Andrei Beburishvili - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Resident "Comedy Club", Yana Yenzhaeva 2021



A young talented standap-comedian with a sophisticated family of Beburishvili pleasantly surprised by experts of modern humor. The fans also fell in love with the artist, but the biography of Andrei remains not such an open book as candid monologues and jokes on the verge of a foul, which tells the "Comedy Club" resident.

Childhood and youth

Andrei was born on September 11, 1992 in Volgograd. The comedian jokes, which was born under the sign of the Zodiac Tower-twin. By nationality he is Russian.

The parents of the boy were dedicated to the life of medicine, famous in Volgograd, the physician worked and grandfather Andrew. Therefore, at yesterday's schoolboy Beburishvili, the choice of a relatively future profession was stood. The young man became a student of a local medical school and received a surgeon's diploma. Although the latter is still lying on the shelf, Andrei himself believes that the specialty may be useful on any of the life stages.

In an interview, the actor recalled that he was separated from a red diploma. One exam sued because of the series "Game of Thrones", which seized the attention of the young man on the night before the surrender.

Artistic, with a sense of humor, the student became the captain of the KVN team "Optimus Prime". Although the team has established itself in the local league, the team did not exist for a long time. However, the comedian decided not to part with jokes and the idea of ​​becoming a famous humorist.

Humor and creativity

In 2014, Andrei was included in the list of the project participants of the TNT "Comedy Battle" channel. He told that he tried to get on the stage in the Stand Up show, but every time his jokes did not pass the primary editorial selection. But in "Comedy Battle" did not miss a couple of phrases. So yesterday's Medic student was in Moscow.

In an interview with AiF Volgograd, Andrei told that he arrived in the capital two weeks before the start of filming and, like other participants, edited the text of the speech and was preparing to enter the jury. The comedians set aside with some young men, which, as it turned out, posed on his page in Vkontakte in the dress. A neighbor turned out to be a commitment to same-sex relationships. As Andrei is joking, it is even beneficial to live next door to gay - thanks to him, the artist's clothing has always been deployed.

Going to the stage, Beburishvili immediately conquered the jury with a sparkling humor and caused an apparent laughter and supporting the audience. Leading Pavel Volya noticed that Andrei was already a ready-made artist who could give concerts, and a member of the jury Semyon Slepakov described the comedian as an intelligent and witty young man. The remaining professionals of modern humor - Garik Martirosyan and Sergey Svetlakov - agreed with colleagues.

When Beburishvili unexpectedly forgot the words during a performance, members of the jury favorably released a young man from the stage, explaining that everything is clear - Andrei Talented and is able to joke.

Andrei Beburishvili - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Resident

In the final monologue, the comedian told about the uselessness of the New Year. At the same time, the actor demonstrated a demonic voice that became a company. According to the results of the show of money and apartments, Standap-Artist did not receive, but achieved another significant award - the right to become a resident "Comedy Club".

Without postponing in a long box, Andrei "Babu is not Spieden Beburishvili" (such a pseudonym chose an artist at the beginning of the way to "gods") appeared on stage with the stars of humor Garico Kharlamov, Pavel Will, Garick Martirosyan, Timur Batrutdinov and others. At the same time, the humorist was honored to be presented by all members of the jury "Comedy Battle". In the first speech as a resident of the Chief Standap-club of the country, Andrei told about what was able to achieve in his 22nd years.

Beburishvili admits that monologues writes himself. And for creative inspiration, the speeches of Mikhail Zhvanetsky and Arkady Rykin, trying to adapt their subtle humor to the realities of the standa. Jokes of humorist are often based on real life events. Of course, the facts are significantly embellished and exaggerated, but the essence is taken from the experience of the comedian, as, for example, in the monologue about the graduation.

After the debut in the "Comedy Club", Andrei's career went on an increasing. In 2016, the young man became a member of the Star Race on the "Friday" channel. Demonstrate the passion for quick ride together with him were able to other stars, such as Mitya Fomin, Natalia Bochkarev, Dzhigan and others.

Andrei Beburishvili - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Resident

From 2017, together with the participant of STAND UP projects, the "slaughter league" and "laughter without rules" by Irina Soft, who spoke in the position of producer, Andrei is working on the "Open Microphone" program. The show, which leads Beburishvili, goes on the TNT channel. In addition to Volgogradz, other popular comedian comedians participate in the work - Ruslan White, Julia Akhmedova, Glory Commissionarenko.

Having become a popular person, the "Comedy Club" resident not only acts as a lead or joking from the stage, but also participates in other programs. In 2017, together with a colleague from the "open microphone", Irina Soft Andrei competed in solving the comic riddles of the project "where logic" with the participants of the show "Once in Russia" Alexander Ptashenchuk and Catherine Morgunova.

In 2018, the Standap-comic became a member of the new CTT Channel Show. Under the leadership of Ilya Sobolev, four humorists, do not hesitate, joking about the stars of show business, looking into their eyes. The first participant of the program Olga Buzova showed creativity and issued a series of prepared jokes in response.

On the stage of "Comedy Club", Andrei presented a new character - Paco, daring, self-confident and loving frank jokes Macho, who became alter-ego humorist. In his rooms, he talks about Paco's life, which causes live interest among the public.

Personal life

Handsome young man with a beard and tattoos have always attracted the attention of girls. However, Andrew's relations remained a mystery for fans. Even at the beginning, the comedian career mentioned that his heart is employed and it consists in relations in which support and love receives. However, then the name and identity of an unknown chosen not posted. Pages in social networks "Instagram", "Twitter" and "Vkontakte" also did not shed light to the question, tormented by comic fans. In the photo, he appears in the company of colleagues or friends.

However, Andrei has a monologue about where he argues, how hard it is difficult to throw a girl. But at the end of the speech notes that it was still possible to do it. It is only known that the young man has not yet acquired his wife and his own family. Against the background of this, rumors appeared that Andrei Non-traditional orientation. However, they were not confirmed.

Now the humorist is happy in his personal life. He found a girl with whom he was comfortable and nice to spend time. Chosen by Jan Yenzhaeva. By profession, she actress, in her filmography there is a role in the series "Shamelessness".

Other girls in Andrei's eyes fed on the background of Yana. The humorist shared his impressions from relationships:

"You are lying, hugging, and before - I didn't want the girl to touch me. I just thought: "Using, do not touch me, please. You are already waiting for a taxi, go. What was it at all? Fu, disgust!" "

Beburishvili even devoted the Yenzhaya number. The monologue was called "personal space". The comedian told that already on the first date handed the girl keys from the apartment, and they began to live together. After moving, he realized that women do not know what a personal space is.

Andrei Beburishvili now

2020 became productive. The humorist starred in several projects. The first is the 10th season "Comedy Battle". The second is the music program "Studio Union", where he roldiously with Viktor Komarov.

In May, Andrei Beburishvili became a member of the show on the Yutiub-Channel "And to talk?". In an interview with Irina Shikhman, the humorist spoke about his career, creative path, ambitions and plans. He did not bypassed the question of his personal life. Beburishvili shared that he used to be a sweet man. But his behavior has changed when he met one girl:

"I am very in love. But I want comfort, maybe old. Previously came to an empty apartment and thought: as well, that no one makes the brain. Then it became lonely. When purposefully looking for - everything was past when she calmed down, then the second half I found me. "

Andrei also said that he wanted to be the hero of the popular TV show "Bachelor". But he could not pass the casting and was very upset. The comic was a shame that Batrutdinov and Buzova "are sitting on the islands and eat tasty", and he is not. On this occasion, he even wrote a humorous monologue, but he never went on the air - it was cut out.

Beburishvili had a plan regarding the Show "Bachelor". He told that he wanted to come to him with his girlfriend, who met to Yana, and choose her in the final.

In November, Andrei and the participant of Stand Up Show on TNT Guram Amaryan gave a concert in St. Petersburg. Special guests were also invited to him. The event was held in compliance with all quarantine measures.


  • "Comedy Battl"
  • "Comedy club"
  • "Star Race"
  • "Where is the logic"
  • "Open microphone"
  • "Frozhar"

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