Levi Matvey - the biography of the apostle, loyalty, image and character


Character History

Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov in the work of "Master and Margarita" touched a lot of important for the modern man, having a plot into a mystical narration. In the action described, real and mythological characters, prototypes and heroes that never existed were awkward. The existing face of the novel became the Apostle Levy Matvey, repeatedly mentioned in the Bible.

History of creation

According to Levi, Matvey was Brother Jacob and the son of Alpharey. He lived in the city of Kapernaum on the coast of the Galilee Sea and served as Mytarem - a collector of the filings. Podachi paid residents of the conquered by the Roman Empire of Land, Raznaya Casne. Mytarians hated for their activities. This position had to oppress the people, and Mytari used a service provision, denying mercy and showing cruelty. Levia Matvey managed to get a good condition thanks to the status, but he did not lose the human appearance and retained the faithfulness of the people.

Levi Matvey

The hero was witnesses from sermons and wonderful acts of Christ, who lived some time in his city. Jesus saw a listener refers to his affairs, and appreciated the willingness of a man to follow his covenants. Once he took Levi to the seabed, where he received from arriving ships, and offered to become his follower. Matvey covered the table in the house and invited guests, among whom were Mytari and ordinary sinners. Draining with them, Christ gave a chance to confession. The apostle left the htched property and followed Jesus. Soon he was counted for the twelve accompanying Jesus Christ.

In addition to the acts of the teacher, Levi Matvey witnessed his arrest, death and ascension. After the final event, he was among other students carried the teaching of the Lord to people. The man wrote the Gospel, which became the first in the list of manuscripts of the apostles. The book passed the teachings in Hebrew to Palestinians. The apostle visited Syria, Mussels, Palestine, Persia, India and Ethiopia. Praying that people accepted the true faith, he carried it to pagans and atheists.

Jesus and Twelve Apostles

It is known about the miracle created by him after meeting with the Lord. Levy Matvey stuck in the land at the temple of the rod. A fruiting tree has grown at this place, and source scored from it. Everyone who drank water here became kind and meek, trough faith.

The legend is connected with the ruler Fulvian and his family. The apostle set them on the path of True, despite the disbelief and the desire to kill Levi Matvey. God was on the side of the student and helped, satly on the warriors of the darkness, who did not allow to take a man into custody. Trying to grab the apostle, Fulvian Olemp, and Levi saved him. Deciding that the apostle magician, and not the Lord's envoy, the ruler ordered to burn him. The flame of the prepared fire did not hurt the Apostle, which was increfully prayed. The power of God confirmed the fiery snake, formed from the fire and poured on Fulviana. Cheating, he recognized the power of the Lord. Levi forgave him and died.

New Testament

Biblical legends provide minimum information about Levi Matvey. The only relevant information is that the man was Mytarem. This is confirmed by the Gospel of Matthew, from Luke and from Mark. The Gospel written by him tells about the meeting with Jesus. Many appliance collectors and sinners considered Jesus their friend and teacher.

The image of Levi Matvey

Researchers of the New Testament compare Levi Matthew with Leviem Alfheyev, who also listed Mytarem. In the Gospel of Mark there is a small story about him, and Luke in his creation describes the vocation of the hero. Based on the words of other apostles, some scientists suggest that the Levia Alfeyev is a real name of the prophet, and Matvey is a nickname, deciphering as "God's gift". This version has always challenged the opponents of the idea, for example a writer of the 4th century AD. Didim blind. In the New Testament, Matvey and Matthews are mentioned, so many regard it as a name transcription. Men's biographies coincided, so this fact can be perceived as a literary error.

The Christian tradition constantly confuses Matthew and Matthew, so in various editions of the same text, the name of the hero is used by the author's degree. A bright example is the work of "Acts Andrei and Mattia".

"The Master and Margarita"

Bulgakov was not attempting to the hero of the Bible as a prototype of a literary character. In accordance with the Tradition, Matvey wrote the Gospel in the Aramaist language, which is considered ancient.

Writer Mikhail Bulgakov

The man witnessed the stay of Jesus on earth among mortals. In the narration of Bulgakov Yeshua tells the Pontium of Pilate about the former Mytar and his work. Yeshua almost betrays Levi, although it is afraid of him. He sends the guards to the right path. The characteristic of Mattheva from the mouth of Yeshua represents the apostle as a person acting contrary to the law. In his opinion, a man threw state money, and not his own. Yeshua is also confident that Matthew's records are not true.

Yeshua tells everything about Levia, substituting him under the blow. He characterizes the evangelists as people who misinterpreted the thoughts about what is happening. He does not respond about Levi Matvhea positively and calls him exclusively by a satellite, but not a student. It forms the attitude of Pilate to the hero. He does not arrest the apostle, but also does not trust him the status of the student Yeshua. In his eyes, Levy lost mercy.

Yeshua and Pontius Pilate

The master was confident that Levi did not see the interrogation of Yeshua, but watched only for execution. Levi wanted to stop the suffering of the teacher and considered the murder the only possible way for this. Levi Matvey in a rustling of anger curse God, because it is confident that the true Lord would not allow the death of such a person like Yeshua. The hero is confident that his destination is the murder of Yeshua and in the liberation of flour. Calling on other gods, refusing away from his own Lord, he demonstrated the lack of faith.

The New Testament says that the man mined a knife in the guards to protect the teacher. In the understanding of the master in the actions of Levi there is no divine fishery, and he wants to become the liberator of a martyr from understandable humane motivations.

Levi Matvey and Woland in the series

During the blasphemy of the Apostle, the thunderstorm predicted Ishua begins, and it brings death. The executioner is stuck in a spear in the heart of the Son of God. Mystically embodies the desires of Levi. He puts out the idea and the death of Judah. Murder is carried out by the hands of Afran with the permission of Pontius Pilate.


Roman "Master and Margarita" was repeatedly shielded. The first tape, filmed by Andrzej Waida in 1972, was called "Pilate and others". The action turned out to be moved during the 20th century and the heroes looked modern. Daniel Olbrykh executed the role of Levi Matvey in the film.

Daniel Olbrykhsky in Levi Matvey

In Ribe Alexander Petrovich, the same year of release there were no biblical motives, only the events that occurred in Moscow in the thirties of the twentieth century were described. The character Levy Matvey in the picture was absent.

The Polish project of Mazei Volyshko became the next film according to the story of the novel. The biblical character was absent in this cinema of the literary work

Lev Durov in Levi Matvey

In the film "Master and Margarita" of 1994, shot by Yuri Kara, Levi Matvey played actor Lion Durov. Kinokartina turned out to be rich in acting. Voland on the screen embodied Valentin Gaft, homeless - Sergey Garmash, and Pontius Pilate - Mikhail Ulyanov.

Semen Strugachev as Levi Matvey

In 2005, the large-scale film was released "Masters and Margarita". The author of the project was Vladimir Bortko. Oleg Basilashvili appeared in the image of Voland, Levi Matvey played Semyon Strugachev, and Masters - Alexander Galibin.


In the book, Levy Matvey acts as a healthy Christ. He comes to the abode of Voland with the words:

"I am to you, the spirit of evil and the lord of the shadows."

This becomes an additional confirmation of the fact that Satan appears before the audience.

Levy Matvey - Illustration for Book

The messenger asks to bestow the Master and Margarita. Starting for heroes, he declares that the world they will find only in hell. In paradise for the author of the novel about Pontiya Pilate there is no place. To the question of Voland about why the master can not go to the light, Levi answers:

"He did not deserve light, he deserved peace."

Paradise in this perception does not imply rest for a person who sinned, but his merit in the form of a written novel should receive a reward. And this remuneration will become peace.

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