a shock for press workers, journalists, not even supporting the position of the dead, for example, Vladimir Solovyov, Armen Gasparyan and others, expressed sincere condolences about what happened.

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