Lera Didkovskaya - biography, photo, personal life, news, songs 2021



Smiling Lero Didkovskaya call the ray of light in the "Open Kids" group. The singer has an incredible charisma and a solid character. Each speech by young beauties is an incendiary show for thousands of fans.

Childhood and youth

Didkovskaya Valeria Ruslanovna was born on April 17, 2000, the sign of the zodiac - Aries. Childhood has passed in Kiev, where the future singer lived with his family: Mom Snezhane, Father Ruslan and the elder brother Vlad.

Lera Didkovskaya in childhood

Lera dreamed of becoming an artist. Parents supported the desire of the girl, so since 2010 she visited the Ukrainian School of Arts "Open Art Studio". Creativity and studies Didkovskaya combined: in the morning in the lessons, and after - in the studio. Homework girl managed to do in his spare time, which remained after all classes.

Studio is a large-scale project, where every child reveals its potential. The range of possibilities is extremely varied: professionals teach children vocals, choreography, playing musical instruments. In addition, there successfully teach theatrical skills and drawing. Valeria played drums, distinguished himself in the area of ​​choreography and, of course, vocal. Favorite dance styles: Jazz Funk, Vogue and Hip Hop.


In two years of classes in Open Art Studio, Yuri Petrov and Evgeny Milkovsky (the leader of the "Nerva" group) planned the creation of a new youth project. Of the five most talented, in their opinion, girls gathered a team called "Open Kids". The composition includes: Lera Didkovskaya, Angelina Romanovskaya, Julia Gamali, Anna Bobrovskaya and Victoria Vernik, who was replaced by Anna Muzafarov in 2015.

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Serious steps in the world show business Lera and other participants of the "Open Kids" group did in November 2012, when the first video "Show Girls" came out. A young singer's career is directly related to the creativity of the team. There were warm friendly relations between girls, girlfriends are called Didkovskaya Leroni.

On the official website "Open Kids" there is Valeria's profile with a brief dossier. The girl admitted that the founding day of the group was for her the most important point in life. She dreams that one day the team will be world famous.

Lera Didkovskaya and Angelina Romanovskaya

In the asset of Lera Didkovskaya - many clips in the Open Kids group and work with popular stars of show business. The popularity of the project Evgenia Milkovsky and Yuri Petrov grew every year. In 2015, the clip "Do not dance" became the leader in the nomination "Breakthrough" according to the Europa Plus TV TV channel, and then a solo concert in Kiev took place.

In 2016, Valeria Didkovskaya, together with the participants of Open Kids, had a chance to work with the Quest Pistols Show group. The girls starred in the clip "Crue All". In the same year, the team first went on tour within Russia. Floating fame Cool changed the life of Lera. She admitted that at first did not notice that people were expressing increased interest on the streets, and eventually got used to.

2017 year for Didkovskaya is also filled with musical events. The Open Kids group released the "Hooligan" songs, "inside" and "Dance Generation". In 2018, a few more clips came out with the participation of Lera: "Sticker", "Jump", "New Hit". And also the singer visited the Moscow VEGAS Siti Hall with the Open Kids group.

Lera Didkovskaya has pages in social networks, where it is divided by photos and news. Singer is an active user "Instagram". Sleepy beauty growth of 167 cm could well become a successful model or actress. By the way, Didkovskaya had already proposed a role in the comedy "11 children from Morshin" (Producer Sergey Lavrenyuk).

Anna Muzafarova, Julia Gamali and Lera Didkovskaya

New video from Valeria often appear in the network, the girl willingly communicates with fans. For some time, among the fans of the participant "Open Kids" there was an interest in the blog of some Lisa Didkovskaya. It turned out, two celebrities are one surname, but are not sisters. Lera herself met a popular blogger, and now girls are friends.

In an interview, Valeria told that he had achieved only his own difficulty, and the parents did not pay her way to show business. The singer considers the project "Open Kids" by one of the most successful in the Ukrainian market. The family supports Lero in all endeavors and rejoices every victory. Now the girl is still a member of the "Open Kids" group, studying at the University of Theater, Cinema and Television I. K. Karpenko-Karog in the specialty "Speakers, TV presenters", and also teaches modern dances in Open Art Studio in Kiev.

Personal life

On the personal life of young lera is not mentioned in any media. Most likely, due to the age of serious relationships, there is no celebrity. In one of the interviews, Didkovsky replied evasively that the fans always grab, but the personal life was not ready to discuss. Although to the question, whether it happened to fall in love, Didkovskaya comicly says: "Yes."

Lera Didkovskaya

In the elementary grades of high school, according to Valeria, the girls were visited at the Balnal Dancing Girls at the older boy. The subject of adoration was for Lera and her girlfriends in a mystery, right up to the name, so the girls called his pet among themselves.

Lera Didkovskaya now

In 2018, the "Open Kids" team spoke at the largest event "Global Teacher Prize Ukraine". Lera, together with other participants, with pleasure, told about the beloved teacher Tereshchenko Natalia Vladimirovna.

Lera Didkovskaya in 2018

Didkovskaya thanked the English language teacher for support and creative school classes, during which class watched films in English and learned English songs.


  • 2013 - "STOP PEOPLE"
  • 2014 - "For Dessert"
  • 2014 - "Show Girls"
  • 2015 - "On joy"
  • 2016 - "It seems"
  • 2017 - "Generation Dance"
  • 2017 - "Do not dance"
  • 2017 - "Hooligan"
  • 2018 - "Jump"
  • 2018 - "New Hit"
  • 2018 - "Sticker"

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