Jacques Anthony - biography, photo, personal life, news, songs 2021



Jacques Anthony - a figure in the Russian rap is noticeable at least because the guy is blacksmith. In addition, the musician does not robe before the authorities in this genre and developed its own style, and in an interview he struck deep, philosophical reflections. True, with the selection of means of expressiveness rapper, it does not bother, it owns a good syllable syllable, and obscene vocabulary.

Rapper Jacques Anthony

Label Reigun Records, who once took up the promotion of Jacques, the guy liked that he was told in the songs not only about girls and cars, and raised morality issues. Yes, and Reigun himself raised the status of the studio to the label, when Anthony joined his ranks.

Childhood and youth

On the passport of Anthony - Jacques Menshikov. The relatives of the guy live on 2 continents - in Africa and Russia. Simon Jori's mother - a native of Congo, was a member of the first Russian hip-hop community D.O.B. Community. Subsequently, having consisted that "the talent of women among men is doomed to loneliness," Simon left the group, began to write scenarios and fascinated by the director.

Jacques Anthony in childhood

The musician is the name of the stepfather of Andrei Menshikova, the most ligaliza, the famous Rapper and the owner of the MTV Russia award. When Jacques turned 21, a biological father came out to communicate with him. A man lives in the Congo, works by the oilman and, according to Anthony, "strains" by what makes you throw rap and teaches how to break through in life. Whereas the performer, according to his own recognition, does not need advice.

Childhood of Jacques, according to his stories, was violent and colorful. In 1996, the whole family was in the Congo. When the war began in the country, Legaliz came back to his homeland, and Simon remained. Anthony later recalled that the period of life with his father became the most free in his biography, although he had little difference from the existence of black in Brooklyn ghetto, except that they did not shoot each other.

Jacques Anthony and Ligalize

The boy went to School of Honored Teacher of Russia Sergei Kazarnovsky, in which the children of the elite - actors, bankers, musicians studied. This educational institution with a creative bias, students were allowed to express themselves how to tell fantasy. The main thing is to be able to explain what you do and what you want to say.

"The kayf ended" at 9 years old - Simon divorced himself with the Ligaliz and took the Son to St. Petersburg. There, Jacques, in addition to study at school, was engaged in dancing and karate. However, asking interest in Rap, in the opinion of the mother, threatened the further prospects of Anthony. The boy became increasingly disappearing on various parties. The promise of Jori will not help to give a car if Jacques successfully graduates from school.

Jacques Anthony in the army

For some period, the rapper studied in the Congo under the supervision of a rich uncle. Simon sent him to Africa when Anthony was the first time at the police station for the use of Gasishe.

Returning to Moscow, the guy entered the political scientist to Rudn, but the study was not set. Jacques told that at that time he risked "get to the grandmother" or perish at all, "the shoals were a lot." Saved the service in the ranks of the RVSN, where the musician earned the epaulent efreitor. About the black guy from the Ivanovo division filmed the transfer of the Channel One. And even there, the rapper managed to lead a certain underground business. But the army, as they say, made Anthony by man.


The figures of the Russian rap-scene Jacques knew from childhood, but neither these connections, or the help of his father did not use, with him 10 years old does not communicate. According to the recognition of the Menshikov, the elder, in inflating the conflict with Anthony there is a share of the guilt of the press, which was named the novice Rapper only with the son of Ligaliz. Andrei has already started another family, brought up a child, and then journalists fell and intervened in a personal life. The situation strained both sides.

In the early period of Creativity, Jacques marked the execution of pop rock in English, but then hip-hop took over. Under the pseudonym DXN BNLVDN rapper released a double mixture "Fire Tony" and the video for the song Day After Day, in addition, the commercial for its own clothing brand PVRVVDigmv.

Troyed by Jacques-Anthony, the musician presented a "neomar" video and a mini-album "Enough questions." All that did not fall into the previous plates entered the "#Noname" album.

Rapper Jacques Anthony on stage

Fame came after the release of the "Old Testament" track in 2014. In December of the next Jacques finished work on the album "That the most ebony." Such an active artist Publication of Rhyme and Panci put forward a "breakthrough of the year" award.

In February 2016, the Rapper is presented the debut studio "Sugarless" from 13 songs, including the Porchy MS fulfilled with the British MS. Then followed the clips "I exhale smoke", "do as it should", "signals". From Smokey Mo Anthony recorded the composition "Director".

The song "Our Area" became a soundtrack for the film Fyodor Bondarchuk "Attraction". I didn't like the picture of Anthony, he "fits" in the project for the sake of a friend Nikita Kukushkin, who was shot there.

In the same year, fans received the second full-fledged album "Dorian Gray. Volume 1. In the title of Anthony used the name of the Hero of the Roman Oscar Wilde. The second part is on the approach. The author described the record as a less clear, but more conceptual, after which, as jacket jacket, a direct path to a mental hospital.

Personal life

Jacques tells about himself briefly: having heard, jealous, does not perceive criticism, loves milk, cartoon "Prince of Egypt" and works by Mikhail Bulgakov. At leisure, Anthony plays on computer consoles in games where you need to compete together. Alcohol does not use.

Jacques Anthony and his wife Oksana

The personal life of Rapper is known that the wife was called Oksana. In 2013, the pair had a daughter Michel, and after 5 years, the family broke up. Anthony began a new love story with a young Badsophie performer.

Jacques somehow confessed that it requires 3 million rubles for the normal life and implementation of conceived projects. per month. There is no such money from the singer, but Anthony easily buys design things and dear toys for her daughter. It claims that people investing considerable funds are found not only in his music. These anonymies attract all aspects of the existence of an artist.

Among the colleagues, the first place of Jacques puts oxxxymiron, believes that the one as no one corresponds to the world level. There is no speech about Timati, "he has long been promoted, and he is not a rapper." In 2015, together with the Miron, the musician recorded the composition and clip "Belfred".

Anthony started accounts in Twitter and Instagram.

Jacques Anthony now

In 2017, the artist began to lead the Lifestyle Vlog, which tells about concerts and free pastime. In October, the release of the clip is "expensive", while this is the most expensive roller of Jacques - one shooting cost 2.2 million rubles.

At the accusations that the Plagiat of Vitamin Skriptonitis was accused, Anthony replied that it was just genre similarity, "which is not resting anywhere." One rapper recorded the composition in the style of techno, did not like the second, and he did in his own way. And in Russia, the result for some reason is called bytes, which in the Hip-hop language means copying.

At the beginning of 2018, Jacques presented the video "Young King", the album "Luli" of 7 tracks, a little later - a new composition "Do not stop", recorded with the Singer Gabi. The girl became the main face in the clip. The director of the video was performed by Irina Laptev, collaborating with Yegor's crum, such as Sokolova, Klava Koko. The daughter of Rapper Michelle appeared in the video for the song "Clean yourself".

On places of tour of the tour in support of "Lulley" reports the site created to this end. Anthony - a strong man (height - 181 cm, weight - 79 kg), rolled down, but also a busy schedule affected him: in May 2018, with a speech in Nizhny Novgorod, the singer with overwork was taken to the hospital, the nearest concerts were canceled. However, in August, the performer has already pleased fans in St. Petersburg.

Jacques Anthony in 2018

Without false modesty, Anthony believes that the main consumer of the music produced by him is a western black listener. And to start working there, rapper wants to grow to the desired level here.

Critically believed earlier towards the commercialization of Rap Jacques changed his mind and commented that people want to eat and make their lives better, and those who do not like it, "go on ***."


  • 2013 - "Flame Tony"
  • 2013 - "Flame Tony II"
  • 2014 - "Enough questions"
  • 2014 - Molly Cyrus
  • 2015 - "damaged"
  • 2015 - "That Negro"
  • 2016 - Zebra (as part of the Duet "35r")
  • 2016 - "Dorian Gray. Volume 1 "
  • 2017 - "DOROGO"
  • 2017 - "at any cost"
  • 2018 - "Luli"

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