Igor Vasiliev - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, Filmography



"He was a very rare person in the sense of silence, dignity and intelligence."With this characteristic given Igor Vasilyev theatrical director Marina Barbnikovnaya, the artist's colleagues who were lucky to share a scene or a shooting platform with him. They argue that Igor Alekseevich surprisingly fondly felt the images that embodied, and at the same time endowed the heroes by poetry and mystery inherent in him.

Childhood and youth

The atmosphere of creativity and love to the beautiful Vitala in the atmosphere of Vasiliev. The head of the family known in Moscow architect Alexey Vasilyev was interested in art in all its manifestations. Together with his wife gathered the richest library.

Actor Igor Vasilyev

Born in the spring of 1938 Son Igor, learning to read, "swallow" books from family treasury in a huge amount. Later, when Vasilyev-Junior was carried away by the theater, the readiness and rich imagination helped the novice actor without effort to penetrate into the essence of embodied characters.

As a child, Igor Vasilyev was a rather closed boy. He was entertained by what presented himself at the site of book heroes. With the peers, Igor communicated a little: a young erudite, who was accustomed to deep experiences from the read novels of the classics, the yard guys and classmates seemed superficial and little interest.

Igor Vasiliev in youth

The young Muscovite attracted to the world of the theater, behind the scenes and on the stage of which a miracle was going on. After graduating from high school, Vasilyev was on the threshold of the Studio MCAT. He came from the first attempt and on the course Alexander Karev turned out to be one of the best students. After presenting the diploma in 1961, the young artist was invited to the Maschat troupe.


The beginning of the theater biography of the artist was not overshadowed the discords that raged in Mkate the early 1960s. Igor Vasilyev flew his stool and did not adjacent to any of the opposing parties. The novice actor won the first popularity of theatrians, immediately marked the talent and the depth of the game of the novice.

Two years later, in 1963, Vasilyev moved with a "broken" part of the troupe to the "Contemporary" formed, where he served until 1970. With the leader of the theater Oleg Efremov, the actor had a strong friendship. And when in the 1970s, Efremov returned to the main position in Mkate, and Vasilyev followed him. At this scene, the artist went out 37 years old, until the death.

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Igor Vasilyev's sophisticated Metropolitan Teathedrals was remembered by the images of Svidrigailov, Hydra Glumov and Oberon from the staged works of classics. And also - beauty. Marina Brusnikna, who was published in those years on the stage with Vasilyev, noted the incredible male beauty and charisma colleagues, calling Igor Vasilyev "Man of the Underground". It was he who opened for Lyudmila Petrushevskaya for theater.

On the stage of Mkat Vasilyev brilliantly reincarnated in Zilov from the play Alexander Vampilov "Duck hunting", then with no less virtuosity - Baskin played in the production of "New American" on the work of Sergey Dovlatov.


For the first time, the actor appeared on the screen, already making the first successful steps on theatrical stage. Vasilyev made his debut in the cinema in 1963, playing a sequence in the picture "City - one street". Then the episodic roles were followed in the "Bridge", the director and the main character of which Oleg Efremov, the melodrame "not the most successful day" with Nikita Mikhalkov and Svetlana Svetlina, turned out to be. Films did not bring Igor Vasilyev Fame, but they gave a priceless experience.

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The first key role was given by the artist in 1973, when the social-dramatic tape "Zercertov engineer" was released on the screens. Vasilyev played a young engineer who breaks the bureaucratic barriers. The image of the progressive and bold hero, Igor Vasilyev, embodied brilliantly - film critics and audience spoke about him. But the taste of real glory actor felt 2 years later, after the premiere of the military drama "Omega version. The main characters were played by Oleg Dal and Vasilyev.

The young artist got the image of Colonel Abver Georg von Schlosser. And if he previously embodied on the stage and the screen of the heroes of positive, which are inherent in dreaminess and romanticism, the proposed character turned out to be radically the opposite: cold and calculating Pedant.

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After entering the picture on the actor, Glory collapsed. A snapshot of a slender and tightened Igor Vasilyev in German form appeared in photocolties almost all women of the Union. The beauty of the artist seemed to be "Western": the sophisticated Vasilyev variably distinguished from colleagues playing charming, but rustic Soviet engineers, chauffery, builders of socialism.

The broken "Fashion" on Igor Vasilyeva pushed the directors to use the young star in the films "Abduction in Savoy", "back in the fall", "Poem about wings" about the Soviet aircraft designers I. Sikorsky and A. Tupolev. The new surge in the audience love "covered" the artist after the release of the fantastic tape "Testament of Professor Dowel", where Vasilyev reincarnated in a talented and cunning scientist Korn's chemist.

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The unconditional success of the actor of film critics called the role of the investigator Zaitsev in the detective film "Tavern on Pyatnita", as well as central images in the paintings "The only man" and "Life Line". "Zero" Igor Vasilyev opened triumphantly - the role of the main character in Drama Kirill Mozgalovsky "The Temptation of the Gogard Dirk", published on the screens in 2001.

Having shot a film about a global movie star - the beloved actor Lukino Wisconti - directed by Mozgellevsky collided with the problem: who from Soviet artists will cope with such a difficult role? Brilliant Oleg Dalya did not, and Oleg Yankovsky was busy in another project. They remembered the artist, ingeniously played by Baron Schlossor in the "Omega" version.

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Igor Vasiliev did not disappointed: His Bogard corresponded to all the aspirations of the director. Alena Yakovleva, involved in the picture, later shared that Vasilyevu - Intellectual, artist of the old school, who was accustomed to playing with full self-dedication and see art in the movie, has fallen in the series. But he accepted the offer and played brilliantly.

The last bright images on the movie screen, the actor embodied in the tape "Time of Cruel", "Moore is Moore" and a multi-sieu melodrama "Take me with you." The serial premiere took place in September 2008. Igor Vasilyev did not see her.

Personal life

Colleagues were seen in Vasilyev Dandy with an impeccable taste. Igor Alekseevich dressed "with a needle", loved stylish and expensive things. On the set of "Temptation of the Gogard Dirk", the costumes were unwritten: a fashionable and elegant coat in the wardrobe was not found. Igor Vasilyev starred in his, lumbering:

"This is a gift from the glory of Zaitsev."

Women adored a talented artist with aristocrat manners. Vasilyev was married three times. The first wife of the actor turned out to be a classmate, but the fast student marriage soon crumbled.

Igor Vasilyev and Irina Miroshnichenko

About the personal life of Vasilyeva say, recalling him as a husband of the actress Irina Miroshnichenko, although spouses lived together only 5 years. The marriage turned out to be childless and, if you believe rumors, ended due to the unwillingness of Irina to start children. Beautiful couple broke up in the 1980s, but retained friendly relations. Later, when the actors have created new families, they talked perfectly.

With the third wife of Lyudmila, who did not have a relation to the world of art, Igor Alekseevich lived in love and harmony to death. Children in marriage never appeared.


The iron discipline and enviable composure did not allow the actor to skip rehearsals or shooting: he came to work even sick, but masterfully hid poor well-being.

The last theatrical role of the Master was the work in the play "Tutish", which was put on the stage of his native Mkat. Igor Alekseevich participated in the premiere stage, going on the stage in the form of an old Ali.

Grave Igor Vasilyev

A week later, on December 23, 2007, he died from a heart attack. December 30, colleagues went on stage, devoting the performance of Vasilyev's memory.

The grave of the artist is located on the Troekhrovsk cemetery of the capital.


  • 1964 - "City - One Street"
  • 1967 - "Not the most successful day"
  • 1973 - "Zercertov engineer"
  • 1975 - "Omega version"
  • 1978 - "Tavern on Pyatnitsky"
  • 1979 - "Abduction" Savoy ""
  • 1980 - "Poem of Wings"
  • 1981 - "The only man"
  • 1984 - "Testament Professor Doweel"
  • 2001 - "The Temptation of the Dirk of God"
  • 2004 - "Time of Cruel"
  • 2005 - "Moore is Moore 3"
  • 2006 - "Citizen Head 3"
  • 2006-2007 - "Feather and sword"
  • 2006 - "Take me with you"

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