Skit Ulrich - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



American actor, known to the widespread viewer for Series "Jericho", "Riverdale", "Law and Order", "Holy Watch", as well as the cult film "Creek". Characters embodied by Ulrich on the screen, most often negative. However, the charismatic appearance of the actor and the depth of his visual talent captivates the viewer and leave for a long time in hostages his workshops created images.

Childhood and youth

The real name of the actor Brian Ray Trout. He was born on January 20, 1970 in the American city of Lynchburg, Virginia. Children's years of the boy passed in Concord, North Carolina. Mother actor - Carolina Elaine Vaks (nee Radd) - President of the Al Rudd Auto Parts Autocompany of Alvina Ray Radda and sister of the famous Nascar Richard Radda rider.

Actor Skete Ulrich

Brian and his brother Jeffrey are the children of Carolina from the first marriage, which was unsuccessful. When Bryan was eight, she again married the former Rider Nascar and the owner of the Winston Cup Race Team Donald Kate Ulrich. Brian loved the stepfather, he liked to disappear in his garage all day. There, the boy got his first earnings.

The actor still considers Ulrich as his father and bears his name, despite the fact that the mother divorced him and married again. This time for a businessman from New York Edward Lewis Vaksa.

Skit Ulrich in youth

The boy was painful, he was born with the pathology of the cardiac interventricular partition. And at 10 years old Brian made a complicated open operation on the heart, which still testifies the scar on the chest.

Brian quickly recovered and soon the lifestyle of an ordinary teenager was already led to school, she was engaged in the football section. When he was still in the younger league, the coach gave him a nickname sketeer (from "Sketer" - Mosquito) because of his gratefulness and small growth (this then he pulls up to 183 cm). And still artistic from the nature of the boy, the elders were often found at the mirror when he, taking the guitar into his hands, was depicted popular in the 70s John Denver singer.


As the Biography of the actor says, after graduating from the High School of North-West Kabbarus, Ulrich entered the University of North Carolina in Wilmington, where he attracted him to the specialty of the sea biologist. The guy was seriously plunged into studies, and earned on pocket expenses, removing in the extras.

Skit Ulrich

The very first experience of acting Ulrich received in the films "Weekend from Bernie" (1989) and "Ninja Turtles" (1990). The roles were so tiny that the skit is not even indicated in the credits. However, a fleeting movie with the world film captives Ulrich so much that he throws science and translates to New York University to learn acting skills.

In New York, the charismatic guy remarked the playwright and director David Mamemet and invited him to his Atlantic theater school. Participating in the production of Maente's troupe, the Skit did not pay attention to the director of Stacy Cochran. She sent a cute guy to samples in the series "CBS Special School Vacations." So Ulrich played in the 4th series of the 11th season and thereby opened the door to the world of big cinema.

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1996 became for Skit Ulrich a real breakthrough in his career. He is filmed in the first noticeable role in the painting "Guys", where his partner became Wainon Rider. Then the role of Chris Hooker in the film "Witchcraft" was followed with Niv Campbell in the lead role.

And finally, the third gift of the year is the role of Cool Manyak-killer Billy Lumis in the Craivna Cravena Craven's soul. This role is still considered one of the most famous in his filmography. And it is no longer possible to submit someone else in the Billy image. However, paradoxically, the Skita for a long time did not approve this role. The producers in one voice said that he was poured by Johnny Depp in the movie "Nightmare on Elm Street." But the director was able to convince everyone, and Creek was doomed to success.

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As if the "pouring sins" for spilled in the "scream" blood, the skete immediately after that is removed in the painting "Touch" (1997), playing the priest Charlie Louuson, suffering from stigmatics and healing people touching the hand. In 1998, Ulrich became the star of the movie Richard Linclayer "Newton Brothers". In 1999, two more films were released on the screen with the participation of Ulrich - "Favor of the Cold" and "Trip with the Devil".

The real glory of Ulrich brought shooting in the series. The actor received the first major serial role in the TV project "Holy Watch" (2003), playing the priest Paul Callana, exposing fraudsters from faith. The series was successful, but it was not broadcast for a long time on the screens. But in 2006, the Skita is waiting for truly star success - the role of Jake Green in the project "Jericho" makes it a superpopular pet America.

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In the filmography of Skita, it is impossible not to note the role of Hollis Eckhart on the nicknamed killer-compass in the detective TV series "C.S.I. Crime scene: New York. The criminal left the compass on the site of the murder, thereby becoming a new one. Ulrich managed to perfume very deeply into the world of a mentally ill man and reliably present his image to the public.

The new wave of the popularity of the Skece comes in 2017 due to the exit to the TV screens of the series "Riverdale". In this gloomy teenage drama, the actor played the head of the local gang of Efa Pi Jones, who is associated with a romantic relationship with Alice Cooper - the head of the local edition. Cooper brilliantly played the star TV series "Twin Pix" Madhen Amik.

Personal life

Ulrich a closed man and tries not to let people in his personal life. He does not like to be photographed and give an interview. However, thanks to the paparazzi about it, there is a lot of what is known. In 1997, the Skit married the British actress Georgina Katez, who met on a banquet on the occasion of the award of the Oscar Film Academy. For him, it was the first marriage, for her - the second.

Skit Ulrich and Georgina Kate

The wedding was played by the Skeit estate in Madison County, Virginia. The guests had only a priest who married a couple. In 2001, the Skit and Georgines had twins - the son of Jacob Dylan and the daughter of Nia Rose. The couple could not preserve the family and divorced in 2005, having agreed on the joint guard over the children.

Skit Ulrich and Amelia Jackson Gray

In 2012, Skit Ulrich married Actress Amelia Jackson Gray, with which he lived in marriage only three years.

Skit Ulrich and Rose Costa

In February 2013, the first wife of the actor presented a lawsuit that claimed that he was owed $ 284,861,84 US, not paying child care benefits. Ulrich denied all the accusations and guilty did not recognize themselves.

In 2016, the actor began to meet with the model of Rose Costa. The son of Rose, Luke, called the Skita dad, and Nia and Jacob - Luka Brother. In November 2017, the couple broke up.

Skit Ulrich now

Now the actor is filmed in the third season of the series "Riverdale", whose premiere is appointed for October 2018.

Skit Ulrich in 2018

In the personal life of the television star, also have changed: In August 2018, information appeared in the media that Ulrich had a romantic relationship with a 24-year-old model "Instagram" Corin Jamie-Lee.


  • 1996 - "Coldwear"
  • 1996 - "Last Dance"
  • 1996 - "Guys"
  • 1996 - "Creek"
  • 1997 - "Touch"
  • 1997 - "Better does not happen"
  • 1998 - "Newton Brothers"
  • 1999 - "Cold Factor"
  • 1999 - "Pursuage with the Devil"
  • 1999 - "Law and Order: Special Corps"
  • 2000 - "Hacking"
  • 2001 - "Night child"
  • 2001 - "Soul Killer"
  • 2001 - "Snow Rider"
  • 2003 - "Holy Watch"
  • 2004 - "C.S.I. Place of Crime: New York "
  • 2005 - "West"
  • 2006 - "Jericho"
  • 2009 - "Collector"
  • 2010 - "Law and Order: Los Angeles"
  • 2011 - "remember everything"
  • 2014 - "Fifty to one"
  • 2016 - "Quest"
  • 2017- N.V. - "Riverdale"

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