Sophia Tolstaya - biography, photo, personal life, Lion Tolstoy, character



More contemporaries of Lion Tolstoy mixed up that the genius of Russian prose was extremely lucky with his wife - it is not known who still tolerate the pressure of such a talent and character for half a century. Sophia Andreevna herself in memoirs as if she asked for forgiveness from the descendants, which did not become a great writer like-minded and did not meet expectations.

Childhood and youth

Sophia Tolstaya, in Maiden Bers, - the second daughter of the Moscow doctor, the hereditary nobleman Andrei Evstafyevich and the heiress of the merchant state of love Alexandrovna. Writer Ivan Turgenev accounts for Sona and her sisters Tatiana and Elizaba Brother from the Father, his mother Varvara Petrovna Andrei Bers served as a family doctor.

Sophia fat with sister Tatiana

Girls received a brilliant home education, Sophia, to the same - a diploma of Moscow University, giving the right to teach. From 11 years he led a diary, this passion over time turned into full-fledged writing activities.

Almost all the time the family lived in the capital, only for the summer it moves into the village. In one day, 1861, a young graph of Tolstoy, who had long known love Alexandrovna, was hung to Bersam. Leo has already glorified the stories written during hostilities in the Caucasus. The writer left the military service and looked for a companion of life, which would correspond to its high demands - attractive, smart, simple and healthy to give birth to the same healthy children.

Sophia fat in youth

Berse saw in the collateral column in the hand of Elizabeth. And to Sofye, by that time the hereditary nobleman of Mitrofan Polivanov was launched and even received preliminary agreement. However, Tolstoy later wrote in his memoirs, which did not feel feelings for Lisa and did not want to marry only on the calculation. In the message to Sofye, Nikolayevich was frank: assume that he is in love with Elizavetu - "false glance and injustice," and immediately asked to marry him.

Father initially opposed, offended by the older daughter. But Sofya, who already learned to subtly influence people, persuaded Andrei Evstafyevich. The wedding played a week after the official offer.

Lion's wife Tolstoy

Marriage with a writer became a turning point in the life of Sophia Andreevna. From the secular salons, the 18-year-old girl fell into the village, where unknown earlier concerns fell on her in the content of a large estate, accounting of accounting and other affairs. In the count house, there was surprise that there was no luxury, and the ascetic habits of her husband were shocked thick first time.

Sophia fat and lion thick

In the book "My Life" in the smallest details are described daily concerns of the young countess. It turned up to the point that Sophia bought white caps and aprons and forced their cooks to wear them. A woman in some extent divided the material part of living together with his spouse, but did not agree to change spiritual values. An entry dated 1867 illustrates which entry has been formed in the column family:

"Life was increasingly closed, without events, without participating in the life of public, without art and without any change and fun."

Trying to fit the ideals of Leo Nikolayevich, Sophia was uncomfortable tolerated the demands of the true Domostroevts, created a comfort, trying to be everything about simple, as a writer loved. Disagree with her husband allowed himself when it came to children. Thick gave birth to 9 boys and 4 girls, five never become adults, one child simply did not endure. Son Sergey, only when he grew up and read the records of the mother, preparing for the publishing book, I realized how difficult for Sophia Andreevna biography.

Lion Tolstoy and Sophia Thick with children

Children Sofya raised without nannies and assistants, Lev was categorically against the governers. Thick did not share the aspirations of her husband to be content with a minimum, earn physical labor, but all the values ​​to distribute the needy. In front of it there was a challenge to give children education, to provide financial well-being to look decent in the eyes of others. Lev Nikolayevich believed that the excesses corrupt, the exterior tinsel prevents the search for some of the highest sense.

In addition to solving pressing issues, the Countess found the time to help the writer in creativity. Sophia Andreevna replaced the spouse of the personal secretary, translator, editor. The fat one disassembled the lion's clouded handwriting, rewritten the draft works, in which the author introduced endless edits. Only "War and Peace" rewrote in a notebook 7 times.

Sophia fat with family

Sophia, in another situation, the closer to secular raids turned out to be an excellent managerial. Where there was not enough knowledge, consulted with friends. I got acquainted with Anna Dostoevskaya, the Vydova Fedor Mikhailovich, who taught a thick book publishing and sales of Leo's work.

Over the years, constant disagreements have removed her husband and wife from each other. Lev Nikolayevich openly expressed dissatisfaction with how life was formed. Sophia Andreevna was rightly offended, because her works did not receive the expected assessment. She said that he did not understand when she was the moment that divided spouses, and what he was expressed.

Sophia fat and lion thick

In search of soulful equilibrium, fat began to take music lessons from Pianist and composer Sergey Taneev. The musician led the exhausted woman to the "wonderful state, he was a holiday of life." These relations of Sophia sama defined as love. When Taneyev was leaving, the Countess was hiding longing, according to his own recognition, for feverish activities. Sister Tatiana, Children Ilya, Alexander and Maria reproached Mother for excessive attachment to someone else's person. At times, the Countess appeared hope that the musical lessons will grow something more.

Composer Sergey Taneyev

Lev Nikolayevich also noticed to change in his wife, in the diaries, having not called names, wrote that he was not sleeping at night, she was experiencing, but "not regretting himself, and her." Subsequently, Taneyev, referring to employment, stopped this ambiguous connection.

The care of Lion Tolstoy from life caused a desire to join him immediately in Sofier. In spite of everything, the Countess experienced "unbearable longing and remorse of conscience" in relation to her husband. Every day a woman attended the grave of his beloved man and changed flowers there.


Sophia Andreevna survived her husband for 9 years. And these years, the wife of Leo Tolstoy dedicated to the preservation of the creative heritage of the writer - published a meeting of works, letters that spouses wrote each other, saved personal belongings, subsequently become part of the museum collection. In the manor, the fat was the first guide.

The grave of Sophia Tolstoy

Sophia died in November 1919, most likely, for natural reasons. Buried 2 km from the Casual Polyana, in the cemetery of Cochaki village, next to the church of Nicholas the Wonderworker. In this necropolis there are graves of grandfather, parents and brothers Lev Nikolayevich, sisters Sofia - Tatyana.

Judging by the photo published on the Internet, there are no pompous monuments on burials, only modest wooden crosses and nameplates with names and dates.

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