Pasha Technician - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Pass, Ksanaks, Wife, Age, Mom, Instagram 2021



Pasha Technician (Ivlev) as a bright figure of an underground causes contradictory feelings from the listeners. Stern and merciless rapper, but a kind person and a deep creative person, he changed the "street language" and made a significant contribution to the musical and Internet culture.

Childhood and youth

Pavel Ivlev's biography began on July 1, 1984 in the capital of Russia. The boy's childhood took place in the Criminal District of Lefortovo, he later admitted that 3 associations come to him, who describe the early years: school, football and glue "moment".

Native Muscovite became interested in rap still from adolescence. Then Pasha liked Bad Balance Group. At school, the young man studied it does not matter, and in the 10th grade it was left at all for the 2nd year due to bad marks. But Ivlev did not reach the program again, but went to PTU.

Music and creativity

The artist's creative path began thanks to Dmitry (Dime) Nechaev, who at that time led Rap Recordz and saw the future star in the adolescent. At first, Ivlev looked into the basement, where the label office was located to buy cassettes, and then began to bring their own material.

Pasha organized a group of Da Tape Konteyner (later just - KONTEYNER), where he and the rapper is funny. The latter soon "tied up" with the work, and he was replaced by the blaume of MS - a neighbor equipment on a staircase.

First, the team members perceived the project as entertainment. Inspiration for texts with the surrounding vocabulary, they were looking for 24-hour alcoholic and narcotic intoxication. In his youth, the performers regularly participated in Battles, which were conducted in Moscow. Already then, Ivlev became a paste technician, an integral attribute of the image was a monkey mask. Rapper has repeatedly said that he is in it without it - different people.

In 2004, the group presented to the public debut album "Edward Hand-Scissors-Paper" recorded using a cheap microphone. The listeners took a record without delight, and the performance at the "smoke curtain" concert was accompanied by obscene cries of the hall.

Artists continued to create new tracks and arrange spectacular perfects, and over time, connoisseurs began to appear in their work, and Maxim Sinitsyn joined the main composition. But after the release of the 4th plates, the technician suddenly disappeared from the sight of fans. In his absence, KONTEYNER released the album "5 years", which gathered a lot of positive responses.

Soon after that, Pasha himself returned. This event was accompanied by numerous interviews and the release of the new record under the label "Cao Records". The activity of the group was resumed almost in the same composition, unless a new participant came to the place of the MS, Kalmar.

The team removed several clips, organized the implementation of Mercha. But over time, the activity of musicians occurred, the consequence of which was the decay, because each participant developed its own projects. Artists remained in good relationships.

The performer participated in Battlah's short time, but he was quickly tired of him. Pasha likes when a fight occurs in words, and the show often assumes harvested texts and the absence of improvisation.

The first solo electronic album in two parts "Goose Statistics" was released in June 2017. The work is designed in the standard rap standard, mixed with a specific artist humor. Among those invited to record performers, LSPs are allocated, and "buckwheat" and a clip on it from the songs.

In the same year, the rapper appeared on Big Russian Boss Show, after which he found fame at Youtyube. Later, the technician began to lead his own channel, launched the show "In search of light money", where I tried myself in different professions - I did a tattoo, I worked as a guide, I tried to voice movies and become a deputy. The project gathered quite a few admirers, and the income of the stars increased.

In parallel, the artist continued to engage in the release of new tracks - recorded Fitov with Raskolnikov, created a hit "Pass" in collaboration with Avega and Gradi. But in the life of the artist lacking Kunteynir group, with the participants of which he reunited in 2020 and created the album "Road to the Clouds".


Scandals accompanied Rapper throughout the creative path. The loudest one happened in 2008. Pasha was arrested by catching with political for the distribution and storage of synthetic drugs. To facilitate the fate of the technician, the public collected funds for a lawyer, but it did not help: they announced the sentence for a period of 5 years of strict regime. It was the cause of a long absence on stage, as well as the suspension of the Group's activities, because its founder went to serve his sentence to sunny Karelia.

The artist was released at ODO after 4 years for approximate behavior, but the reputation has not improved. Instead of drugs, the rapper began to actively use the drug "Ksanaks" and even wrote about it the track "Need Xanax", with the enthusiasm meeting.

In the future, Pasha continued to pin the public. In 2017, the artist published an intimate photo of Oxymon in Instagram-Storsis. He did it, he said, in order to take revenge on the former girl who appeared in the frame with Miron Fedorov.

The next discussed act of the contractor was the dismission on Feduk. But later, the technician was justified for this track, saying that she was not going to offend Rapper, but only played a role.

In 2020, the artist attracted the attention of network users by issuing a video dedicated to the voting for amendments to the Constitution. The video has gathered a lot of negative reviews. But many reacted to the act of the star condescendingly, since they were already accustomed to such.

Personal life

In the personal life of the artist for a long time lacked stability. Although legitimate wife is Eva Karitskaya, known as Karina, Raper has repeatedly seen in the company of other girls. In an interview, Pasha talked about frequent quarrels with the chosen one and that one day, being under the influence of prohibited substances, drove it out of the house and lived on the other.

Eve either did not hide information about the treasures of the spouse. She admitted that they were even going to divorce, but later the relationship was set up. In 2019, the family was replenished with the heir, who was called Ivan. After the birth of a child, it seems that the marriage of the couple became stronger.

The beginning of a quarantine announced due to a pandemic of coronavirus infection, Pasha spent along with his son and his mother. They rented a house outside the city, where the artist was preparing meat on the mangale and drank a lot of beer. This affected the figure of the star, the weight reached 95 kg with a height of 183 cm.

Pasha technician now

At the end of March 2021, the Baza canal telegrams reported that Rapper received 11 months in a drunk drunk. Already the next day in the instagram account of the artist appeared post "Where did Pasha technician disappear?" With the Stream announcement. Many fans found what is happening in honor of April 1. Others noted that the star was already sitting behind bars, and his pages in social networks are now leading a wife.


  • 2004 - "Edward's Hand Scissors"
  • 2005 - "In shit"
  • 2006 - "Weight"
  • 2007 - "Blyburger"
  • 2013 - "5 years"
  • 2014 - "Basis"
  • 2014 - "Bunny"
  • 2015 - "Blewburger"
  • 2016 - "Last Post"
  • 2017 - "Statistics Goose"
  • 2018 - "RU $$ IAN TRE $ MVN"
  • 2019 - "Freckles"
  • 2020 - "Road to the clouds"
  • 2020 - "In the blood"
  • 2020 - "Sichka"

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