Colombin - character biography, image and character, name


Character History

Kolombina is a curious character of the Italian Comedy of Masks, whose story goes back to the sixteenth century. It combines authentic traditions and cultural codes, as well as reflection of crafts and morals.

Mask Colombina

The actors involved in improvisational performances wore a mask, so the face of the executivers of the role of the colombina was closed. Each time a concrete actor who performed the same role was hidden for the career. Masks were made by personal cast and used for several years.

History of creation

The Italian comedy del Arte is an improvisational genre, the tradition of which originated in the distant 1600s. It still attracts theaters and ordinary spectators coming to the theater to relax the soul.

Comedy del Arte

Artists gathered in the wandering troupes and performed on street scenes, continuing the tradition of the area. The audience was entertained by acrobatic etudes, comic sketches and basic representation. The plot did not have a clear structure. There was a leitmotif to which acting speeches were rushing.

Repertoire Comedy Del Artte was built on household scenes, adjacent to love collisions. The authors ridiculed the vices of society, duplicated the stories of ancient works, focused on occurring urban events, gossip and legends. The dialogues ranged, and the action varied depending on the reaction of the public.


In order for the audience to be easier to distinguish with the characters, their character was described with the help of grotesque outlines of clothes, shoes and masks. Women's roles were distributed between men. They put on the ladies' dress and wigs, breeding the definition of travesting.

The Italian comedy masks became the progenitor of the pantomime, animated plots, sitcom and stand. Templates used in drama and performing arts are relevant and today.

Colombin and Harlequin

The example used in modern cinematic and literary works became Colombin. The meaning of this character is "Dove". The character of the Italian Comedan was embodied when using a mask, which covered only eyes. The legend says that one beautiful actress refused to hide her beauty and became the foundation of the new mask format.

The character of the character reminds Harlequin's clothes, which is why the girl is often named Arquin. Clothes from the payments, bright causing makeup and tambourine were essential colombin attributes. She acted as a provincial maid, followed by Pantalon, the only one of all the heroes distinguished by the presence of intelligence.

Colombin and Pantalon

A deft manipulator, Kolombina sentenced Harlequin on the tricks, adjusted conspiracies against Pantalon and became the Creator of the fate of his in love. Natura Colombina is not vulgar. The girl who is capable of intrigue participated in the confusing peripetias of action.

Colombina mask in various works assign different names. The girl became Mirandolina, Smerafina, Flash. Kakented with men, she did not forget about insight and smelter. The girl was distinguished accuracy and had ready-made solutions for any occasion.

Darina from the plays of Moliere Tartuf

Colombina was the type called subrete. In traditional comic ideas, Subrete is distinguished by a solicitious and perky character, wit and resourcefulness. The bright representative of this type is Susanna, the heroine of the work of the Beaouta "crazy day, or the marriage of Figaro", or Darina from the play of Moliere Tartuf.

Colombin in culture

The image of the colombina is popular in art. Alexander Blok dedicated her a poem "Double". The heroine was mentioned by the block and in the poem "Balant". Together with Piero Colombin became the main face of the work.

Colombin and Piero

In the characteristic appearance, the illustrators of the janitor and Shemyakin captured the heroes on the pages of books. In a fairy tale of Tolstoy about a wooden boy, Pinocchio, the character of the Colombina was present, but was modified in the lamp and akchachyka Malvin. Boris Akunin mentioned the type of girl in the "Lover of Death" book.

Artists of different epochs were inspired by the appearance of the colombina, the character and relationship between the heroine with other representatives of the comedy del Arte. Edgar Degas, Jean-Leon Zherom, Konstantin Somov, Alexander Benoit and other painters depicted masks on their canvases, developing the topic of Love Pierro in Colombin and the romantic passion for the girl by Herlequin.

Pinocchina and Colombin in the form of Malvina

Today the mask name is popular in theatrical environment. Mondering the origin of this hero, the directors use a popular image in productions. The bright appearance of the colombina is relevant to advertising. Its name is called theatrical studios, dance circles and other organizations specializing in the development of creative abilities. An unusual Italian word by fraud attracts marketers interested in the fact that the aesthetics accompany the company's image.


The image of the colombina was modified with time and became rather nominal. In cinema, the sonorous name is used for ambitious and artistic heroines. In 2002, the director Michael Moore removed the film "Bowling for Colombina".

Colombin - character biography, image and character, name 1418_9

Luke Veson became a producer of ribbon called "Colombiana". The picture came out on large screens in 2011. The main role was played by Zoe Sidanan.

Historians and art historians participate in artistic and documentary projects devoted to the study of theatrical genres and trends. In this perspective, the image of the colombina is significant and attractive.

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