Kelly Railley - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Kelly Railley is a popular British actress of theater and cinema, producer, winner of the Cannes Film Festival Prizes, Empire Awards and others. Known to lovers of cinema on the tapes "Britain", "black box", "crew".

Childhood and youth

Kelly's biography began in Surrey County in South England on June 18, 1977. The childhood of the future actress passed in the vicinity of London, in the town of Cheszsington. Her father Jack Railley was a retired police officer, and the mother worked as secretary in the hospital - the parents had no relation to the theater, and therefore was surprised by the manifestation of acting talent at her daughter.

Actress Kelly Railil

With his bright appearance, the actress is obliged to Irish roots - red hair and gray-green eyes became her business card. As a child, Little Kelly attended a closed school for girls and hoped to succeed in the scientific sphere. But so it was until the first visits to the theater. Touching the world of art changed her life priorities.

Without the experience of the game, even in a dramatic school, Kelly still received a role in the television project "The Chief Suspect" - she herself wrote a letter to the producers of films and won the casting in six months.

Kelly Railley in youth

In 1997, the purposeful Railley left the house to take part in the shooting of the series - she had to play a minor drug addict who was accused of killing a mother. This role allowed to believe in their own strength, which finally determined the choice of the future profession. In this picture, the debutant played together with Helen Mirren.

After 6 years, the agreed actress returned again to this project and was filmed in the continuation of the film "The main suspect 4: a narrow circle", but in another role. Mirren noted that he did not doubt the success of persistent and talented Kelly.

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Having decided to career in the world of cinema and theater, Kelly sent all his strength to achieve success on this field. To seek roles, she attended numerous samples and castings, so I never received any education, including theatrical. But the girl herself provided himself - at the beginning of a career when young actresses did not pay serious fees, she worked as a waitress.


After the debut in the movie followed the first role in the theater - in 1997, the girl took part in the production of English playwright Terry Johnson "Points of Elton John", which was held at the Watford Palace Theater in Hartfordshire.

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Johnson himself responded to Kelly as a very talented and emotional actress with a big margin of patience. In the future, Railley took part in other modulations of the playwright. Also in 1997, the first film was released in her filmography - a detective melodrama "Rebecca".

The actress combines work in theatrical projects and shooting. Behind the 20-year-old career, Kelly was starred in 45 projects, also on her account 13 theatrical productions. Workability, naturalness and natural talent actresses are marked by solid nominations and awards.

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In Railley's account, several nominations for the Lawrence of Olivier and British independent cinema. By the way, the first nomination for this premium for the production of "After Miss Julie" on the stage of the Metropolitan Theater Donamar was in 2003 - at that time actresses were 26 years old. This is a kind of record, since there was no more young nomineer in the entire history of the prize.

In 2009, Kelly nominated for the Olivier Award for the role of Dzentemon in the theater production "Othello". The image of Kelly created in the tape "The image of Kelly received a nomination for the Cesear Award, work on the films" Mrs. Henderson "," Paradise Lake "brought the British independent cinema award.

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In 2005, the actress receives the Chopard Prize for the best female role - it was handed over in Cannes. In 2012 at the International Film Festival in Hollywood, she got a Spotlight award for the role in the film "Crew."

Also, criticism appreciated her work in the painting "Mrs. Henderson presents" - for her actress received awards of the Awards of the US National Council of Film Crims and Empire Awards. The role of Morin allowed the actress to win the official recognition of critics. In addition, she has a lot of bright roles - Mary Morsten in Sherlock Holmes, Caroline Bingley in the adaptation of the book "Pride and Prejudice".

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In 2010, Kelly Railley acted as a co-producer in the series "Black Box", in which, in a couple with Vanessa, Redgrave played one of the main roles. In general, at the acting career of Railley worked on the same site with many world celebrities - this is Denzel Washington, Keira Knightley, Sam Rokwell, Audrey Touu, Romain Dubis and others.

Personal life

Railley is considered to be a British actress, but for a long time its permanent stay has become America - this is due to the change in the marital status. In 2012, Kelly became the wife of Kayl Boer and moved to New York. The activity of her husband is not connected with the world of art - he is a bank employee.

Kelly Railley and her husband Kyle Boker

Before the meeting with Kyle Kelly did not start long novels, because, according to her, they "overlap her oxygen." Previously, among her boyfriends were colleagues from Jay Field and John Lotan, and in an interview with the actress, he did not have to create a family with a person who did not understand the lifestyle of artists.

Now the celebrity family is only her husband, there are no children with a couple.

Kelly Railil now

The latest work of the actress in cinema is fantasy series "Britain" and Yellowstone. Railley prefers not to advertise a personal life, rarely appears on photo shoots in fashion magazines or on the Red Track of Festivals, posts in "Instagram" and "Twitter".

Kelly Railley in 2018

According to Kelly, she wants to remember the characters in the cinema, and not and luxurious outfits - the actress against the self-consuming on fashionable parties.


  • 2019 - "Eli"
  • 2018 - "Britain"
  • 2017 - "10 to 10"
  • 2016 - "Steep Measures"
  • 2014 - "Lighting Stars"
  • 2013 - "Calvary"
  • 2013 - "Chinese puzzle"
  • 2012 - "Crew"
  • 2011 - "Sherlock Holmes: game of shadows"
  • 2009 - "Sherlock Holmes"
  • 2008 - "Paradise Lake"
  • 2007 - "Mushroom Raincoat"
  • 2005 - "Pride and Prejudice"
  • 2002 - "Spaniard"
  • 1997 - Rebecca

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