Jamel Debbuz - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



The creative biography of Zamel Debbuza seems to consist of one attacks and victories. Participation in the first French championship on improvisation led to the final, in 19 years he already led the daily heading on Radio Nova. The debut on television brought the loyal love Canal +, and later the own personal show, then the cinema and even musical art were submitted. And all the tragic accounted for the personal life of the actor.

Childhood and youth

The childhood of a senior of six children of the Moroccan family, Debbuz passed in the Paris suburb of the trapp, where she settled in 1979. The boy was enthusiastically engaged in the Theater Studio Alena Lega, admired the steoth-performances of Komikov Eddie Murphy and Alber the Dupontel, was preparing to become the performer exclusively comedy roles. But at age 14, life has changed cool.

Jamel Debbuz hides his hand in his pocket

At the railway routes, the subway occurred an accident, as a result of which a friend died under the train, and his hand was atrocoled (in the photo from the carpet tracks, it is always hidden in his pocket). The following was followed by an accusation of disaster murder, a complete justification, depression, to get out of which the main teacher and the head of the Decal Theater, who convinced not to leave the started, and the rehabilitation center.

"I saw people there who were moving only with eyes. Then I felt that in fact full of strength. Just rejoiced that I live, and stopped feeling with disabilities. "

In 2004, the story was continued - the family of the deceased arranged a rally against his performance, which even had to cancel. In the same year, despite the trouble, the actor carried the Olympic fire in Paris.

Jamel Debbuz and Dani Alves

Attention to the memorable bright appearance of the Jamel Debbuz continues. The actor reminds Brazilian footballer Dani Alves, who also played in France.

Films and creativity

In 1995, the "comedian self-hand" was invited to "Radio Nova", then in the program "Lamb Prime Minister" and "Nowhere else" on Canal +, where he in a short time became a universal favorite. At the same time, the first personal show was created.

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Career in the cinema began in the 90s with a short meter, in 1998 continued in the "Zone" drama, in 1999 - in the Comedy "Sky, Birds and ... Your mother." In 2001, the titled "Amelie" comes on the screens, in which Jamel Debbuz receives the nomination "Best Actor of the Second Plan" on the Cezar Award, as well as "Asterix and Obelix: Cleopatra Mission," where his role was the third commission after Christian Klava and Gerard Depardieu.

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In 2004, the shooting in the picture Spike Lee "she hates me", in 2005 - cooperation with Luc Bezon in the romantic comedy "Angel-A". Here, the director skillfully played on the difference in the growth of the main characters: Zhamel Debbuza growth of 1.65 m with weight of 64 kg, at Ri Rasmussen - 1.78 m. In 2006, the "Patriots" produced by him, which received the nomination for Oscar as the best Foreign film, and "Asterix at the Olympic Games."

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In 2006, the picture "Days of Glory" was marked by the Cannes Film Festival Prize for the best ensemble of male roles. In 2010, the actor spoke in director of the cartoon "Evolution", two years later, the filmography was added in the adventure film "Jungle Call! In search of Marsupila "and in the melodraman" Kaleidoscope of love ", in 2012 -" Why I (not) ate my father "and" We were born "once."

Not left aside and musical creativity, as well as football. In 2009, the Belgian singer Stromae "ripped" the charts by the Single Alors on Danse, subsequently became his business card and conquered many European countries and hearts of listeners. In the clip, along with Raper, the Jamel Debbuz starred. Later, the duet released an additional video telling how Hit was born. Carrying spectators gave a flattering assessment and even called "separate masterpiece."

In 2007, Debbuz participated in a charitable football match, in which the team of friends Zidan played with the team of friends Ronaldo, and even scored a goal. The French then won with a score of 6: 2.

In 2015, he attended the first match of the Champions League Final in the company of eminent guests: the former President of France Nicolas Sarkozy and his son - DJ and the musician Pierre Sarkozy, President Michel Platini, the owner of Nasser Al-Helai, who did not need David's presentation Beckham.

Personal life

On May 7, 2008, the owl of the actor, which is now considered the most popular in his country, has become a journalist and TV presenter Melissa Töro. Before attractiveness and charm, there was not only the Debbuz.

Jamel Debbuz and his wife Melissa Töroo

The readers of the American Maxim called it the sexiest TV presenter of the world, French FHM - a beautiful woman in the world of 2007, and Daily Mail edition dubbed

"The most beautiful and cool buildup."

Couple raises two children. Son Leon was born on December 3, 2008, three years later, daughter Lila (September 30, 2011).

Jamel Debbuz now

In 2016, the actor played in the film "Cow", and is currently busy in a comedy with Gerard Depardye Alad`2. Whether these tapes will come to Russian rental - is still unknown. The headlines of the newspapers do not die with the spicy details of his relationship and personal life, the news is not found also in the "Twitter" or in "Instagram".

Jamel Debbuz in 2018

The last appearance of his name in the media is associated with the scandal of racism problems in French football, politics and society. According to the information site "InoSMI", the exclusion of the leading footballer Karim Benzema from the national team caused a response from many. Did not be silent and Jamel Debbuz, the Frenchman of Moroccan origin, performing this statement:

"Despised young people from the suburbs, most of which are the children of African immigrants, it is necessary that Benzema played in the national team and while life in poor areas will not improve, it is necessary that someone from" their blood ". Benzema is simply paying for differences in society. "

True, then he had to apologize for his words due to the stormy reaction of society.


  • 2001 - Amelie
  • 2002 - "Asterix and Obelix: Mission Cleopatra"
  • 2004 - "She will navigate me"
  • 2005 - "Angel-A"
  • 2006 - "Patriots"
  • 2008 - "Asterix at the Olympic Games"
  • 2012 - "Kaleidoscope of Love"
  • 2012 - "Jungle is called! In search of martiles "
  • 2016 - Cow
  • 2018 - "Alad`2"

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