Sasha Cest - biography, photo, personal life, news, songs 2021



Sasha Chest is a talented rapper, which has proven his own biography: for a purposeful man who believes in his dream, there is nothing impossible. In a short time, he managed to draw attention to the very eminent rap projects of the country, to achieve popularity from the listeners and write not one hit. And, apparently, to dwell on the achieved artist is not going.

Childhood and youth

Alexander Morozov (such a Passport name RPER) was born on July 19, 1987. The homeland of the artist is a cedar town that in the Tomsk region. From childhood, Alexander was carried away by music and sought his own style for some time. Having become acquainted with rap culture, Morozov understood that this is exactly what is close to him. Already in high school classes, the young man composed the first songs and recorded the speaking.

Sasha Chest in childhood

It was not without battles - traditional rap-executive competitions, where everyone tries to exceed the opponent in art rhythmically to read the text, which is often composed of impromptu, right during the "fight". Soon Sasha became a famous rapper in his hometown. Then the novel of Kozlov drew attention to the young man, speaking under the pseudonym Capella. He had his own musical team - "for the regiment", to which he suggested to join the young talent. So for Sasha Cestes opened the door to the world of professional music.


As part of the team "For the Regiment" Sasha Cest participating in the record of the album and several clips. Soon the group becomes popular in Tomsk and the region, more and more music lovers will learn about beginner rapeners. However, to real fame, it was still far - small Tomsk did not allow to achieve more. The decision seemed obvious: the musician decided to try his happiness in the metropolis and in 2010 went to conquer Moscow.

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Metropolitan life came to Sasha Cessy on the moral: Rapper constantly participated in Battle, recorded new compositions and won fans. A year later, the rest of the group "For the Regiment" group joined the musician, but soon the team collapsed: young people had a radical look at creativity. So the honest began solo swimming.

Gradually, the level of the musician grew, and after some time the Chest became a serious opponent for Rap-Battlov regulars, and in one of the music competitions even reached the final round, winning at Oxxxymiron) at the Final Round. True, first place was taken by Babangida (Babangida).

In 2015, a creative path of Sasha Sasha is more than a popular rap performer: a talented musician noted Timati and suggested him to join the Black Star label. Chest without thinking agreed and became part of this project, along with the performers Egor Crem, Nathan, Scroughja and others. For the musician, the next stage began in creativity: concerts, rehearsals and, of course, new tracks recorded on the professional studio of the label.

In the same year, Sasha Chest released the composition "Seven Words", the clip on which had a record number of views on social networks, and in 2016 heers pleased the joint song of Sasha, Timati, Schurge and Mota, called "chipping". During cooperation with Black Star, the Chest also managed to perform in a duet with Christina Si and Raper L'One.

Then, in 2016, the musician came out of the label. The reasons for the care of Sasha Cell and remained "for the scenes". According to one of the versions, the basis for the conflict was the small number of tracks that released the battery. Be that as it may, the next year rapper met again in the free flight. Contrary to rumors that Sasha's career will end, the musician has released a collection of compositions recorded with the Mesza performer, as well as several solo works.

And already in 2017, Sasha Chest announced the start of cooperation with the creative project of Vasily Vakulentko (Basta) and his team "Gazgolder". The first track released by the rapper in the new quality conquered lovers of the genre. We are talking about the composition "Cold", which the bid recorded together with Era Cannes. In the summer, the musician spoke at the opening of the sensational festival "#GaZGolderLive", and a few months later, Melomanov was pleased with the news about the preparation of the album.

The first composition, announced the record, has already managed to love listeners. The track, according to the musician, turned out to be very personal. In the words of the song "Houses" Sasha Chest invested the love of his native Siberia, the feelings that the nature of this region gives him, and nostalgia in the house.

The clip fully complies with its content: the video was filmed on Sakhalin, the viewers opened a fascinating video seal with species of wildlife. The Contractor also recorded several songs together with Anna Poleela, a member of the "Voice of Streets" project.

As it often happens at the permanent participants of Rap-Battles, Sasha Cest managed to acquire not only the fans of the talent, but also by Haters - people who do not miss the opportunity to prick the musician or even offend it on the network. However, Sasha, according to his own confession, has already learned not to pay attention to the negative on the Internet, rightly believing that such people do not stand its emotions.

Personal life

The personal life of Rapper is interested in listeners no less than creativity, but Sasha Cest prefers not to advertise relations with the ladies of the heart. It is only known that the musician is not yet married and he has no children.

Sasha Chest now

Now Sasha Chest continues to actively perform with other artists of the Gazgolder label and work on the long-awaited album, whose exit fans expect in 2018. The schedule of concerts of the musician can be seen on fan pages on social networks, as well as on the official website of the Gazgolder project: Rapper's schedule is really dense.

Sasha Chest in 2018

In an interview, the musician admits that it is going to seek greater fame and popularity: according to Cell, now he is surrounded by talented people, communicating with which motivates and helps to cope with emerging difficulties.

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