Valery Gameaev - biography, photo, personal life, filmography, cause of death



Full Valery Gatayev remained in the memory of fans primarily as Frol from the famous painting "Shadows disappear at noon." However, from the rest of the characters in his performance, there was not less courage, integrity and real human depth. In theaters, where Gatayev served, the artist was appreciated for the ability to join any era, charm and comedy gift.

Childhood and youth

Valery Zakirovich Gatayev was born in Kazan in September 1938. There is no accurate data about his nationality, but patronymic, place of birth and information from a number of sites suggest that the actor is Tatar.

Full Valery Ghatayev

Valery's acting fell randomly. Static guy on the street Zakimteil director Mark Donskoy, who shot the drama "Hello, Children!" And looking for a replacement for a sick artist. Games liked to play in front of the camera, then he graduated from the Kazan Theater School, and then the branch of the MHAT School Studio, opened in 1962 at the Drama Academic Theater in the city of Kalinin (now Tver).

Valery Gatayev in youth

The first major roles of Valery played on the theater stage in Ulyanovsk, later returned to the Tver Drama Theater, which served almost 20 years. Here he went to the viewer in invariably causing the admiration of the images of the Observatory in the "Beauty man" in Ostrovsky, Yakov in the "Vishnevian Garden", Basmanov in Boris Godunov.

At the invitation, Georgy Tovstonogov Ghataev worked in the Leningrad Theater named after the Lenin Komsomol, but Matra did not like that the actor often leaving for shooting. So Valery had to return to Tver.


The first major role in the movie went to Gataev in 1964 in the Military Drama "Daughter of Stration". The actor's character is a German scout, outstanding himself for the captain of the Soviet Army and the searching commander of the partisan detachment in the face of Nikolai Kryukov. With him, Valery later met in not the most successful film simulation of Ivan Efremova "Andromeda Nebula." Men played the crew members of the interplanetary expedition.

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The marked character in the creative biography of the actor became Frol Kurgans from the unfading saga Vladimir Krasnopolsky and Valery Uskov "The shadows disappear at noon." The film made a star not only Games, but also Peter Veliamnova, and the composer Leonid Afanasyev.

Main role performers did not want to argue for a long time until the directors promised that they would revoke the incomprehensible frames for their own money, if the next idles would not approve the work of artists. As the time has shown, the opinion of officials has yet changed.

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When the same creative tandem released the Melodrama "Eternal Call" with the same Veliamine in the lead role, and again on the novel Anatoly Ivanov, the audience often confused Ghawaev with a colleague Valery Glevinsky, who played in the new film Anton, senior of the Savelyev brothers. Both heroes look like, both are strong personality, the following their own life values.

Alas, like Frolow on the inner heat and scale of the characters, Valery did not further offer, with the exception of the image of Comandarm Grigory Kotovsky in the Biographical Ribbon "Last Guiduk".

Valery Gatayev and Valery Glevinsky

As critics later noted, Gatayev turned into an actor of one role, as at one time Vyacheslav Tikhonov after the legendary picture "Seventeen Moments of Spring". The director would seek not want to see anyone else in Valeria, as a simple, a few Russian man. Often the roles were at all passing.

In the 70s Valery Zakirovich played a sailor in the narration of the Polar explorer Georgy Sedov, Aleksey Serebryakov, on the "last escape". Then there were the "Ship of the Aliens" about the search for a meteorite, the screening of the story of Vasil Bykov "His battalion", a series of militants about selling police officers.

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In the comedy on the work of Mikhail Bulgakov, "Fat Eggs" Gatayev received an episodic role of the correspondent, in the TV series "Kamenskaya" - an entrepreneur with the criminal past Vitaly Kabanova, in "One chance for two" - the leader of the Mafia, who has the money of the heroine Vanessa paradis.

Together with Yuri Slokov and George, Martirosyan, the artist became a member of the team investigating theft of church values ​​in a detective "Distshing Alexander Nevsky." In the film "Split" about the period of birth of the Bolsheviks party, it was told about the many real historical persons - Lion Trotsky and Vladimir Lenin, Nicolae II and Yulia Martov. Valery Gatayev embodied the image of Dmitry Sipyagin's Interior Minister.

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In 2002, Krasnopolsky and Uskov remembered the actor and invited Valery to the role of a doctor in the Melodrama "Two Fates" with the participation of Catherine Semenova, Dmitry Shcherbina and Angelica Wolish. In the comedies "Friendly Family" and "collective farm" Gatayev, I tried police shoulder straps of Colonel, and in NEXT 3 became prison.

Last work in the filmography Valery Gameva - another family saga, "Gromovy. House of Hope »Timur Bekmambetova and Alexander Baranova. The artist lit up in a small episode.

Personal life

Gameva's first wife called Lyudmila. The couple met in Kazan, in 1966, the spouses became the parents of the boy Artem. In an interview with Valery's colleagues, theaters and film sites argued that the actor was a loving and attentive father and her husband, a soul of a company and a good friend.

Valery Gatayev and Olga Dubovitskaya with children

And then the actress Olga Dubovitskaya arrived in the Tver Theater on the distribution, the classmate of Roman Madyanov and Irina Rozanova. And on the general rehearsal, Valeria and Olga won the novel. The difference in the age of a quarter of a century did not prevent feelings, the artist divorced Lyudmila.

In 1987, the family moved to Moscow, Tatyana Doronin called the actor to Mkat named after M. Gorky, who she headed after the separation of the theater. Gatayev set the condition to and Olga took into the troupe. Doronina helped with housing, and in 1989, Valeria had children - twins Tatiana and Maria.

Artem Gatayev, Senior Son Valeria Gameva

What is now engaged in the daughter of the actor, it is unknown. Son Artem for more than 20 years commands a special detachment of rapid response to the management of the Rosgvardia in the Tver region, served before the colonel. With his wife, Tatiana raised 2 daughters. It has government awards, including the courage medal, the order of courage, the medal of the Order "For Merit to Fatherland".

According to rumors, with the filing of Artem, the units of special purpose militia are renamed in the speed of rapid response. Abbreviation Sovhed sounded from the mouth then Lieutenant Colonel Games, when he was presented to President Dmitry Medvedev.


Valery Gatayev died in Moscow in June 2011. For the past few years, the actor suffered from atherosclerosis of the foot vessels, but retained optimism and found the forces to lead the theater trade union committee. The cause of death was a heart attack.

Grave Valery Gameva

The funeral of the People's Artist was held on the 6th section of the Trocerovsky cemetery. A monument was installed on the grave with the image of the chief character in his life from the film "The shadows disappear at noon."


  • 1964 - "Stration Daughter"
  • 1967 - "Timbal Andromeda"
  • 1971-1974 - "The shadows disappear at noon"
  • 1972 - "Last Guiduk"
  • 1975 - "Georgy Sedov"
  • 1980 - "Last Escape"
  • 1986 - "Without the statute of limitations"
  • 1990 - "Cleansing"
  • 1991 - "Droward Alexander Nevsky"
  • 1994-1995 - "Fat Eggs"
  • 1998 - "One chance for two"
  • 1999 - "Kamenskaya-1"
  • 2002 - "Two Fate"
  • 2005 - "Hunt for the Island"
  • 2007 - "Gromov. House of Hope "

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