Alai Oli Group - Composition, Photo, News, Songs, Clips 2021



The special sound and the original texts of the Alai OLI group brought participants to unprecedented popularity. The creators managed to find a unique style, which soon fell in love with listeners.

History of the group and composition

The biography of the ALAI OLI team began on September 29, 2004 in the city of Yekaterinburg. The founders and ideological inspirations of the group were Olga Marquez and Alexander Shapovski, related to friendly relations. The name decided to take Marquez soloist fairy tales called "Iron Lion". According to the story of history, this phrase is translated as "to carry a positive".

Soloist Olga Marquez

One day, the demo-recording of the song came to the organizers of the festival "Factory Ja". After listening, the team was invited to perform on stage. An interesting point that then as such a group was not yet, so Olga and Alexander, literally in 2 weeks, collected the team, speaking at the festival. They received a pass to the final, won the first listeners. More than this, the participants were invited to speak in different cities of the country.

The team of Olga Marquez became a soloist, it is her first and only brainchild in the musical sphere. From early childhood, the girl was fond of writing poems, and the first songs began to write in grade 9, not having musical education.

Bassist Alexander Shapovski

Texts of compositions for the group and are now written by Olga. A feature of the soloist is often called a chaining "smiling" voice. Indeed, in an interview with Marquez admitted that he writes songs with a smile.

The second founder Alexander Shapovski plays on the bass guitar. Behind the impact installation is Ruslan Gadzhimuradov, and behind the keys - Andrei Artemyev. Denis Harlashin is responsible for the guitar, and for the pipe and Flyugulgorn - Ilya Flyugeltub. This is the famous Alai Oli group.

Drummer Ruslan Gadzhimuradov

Each of them is not a session, but a full participant of the group who voluntaries time and strength in it. Musicians, not counting the founders, lead a dense creative life in other teams. The group infrequently performs, therefore the concerts "Alai Olya" are vivid and strong in the emotional plan. Participants believe that if the team is regularly touring, it will turn into work, which is contrary to the Alai OLI philosophy.


The key point in the life of the group was the invitation to the concert dedicated to the birthday of Bob Marley. The festival participated the leading reggae groups of the country, as well as the frontman Massive Attack - Andy Horace.

During the year after the official creation of a group, the participants actively toured, taking part in a variety of summer festivals. And in early 2006, Alai Oli performed at the Moscow club "Point" with an individual concert.

Guitarist Denis Harlashin

A year later, the first album called "Yes, Bro?", Opening the road to major platforms and festivals. By the end of 2008, the participants presented to fans the second album "Snow Barcelona", which received a favorable response from the listeners.

Renal events in the life of the team were moving from their native city to St. Petersburg after acquaintance with Art Manager Artyom Dertev and speech at the Green Theater site in the capital of Russia.

After coming to the group of Ilya Fllugultube - a trumpeter with classical musical education - the recognizable Rhythms of Alai OLI are finally formed. As for the genre of music, usually the team belongs to REGGAE-SKA due to the fact that both directions are present in the group tracks, despite their seemingly similarity.

The collective soloist admits that Alai Oli play "conditional" reggae, and in the sound there are more Ural music, the essence of which is in nation and simplicity.

Trubach Ilya Flyugeltuba

For two years, the group toured on the expanses of the Motherland and abroad - in the cities of Europe. At the end of 2011, Alai Oli presented the third studio album "Satta Massagana". This release has become swivel for musicians, since after it the team develops a new sound that built naturally, absorbing a lot of light and a drop of mysticism.

Significant anniversary - 10 years - Alai Oli celebrated large concerts in Native Yekaterinburg, St. Petersburg and Moscow. In the spring of 2015, the team made a symphony orchestra, the program of which is invented and implemented by a trumpeter Ilya.

At about the same time, working on the upcoming release. In the new plate "Equilibrium and depth" Alai OLI embodied the absolute balance of the bright and dark sides of the world. The album came out in two versions: "Blue" option - high-quality and clear production, and "red" is more "lamp" format. At this time, Alai Oli recorded a cover on the hit "Animal Jazz" called "Three Strips".

In December 2017, the group presented on the Internet mini-album "Oshhh", which included 3 tracks. Together with the new material, Alai OLI released a video on the title composition.

Alai Oli now

The group "Alai Olya" continues to work wonderful music and please the listeners with new songs, replenishing discography. In the spring of 2018, the single came out "The city does not accept", recorded jointly with the Vlad, the participant of the "Casta" group. The song hit the charts of a dozine charts on "our radio".

At the same time, the team introduced the "non-film" called "Alise", whose director became Vitaly Akimov. Low later the group released a music album with the same name, which is a archetype in the center of several stories united in one. Alice is not an invented character and not one person, dialogues in the visual album are recorded on the voice recorder or cameras.

Since the material has a ring composition, each chapter can perform first, each can be the last. Therefore, history has no beginning and end.

In the summer of 2018, the Group made a concert in St. Petersburg on the large-scale festival "Peter, I love you."

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Recently, Alai Oli expressed the desire to make a small tour in May 2019 in Kamchatka and the Far East. Details of the tour are not yet known, as the concert program has not yet been formed.

The team has an account in the social network "Instagram", but more attention participants pay a verified group in VKontakte, where they regularly post the publications of the events in life.


  • 2007 - "Yes, bro?"
  • 2008 - "Snow Barcelona"
  • 2011 - "Satta Massagana"
  • 2012 - "Lullaby for Rudboy"
  • 2016 - "Equilibrium and Depth"
  • 2018 - "Alice"


  • "Evrotresh"
  • "Figure Fights"
  • "Snow and ash"
  • "The main thing"
  • "Cravliki"
  • "Dolban Space"
  • "Why are you lying under black?"
  • "Dolphins"
  • "And you"
  • "Autumn"

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