Elena Bondarenko - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Instagram 2021



Elena Bondarenko is not only a strong speaker and politician with significant experience, but also mom. Today, a woman at least does not take a political position, but openly talks about the situation in Ukraine through foreign media.

Childhood and youth

Biography Elena Bondarenko began on May 26, 1974 in the city of Makeyevka Donetsk region. The girl was born in the poor family of nurse and miner. Only the father of Elena had a small salary, unlike the miners of the cleaning slaughter. Therefore, as Bondarenko told in an interview, if the neighboring children bought an excessive toy, then the parents of Elena were spent to a penny.

Elena Bondarenko in youth

Nevertheless, Mom and Dad tried to give her daughter a good education, so do not regret funds on books and periodicals. They did everything possible to Elena get a higher education.

So it turned out: the girl graduated from school with a silver medal and at the age of 18 became a student of the historical faculty in Donetsk university, and on the 3rd course he entered the adjacent specialty - journalism. In 1996, Elena graduated from the University, becoming a certified journalist and historian.

Career and politics

Career Bondarenko began in the Regional Weekly "Donetsk News" as a reality correspondent. But after a year, the girl moved to the information service "TRK Ukraine".

Elena Bondarenko in youth

In 1997, Elena took up political journalism and again changed the place of work: passed to the regional department of the Inter TV channel, where the weekly reviews of politics events organized. After 2 years, Bondarenko interrupted the television career and began to write articles in the newspaper "Life".

When Elena was 27 years old, she received a proposal to take the position of public press secretary of the Green Party. After a short time, Boris Kolesnikov invited Bordarenko. At first, Elena Anatolyevna occupied the post of assistant, and a little later led the press service of the regional council. It was the work with a politician predetermined the future of Elena.

Elena Bondarenko and Boris Kolesnikov

In 2004, Bondarenko received another education, graduating from the faculty of administrative management.

At the age of 32, she became a national deputy from the "Party of Regions". The politician worked in the Committee of the Verkhovna Rada on the issues of freedom of speech and information, and also headed the Subcommittee on Advertising. As a result, Bondarenko took the position of First Deputy Chairman of the Committee. Elena consisted of the Commission of the Verkhovna Rada to investigate the tragic death of George Gongadze and was engaged in checking the precedents of corruption, as well as abuses by the powers of individuals of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Deputy Elena Bondarenko

In 2007, Elena re-elected the People's Deputy, and again she took the post in the Committee on Freedom of Speech and Information. Bondarenko became the author of the bill, which cancels a 50 percent quota to broadcast the musical works of Ukrainian authors on the air.

In 2012, Elena Anatolyevna again elected to the Verkhovna Rada. The same period marked the accusatory speech Bondarenko against Andrei Shevchenko, a representative of the Batkivshchyna party. The essence of the charges consisted of abuse of powers, the feeding of documentation and the collapse of the Committee's activities. After that, the Parliament sent Shevchenko to resign.

Elena Bondarenko in the Verkhovna Rada

Elena Anatolyevna spoke by the author of the draft law, which frees the operators and providers from the mandatory obtaining license to provide network access services. Ukrainian media called such an initiative "an attempt to solve the political crisis peaceful way."

In 2007, Bondarenko took 39 position in the ranking from Focus magazine as one of the 100 most influential women in Ukraine. Also Elena has the Order "For Merit" III degree. As for common views on the political defendance of the country, Elena Anatolyevna is a commitment of neutral, extractural status, and also advocates the introduction of the second state language - Russian. Bondarenko supports the idea of ​​improving the rights of local governments.

Personal life

Elena got acquainted with the future husband Andrei Bondarenko, when he came to the state administration to take the next plot. After marriage, in 1999, a woman gave birth to a daughter Polina.

Elena Bondarenko and her husband Andrei Bondarenko

Bondarenko repeatedly admitted that they and her husband think about replenishing in the family. And the joint desire of the spouses was carried out: a woman gave birth to a second child, a boy called Mikhail. Elena's personal life has developed as it is not better: she is a happy wife and mom of two children.

In the family, the questions with cleaning solves the wife, but the husband is preparing, according to Elena, a first-class cook.

Son-in-law and daughter Elena Bondarenko

Daughter in the fall of 2017 married American Jrad. The girl studies in the prestigious educational institution of Berkeley in Boston and in parallel builds a musical career under the pseudonym Lina Cooper.

Bondarenko loves music, she has a large collection of plates: from classic genres to musicals. Absolutely any musical motifs that cause strong and bright emotions are in the discography of Elena.

Elena Bondarenko now

Now Bondarenko lives with his family in Kiev and holds the post of head of the Center Freedom Center, helping prisoners of conscience and political prisoners of Ukraine. Alsa Elena Anatolyevna tries to promote freedom of speech in the country.

Elena Bondarenko in 2018

In February 2018, Elena visited the Ukrainian political show "Gordon", where he honestly answered the questions of the lead.

Bondarenko has unofficial accounts in Facebook's social networks and Twitter, which a woman regularly updates. In "Instagram" Elena is not registered.

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