Shiva is the history of the Divine in Hinduism, appearance, image and character


Character History

Hinduism enters the top three popular religious areas. It is based on the mythology and customs of the Aryan peoples who inhabited ancient India. This direction is characterized by two currents: Vishnuism and Shivaism. Champions of the currents worship Vishnu and Shiva. The vocation of Shiva is the destruction of the outdated world in the name of creating a new one. He personifies the beginning. The image of a deity is familiar to many on the images, no residents of the West know little about its origin and meaning in the culture of India.

History of appearance

Shiva is known since the time of the haratpian civilization of the ancient Indians. With the arrival of Ariii in this area, the beginning of a new religion was found, which was planted in the same way as Christianity in Russia. The value of the Siva name from Sanskrit is translated as "favorable", while the deity symbolizes the destruction and is practically associated with the God of Death.

God Shiva

In Hindu mythology, he had the same power as Brahma and Vishnu, who knew more under his other name - Krishna. Shiva destroys the illusion and is simultaneously formidable as the destroyer of the worlds, and the merciful, as the source of the whole new. The enemies of the Divine are the devil, Satan and Demons.

Nataraja, popular image of Shiva, presents it dancing or sitting in the lotus. More often it has light blue skin. The deity has four hands. An elephant or tigrine skiing is thrown on the shoulders. The forehead sends the third eye.

Nataraja - one of the appearance of Shiva

Each deity is inherent in personal attributes. Such has and Shiva. Among his weapons - onions, dart, rod, sword, dumina with skull and shield. Each element has its own name. Thus, the trishulum is called a triseller, symbolizing the triad, the desisteness of the stages of evolution, time, gunne, etc.

Symbolic is the image of the brushes of the Rashiva's hands. Often, a smoking tube, a jug with a nectar of immortality, a drum, symbolizing the vibration of the universe, and other ritual elements are discharged. At the disposal of Shiva, the mass of attributes from various spheres, which allow you to improve the person and open access to the world of wisdom and sublime.

Shiva and Parvati

Parvati, a spouse of the Divine, is an authentic female way, which is similar to the characters of Indian mythology in the women's appearance. Union with her was preceded by the connection with Shakti. It will rather say that Parvati is the reincarnation of Shakti. The divine pair had children.

Ganesha became the most famous of them - the elephant son of Shiva, the God of wisdom. Multitious God is depicted by a child with an elephant head. As a rule, he has four hands in his paintings, three eyes, and a snake is wrapped around the belly. Among his merit, writing the sacred poem of India - "Mahabharata".

Shiva in culture

Shivaism is a requested Indian religion that leads history from the second century to our era. The first image of Shiva was found in Gudimallam, in the north of Madras. The manifold of God is displayed in the fact that he is attributed to more than a hundred names, among which "beneficial", "giving happiness" and "generous". Shiva is considered to be God, the leading trinity of evolution.

Statue of Shiva

Birth, development and death occur under it. He patronized healing, presented the Mantra and Sanskrit. Mantra Gayatri is the most famous prayer from proclaimed in honor of Shiva. Popular mantras are Shiva Mahapuran, Manas Puja. It is believed that mantra opens chakras and allows you to achieve spiritual heights.

The dance was considered an ancient magic form. In India, believed that, making movements, the dancer enters into the trance and moves into a parallel reality, merging with the universe. The personality was modernized in the dance, the abilities of the seaman were manifested, the disclosure of the inner essence of man took place. This skill in India stood on a par with respiratory practices. Space dance, awakening evolution energy, is what Shiva, dancing God and Lord of Dance associated with.

Dancing Shiva

The image of the deity was used in art, painting, sculpture and architecture. It is believed that each element of the image has the highest spiritual filling and symbolism. In 1200, a sculpture was discovered during the excavation, located near the chivarapram temple. She portrayed a dancer Shiva. To the statue to this day, pilgrims come to worship the Supreme Divine and share their hopes with him.

Indian mythology specifically. It is seriously different from Christian beliefs and is more like pagan worship, since God is not one in her. Like other ancient religions, shivaism of mythologies. The legends of the life of the gods are filled with unusual descriptions and plots, including stories about how Shiva cut off Brahma's head.

Temple Shiva

Shivaism is an integral part of the life of the modern population of India, which prefers this religious direction. People present the gifts of the Divine, share with him sophors, ask for help and make praise in the time allotted for this, focusing on the canons. Shivaist calendar highlights memorable dates for sequers. At the end of February in India, a holiday called Mahashivaratri, which comes over the night of Wedding and Parvati wedding night.


As the Supreme Divine of Shiva is often mentioned in cinema. Documentary and artistic ribbons describing the depth and mythology of ancient religion were removed about its origin. Sivaist practitioners make films about Shiva's teachings. One of the teachers is considered Charan Singha. He teaches the followers to correctly understand the covenants and instructions of Shiva, and also correctly use the mantras given to them during spiritual practices.

Mojit Raina in the role of Shiva

A project called "God of Mahadev's Gods" was created on the wave of popularity of multi-sized fantastic films. This is the series, the plot of which is built on the legends of Shiva. The narrative was created when using sacred texts from Puran. The story, represented by the director, tells about the origin of Shiva. It covers an alliance with Shakti, the peripetia, accompanying their being and love. Sagie genre is considered a drama in the format of a television project. The film uses the works of mythologist Dvurdatt Pattanaika. The role of Shiva in the series was performed by Mojit Raina.

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