Uma2Rman Group (Umaturman) - history of creation, composition, photo, news, songs, group, "say goodbye", Burito 2021



Without creativity, the Uma2RMan group is already difficult to submit a Russian-speaking stage. Extrainarined rhythms and texts fell according to Melomanians, and since 2003, Vladimir and Sergey Crystovsky - founders and team leaders - do not get tired to compose new and new tracks, instantly conquering tops of the charts. The first glory of the team brought the same song to the team, but over the years of work, the musicians proved that their talent is not exhausted by this composition.

The history of creation and composition

Brothers Crysto, founders of the team "Umaturman", originally from Nizhny Novgorod. Since childhood, Sergey and Vladimir were fond of music. Becoming older, both young people tried to realize in his favorite business: Sergei Krysto mastered the bass guitar and played in Sherwood, Broadway and Country Salun groups. Vladimir collected his own team "Top view" and performed compositions in the style of punk rock. After some time, the brothers decided to combine efforts and write down a joint album.

In total, 15 songs entered the record. Vladimir became a soloist, Sergey took responsibility for the arrangement and musical design of the album. The question arose about the name of the newly connected group. At first, Crystovsky decided to appear as a team of "not our world", but soon changed the name on "Umaturman" - in honor of the minds of Turman, the beloved actress Sergei and Vladimir. True, after some time, performers had to change Writing on Uma2RMan to avoid problems with legislation.

The brothers sent a ready-made plate into Moscow musical studios. For some time, there was no reaction for the album "Umaturman", but soon luck smiled at the Kristovsky brothers: the Rock singer Zemfira heard the composition of Praskovya. Representatives of the artist invited musicians to come to the capital and speak together with the star. So in 2003, the Fans of Zemfira Ramazanova, and then the whole country, first learned about the Umaturman group.

Since the beginning of the history of the Group's creation, the composition changed, now it has noticeably expanded: a solo guitarist Yuri Terletsky, Saxophonist Alexander Abramov, Saxophonist Alexander Abramov, Krasnik Alexei Kaplun, Drummer Sergey Solodkin, and Sergey Serov, who played on Trombone, will come to the scene.

For news about the work and personal life of the musicians "Umaturman" can be followed in "Instagram" and other social networks, where the fans are divided by photos of idols and impressions about the concerts of the favorite group.


After the first speech, Praskovya became a hit for days. In the spring of the same year, Vladimir and Sergey removed the clip on this composition. The video was entertaining: the shooting took place in the resorts of Yalta and Gurzuf, 18 beauties models took part in them. Soon the remaining compositions of the Crysto brothers won popularity from Melomanians. And in 2004, the group released the first studio album called "in the city N".

In addition to many "Praskovyi", "Uma Turman" and "say goodbye", the listeners remember the soundtrack to the sensational film "Night Watch", filmed on the basis of the work of Sergey Lukyanenko. The painting itself gathered a truly star composition: Konstantin Khabensky, Zhanna Friske, Alexey Chadov and other famous actors got the main roles. And the composition about Anton Gorodetsky (the main character of the Night Watch), filled with crystoke brothers, has twisted for many more radio stations for a long time.

The popularity of the record, as the musicians in an interview later admitted, surpassed even the most bold expectations. The album soon received the status of a platinum (according to some radio stations and the media), and also brought the Crysto Brothers Honorary Statuette of the MTV Russian Music Awards award in the Nomination "Opening of the Year".

Dreams of glory were achieved, but the musicians left another cherished desire: to perform the song "Mind of Turman" in front of the actress and Quentin Tarantino, whose name is also mentioned in this composition. Unfortunately, in front of the star Sergey and Vladimir failed. But it was possible to sing for the director who came to Moscow to open the film festival. He treated the composition with humor and accepted a disc "Umaturman" as a gift.

In 2005, the collective discography was replenished with a second record. The album was called "Or maybe it's a dream? .." Participants in the group, following the established tradition, one of the songs devoted to the favorite actress. True, this composition, "letter of mind," could not repeat the success of the first dedication to Hollywood beauty. Musicians criticized and even accused of "copied" and began to repeat. But the rest of the tracks of the album came to the listeners.

After the release of the record, the musicians went on tour: First, the group "Umaturman" rushed Russian cities, and then even gave several concerts abroad. Returning from the tour, the crystoke brothers began work on a new album. Preceded the release of the next disk of the song, recorded for the popular TV series "Daddy's Daughters". Andrei Leonova's hero is a large father Sergey Vasnetsov - turned out to be close and clear to musicians: both brothers are five children.

Work on the third plate ended in 2008. It was distinguished from previous mixing of genres and bold experiments with sound. Her highlight was the songs "Paris" and "will not call", fulfilled together with the French diva patrician Kaas. However, album hits that most loved listeners are most like, - compositions with romantic lyrics "Rain" and "in the city of summer".

Following the output of the record, a traditional touring tour followed, after which the musicians again signed a contract with the TV project. This time, Sergey and Vladimir took the soundtracks to the cartoon "Squirrel and Arrow. Star dogs. " Total three songs were recorded.

In 2011, Sergey and Vladimir Crystovsky were awarded the nomination for the Award of the MUZ-TV TV channel for the next album "All Crazy" in this city. True, the cherished award was in this time Ilya Lagutenko and his team "Mumiy Troll", but the recognition of fans was completely left on the account "Umaturman". The most popular trades "in the city of Rain" and "You will return", as well as cavities on the composition of Alla Pugacheva and the team "Time Machine".

The fans did not have time to rejoice at the new record, as rumors appeared on the network of group decay. Indeed, Sergei Krystovsky with enthusiasm began for a solo project, only woven the wave woven. True, after some time, the musicians reassured fans, stating that the team "Umaturman" continues to record songs and prepares for the release of the next album.

The promised plate was published in 2016. This album, called "Sing, Spring", even beat the sales records for some time and headed all sorts of hit parades and charts. Tracks "one on one", "toxins" fans noted especially. Another hit of 2016 was the composition "On the other winter of winter", performed by the crystoke brothers together with the singer Barbara Vibrib.

In 2018, photos of musicians appeared again on the pages of news publications. The premiere of the next plate, which replenished the musical biography of the collective was the reason. The new album "not our world" was recorded in collaboration with the sound engineer Paul Shevchuk. Also, the fans of the Creativity of the group "Umaturman" have already seen a new clip of the Kristovsky brothers to the composition "Do not part with your loved ones."

In 2018, "Umaturman" entered the history of the main sports event of the year - the World Cup. The musicians recorded the "All-Football" composition, which became informal anthem of this event. Also, the artists of Nike Borzov, Dmitry Dyuzhev, Alexey Kortnev and other Russian pop stars, took part.

Some early track tracks over time gained a second life. For example, the "Night Watch" received a continuation in the form of a "Dosor" single, telling what happened to Anton Gorodetsky. In addition, in the modified form of the song, it was sounded as a soundtrack to the full-length film "Real boys against zombies", in which the heroes of the eponymous series with many years of history were among the zombie apocalypse.

Another track from the first album "to say goodbye" came as the Uma2Rman remote with the Burito group, the leader of which Igor Bunnyshev completely redoned the melody, leaving the original version of only chorus. He wrote the text for a new composition.

Uma2Rman now

Now the musicians continue to give concerts, write songs and work on albums.

Together with Vasily Uriavsky in 2020, the group released a cheerful track "Seryoga says", whose heroes, judging by the text, are very reminded by the performers themselves. The song uses obscene vocabulary. For shy fans, a remix was recorded - a special, intelligent-charismatic version without parangular words.

Later, Sergey Kristovsky, in continuation of the solo career, released the author's record "You and I!".

The main event of 2021 for the group was the premiere of the new, as the participants themselves say, the "Space" Single "Atomic Love". This event, in particular, devoted his interview with Radio "Peter FM" Vladimir Kristovsky. The new song sounded at the concerts of the team in St. Petersburg and Moscow.

In honor of the 45th anniversary of Vladimir Uma2RMan took part in the "apartment at Margulisa", where other star guests were made.


  • 2004 - "In the city N"
  • 2005 - "Maybe this is a dream? .."
  • 2008 - "Where Dreams lead"
  • 2008 - "1825"
  • 2011 - "In this city, all crazy"
  • 2016 - "Sing, Spring!"
  • 2018 - "not our world"


  • 2004 - "Praskovya"
  • 2004 - "To say goodbye"
  • 2004 - "Mind of Turman"
  • 2006 - "Paris"
  • 2008 - "California"
  • 2009 - "Romance"
  • 2011 - "Olya from the network"
  • 2013 - "Dance, Muse"
  • 2014 - "Pour me"
  • 2015 - "Toxins"
  • 2016 - "Besting"
  • 2017 - "One way"
  • 2018 - "All on football. All on the match »
  • 2018 - "Nastya"
  • 2019 - "Sparkle, Katya"
  • 2020 - "Seryoga says" (Feat. Vasily Uriavsky)
  • 2020 - "Golden Sun Ray"

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