Group "Zero" - Composition, Photo, Personal Life, News, Songs 2021



Many music lovers agree that Soviet music left a trace in history. Despite the diversity of genres and the emergence of new stars on the Russian stage, such groups as "cinema", "earthlings", "Gaza Strip" and "King and Jester", continue to sound in the headphones of Punk Rock lovers.


It is impossible not to include in this list and group "zero", which conquered students of rock and roll, melodic songs with hidden meaning and the original genre of music.

History of the group and composition

The history of the "zero" group consists of biographies of its participants. The founder of the Soviet rock collective is considered to be Fedor Chistyakova, whose life is filled with memorable moments. In adolescence, Fedor was busy searching for a guide star and found it in the form of music.

When purples switched to the seventh class, he met Alexey Nikolaev, who is fond of the game on string instruments. In addition, Nikolaev had his own team that performs improvised songs at school events.

Group frontman

Fedor Chistyakov, who was in the creative company wanted to become the leader of the Rock Group. However, soon his desire came true.

Two years later, cleanyakov and Nikolaev met Anatoly Platonov, who also showed a desire to become a full participant of the new team. Giano guys were preparing for the launch of the musical project, so instead of learning lessons at school, Fyodor developed creatively, writing ballads and romantic poems on the back of the back.

Fedor Chistyakov and Alexey Nikolaev

By the end of the 10th grade, young people came up with enough songs for the album, so they went to show their creativity to the sound engineer Andrei Tropillo, who spun the groups "Aquarium", "Alice", "Time Machine", etc. It is worth noting that the guys chose this producer due to the fact that the underground recording studio was not far from the school.

Thus, already in 1986, the team came out the first magneto album called "Music of Drachev Files". By the way, it is this period worth considering the most active in the group's activities.

Fedor Chistyakov, Alexey Nikolaev and Anatoly Platonov

The rock musicians were awarded recognition and glory by collecting the crowds in concerts of not indifferent fans. But the initial composition of the team did not hold out for a long time.

For example, while Alexey Nikolaev served in the army, various musicians played with the group. Behind the drum installation, Sharkov, Voronov and Nikolchak were sitting. Also at one time, the team left the pips, old people and hussaks. The only participants who lasted to the end were cleaner and Nikolaev.


The "zero" group pleased the fans of the trigger puncture until a certain point, then the musicians followed a break, which stretched for five years.

In 1992, Fyodor Chistyakov turned out to be in the investigative insulator "Crosses" of St. Petersburg. Frontman punk band received a charge of the 30th article of Ukrf ("Cooking for a crime and an attempt on a crime").

Successfully starting on the Russian scene, the vocalist broke his destiny, attacking the knife to his cohabitant Irina Linnik. At the court, the founder of the group "Zero", which made the murder attempt, admitted that he wanted to save humanity from witchcraft. According to Fedor, his girlfriend was a witch.

Solist group

It is not surprising that after such recognition of cleaning was sent for compulsory treatment with a diagnosis of paranoid schizophrenia. It is noteworthy that after the frontman came out to the will, he joined the "Jehovah's Witnesses", which affected his personal life.

In 1997-98, the "five-year calm" ended, and the "zero" group gained a second breath. If we talk about the participants of that time, the vocalist was Fyodor Chistyakov, Georgy Starikov played on the guitar, Alexei Nikolayev, and Peter Strankov, on Balalyak, was playing. For bass guitar rhythms, Dmitry Hussakov answered.


In such a composition, the musicians played several concert tours, and the name of the rock band was changed: the audience was announced that the scene would appear "Fyodor cleaners and the group` zero` ", or" Fyodor cleaner and an electronic folklore orchestra ".

I did not have time to enjoy the "second breathing", as in 1998, after the release of the album "that so the heart is razoring," she broke up.

However, Fyodor cleaner continued to keep the rock scene afloat, organizing a team called the "Green Room".


The music of the group "Zero" is distinguished by a variety, among genre components of critics allocate Russian rock, folk rock, postpank, folk punk and punk rock.

The debut album "Music of Drachev Files" is different from the subsequent repertoire of the "zero" group. Formerly, young people focused on the Western scene, so the sound of post-punk hears in the songs.

The "zero" group stands out against the rest of the rest thanks to the main soling tool Fedor Chistyakov: the performer diluted the rock music game on the accordion. However, in the first album punk band, the sound of the accordion is not heard in the foreground.

Further, in 1989, the musicians came out the album "Tales", thanks to which the team quickly won popularity in the USSR.

The third Studio Album "Northern Bugs" came out on the audio cassette in the 1990s. This collection of songs differs from the rest: the album is divided into two thematic parts: "Northern Bugs" and "Flying to the Moon". In 1992, several songs from the audio cassette entered the Soundtrack of the film "Gonongfer", filmed by the director Bakhyt Kilibayev.

In the collection "Northern Bugs", the sound of psychedelic and progressive rock is clearly heard.

In the same 1990, already famous musicians had a debut concert album "School of Life", consisting of concert records of 1987-90. In this album, Fyodor cleaners demonstrated the boutinal improvisation, which replaced guitar sound. In this collection of songs consist of a variety of applications: the music was going from the chastushki, urban folklore and even jazz.

In 1991, the fourth studio album "Zero" ("Song about unrequited love for the Motherland" came out, which critics considered the best in the workshop of the team, since it contains the best hits that the people learned almost by heart.

This includes songs "Into, Kurly", "Man and Cat", "Song about the real Indian", "Lenin Street" and others. Most singles entered the rotation of the Russian Radio, some of them sound on the air to this day.

In the "Song about Unrequited Love to the Motherland" Singles Acoustic, and only one composition "You brake" is recorded in "full-fledged electricity", where fans hear the rhythmic blows of drums and heavy rock.

1992 has become productive for musicians, because they recorded two albums - "halfdra" and "ripe foolish". The first is the use of abnormative vocabulary, which was not observed in the previous work of the team.

By the way, the collection "halfdra" was financed by the Pyramid of "MMM" Sergey Mavrodi: at that time, the drummer Alexei Nikolaev was in the ranks of this company. It is noted that the recording of the collection was severe and painful, which is associated with the departure of Starikov and the moral state of Fedor Chistyakov. Of the thirty recorded songs in the final version, only eight entered.

If we talk about the album "ripen fool", then the collection recorded in 1992 was released only in 2003. There entered the archival songs of musicians, also with the use of jargon words.

Group "zero" now

On July 31, 2017, "Zero" presented a single "time to live": this song was the last work of Chistyakov and Nikolaev. In general, the idea of ​​the composition was conceived in 1992, but the idea was never completed. After 25 years, the lyrics were completed and submitted to the public.

Group frontman

In addition, according to the portal "RIA Novosti", the soloist of the group "Zero" Fyodor Chistyakov canceled concerts in Russia until 2018. The refusal of the musician from tour is associated with a change in the order of obtaining visas to the United States by citizens of Russia.

"I will not go to Russia. Now I will not go there. There will be no concerts," commented cleaners on his website.


  • 1984 - "SCRAP"
  • 1985-1986 - "Music of Drachev Files"
  • 1989 - "Fairy Tales"
  • 1990 - "Northern Bugs"
  • 1990 - "Govnok"
  • 1990 - "Song about unrequited love for homeland"
  • 1992 - "halfdra"
  • 1991-1992 - "Durge matured"
  • 2001 - "Blues Cuban Negro"
  • 2009-2010 - "Dejavu"
  • 2010 - "Updated2012"
  • 2016 - "No Fools"


  • 1987 - "Bolts, ahead!"
  • 1991 - "You are brake"
  • 1992 - "Song about the real Indian"
  • 1992 - "I go, smoke"
  • 1997 - "Man and Cat"

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