Pavel Kuryanov (Pasha) - biography, personal life, photo, news, women, parents, Hannah, Black Star 2021



Pavel Kuricanov (known as Pasha) - General Director and co-founder of Bak Star label. Once he was a close friend and right hand of a musician and a businessman Timura Yunusov (Timati). The producer who oversees today more than 10 business areas is a bright example of self-made biographies, a person, a genually applied financial talents in the world of show business.

Childhood and youth

September 16, 1983 Pasha Kuryanov was born in Moscow. Parents are the average Muscovites: Mom worked as a teacher in kindergarten, father - in the Metropolitan. In the school years, Kurokanov loved to hooligan and undermine the discipline. Parents often called to the director. At the same time he studied well.

In the 1990s, the couple opened his own business, although, according to Pasha, it did not affect it. Pocket money was not given to the boy, did not do the desired purchases, so in childhood he understood the value of money. From an early age, the future businessman sought to search for the way of earning.

As later, Paul admitted in an interview, as a child he began to negotiate with his parents about the monetary remuneration for a particular commission. Pocket money sociable guy spent on hiking in cafe and clubs. In one of them, a 15-year-old teenager and became acquainted with Timati, with whom years of years, the shoulder to the shoulder will build the Bak Star business empire.

In the youth, the guys brought together adolescent interests. Having achieved more mature age, enthusiastic and enthusiastic Timati and the entrepreneurial Pasha began to organize parties in clubs. Timati sang, Pasha solved the organizational moments. The first guy's salary was $ 100 per evening.

After graduating from school, Paul entered the Moscow Credit College, and then he continued to education at the Moscow International University, having mastered the specialty "Finance and Credit".

"Black Star" and business

When in 2004 Timati went to conquer the "Star Factory", Kuryanov remained alone with club activities. I had to establish links, solve a lot of administrative and financial issues. It was an educational practice in Sberbank. Paul decided to unite his knowledge and skills in one direction.

Kuryanov shared the idea with Timati returned from the factory captivity, and their friends decided - it's time to do a serious thing. Moreover, the object for the promotion was already Timati himself. It remained only to buy a singer's contract at Igor Krathty, who signed a contract with a young musician. As RBC writes, the document was bought on fantastic at that time money - 1 million rubles. Now the guys were granted themselves.

Over time, friends understood that they were completely able to move on stage and other novice performers. Timati production machine and Pasha "Black Star" began to gain momentum and soon rushed at a fairly decent speed.

The official creation of the Bak Star label, in which Pavel Kurientanov was the founder along with Timur Yunusov and Walter Chassem, took place in 2006. But before 2012, according to RBC, the turnover of the label did not exceed $ 1 million. The most promoted project was only Jigan (left the label in 2014). Salvation came represented by the business consultant Ilya Kusakina, together with which Kuryanov created a new system for optimizing costs, has established a sales scheme and the development of additional sources of income. The condition of the co-founders of the label began to grow rapidly.

Today Black Star is developing several business areas at once: Marketing Communication Agency, Software Developer for Music Business, Game Company, BS Burger Institutions Network, Salon Network 13 by Black Star, Football Agency. In 2010, Pasha released Black Star Wear's clothing line. In the main - musical - the direction of the Empire "Black Star", the White Strip began in 2012, when Egor Creed and Rapper L'One included in the label.

Kuryanov - a majority shareholder in the Black Star label. The businessman belongs to 40% of the shares, while Timati owned 30%, as much as the Arsenal of the third co-founder Evgenia Zubitsky. According to RBC estimates, the cumulative revenue of the Black Star group of companies for 2017 amounted to more than 1 billion rubles.

Further Pasha took up the solo career of the spouse, the development of the Black Star label, as well as the launch of the work of his own film studio and the filming of the first full-length film "Mafia". In 2018, he became a member of the reality show "Now I am the boss" TV channel "Friday". In 2019, the producer decided to support the business of his wife in Miami, where it opens its own beauty salon X-BEAUTY.

In 2019, with Music label, Pasha and Timati did not extend the contract Egor Cre. A year and a half was the settlement of questions related to the further use of the singer of his scenic name and the performance of the songs. The musician broke up with the producers peacefully.

This did not happen to another label artist - Raper Levan Gorosia, known under the pseudonym l'one. Singer after refusal to pay a penalty of 170 million rubles. He appealed to the court with a claim that indicated the essence of the claim. Goriordia "requested to recognize the rights to works, as well as their execution," and his scenic name considers inalienable. The essence of the problem of Levan outlined in an interview with Raper Baste on the ether of the Internet show "Question Edge". As a result, the court rose to the side of the label.

Personal life

In 2015, at the age of 32, Pavel Kurientanov met the future wife - the model and singer Anna Ivanov, famous for the pseudonym Hannah. The girl forced to forget the businessman about all previous women in his personal life.

Dating the pair occurred in Turkey in 2010, at the beauty contest Miss Kemer International, where the girl took a prize place. Pasha and Hannah found themselves in the same hotel. The producer who spoiled by women's attention noticed the participant of the competition for breakfast and came to meet. According to him, immediately decided that this beauty would become the mother of his future children.

The next meeting of the couple occurred already in Moscow: young people met in the club, after which Paul firmly decided to make Anne's sentence. Signed lovers in the Kutuzov registry office of Moscow in a circle of loved ones. And the luxury wedding was played in 2014 in Cyprus. Photo from a solemn event laid out newlyweds in "Instagram", flew off the whole country.

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In early September 2018, daughter was born in the family of the director of the musical label. A significant event in life Pasha and Hannah occurred in Miami: a couple flew there on the eve of childbirth. The girl appeared under the sign of the Zodiac Virgin, as well as her father. What is the name of the daughter, the spouses were hiding for a long time from the public. When the girl was very small, it was only known that the name begins on the letter A. Also on joint pictures with a child, the parents did not demonstrate the face of the baby on the camera.

When the daughter reached the age of 9 months, Anna and Paul revealed her name. It turned out that they called the girl an unusual name of Adrian. Also, the star couple stopped hiding the face of the baby. Hannah periodically lays out photos of Adriana in Instagram. Fans celebrate that it looks like a father. According to parents, the baby is growing friendly and smiling. She easily goes on contact and likes to play with peers.

Pavel Kuryanov now

In September 2020, the spouse Pasha shared with the subscribers that work on the "Dream House" is in full swing. The star told that the decoration in the future housing in full swing. InSTagram Hannah admitted that he was looking forward to when she would move with her close to a new home.

2020 was marked for Kuryanov not only by the improvement of the family hearth. Last summer, one of the founders of "Black Star" and part-time friend Paul decided to leave Label. Timati Kurkenanov spoke on the radio station "Moscow FM" on the air. According to Pasha, Raper left the company, because he did not have enough time to his own projects.

In October 2020, conflict broke out between Kuryanov and Timati. In Instagram, rapper published a story with the appeal to Paul. Yunusov advised the director "Black Star" "live memories." It was the answer to Kuryanov's criticism - on the eve of the former partner unlikely spoke on the activities of Timati after he left Black Star.

Now Pavel Kurientanov continues to work on its own projects and pays close to close. In January 2021, his spouse noted the 30th anniversary. The young family spent a holiday on a luxury villa in the Maldives.

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