Vyacheslav Datsik - biography, personal life, photo, news, battles, wife, "instagram", Haji Nizhov, weight 2021



Vyacheslav Datsik is a Russian fighter who has achieved success in Thai boxing and mixed style. During the career in the ring of Red Tarzan - so Vyacheslav nicknamed fans of martial arts - earned a reputation as an eccentric person. The widespread glory of Datsik was not for sports achievements, but for offensive statements to people of other nationalities, loud crimes, no less loud trials and even escape from a psychiatric hospital.

Childhood and youth

The future athlete was born on December 31, 1980. According to other data, January 1, 1981. Motherland Vyacheslav is the town of shale, which in the Leningrad region. In an interview with Datsik recalled that he began to fight since childhood: peers often looked up and "poded" the Son of the teacher, he answered aggression. Potatovka was often ended with the manual design. Several times, such situations brought participants to the hospital bed - on a soldier's account several concussions of the brain and other serious injuries.

True, Datsik did not remain in debt. One day the boy bit the rivals, and one high school student, according to his own confession, even snatched her cervical triceps. After this case, the fame was recorded in the police. Conflicts forced Vyacheslav at an early age to be interested in martial arts. The first disciplines for the student of the Judo, Gire Sports and Taekwondo.

After graduating from 9 classes, Vyacheslav entered the local technical school by choosing a specialty accountant. But the fights attracted the young man more than studying, so soon Datsik threw out the abstracts and devoted all the attention of training. In 1998, a young man moved to St. Petersburg, where a new era - professional fighting, loud titles and serious competitions began in the biographies of the wings.

In a conversation with journalists, he admitted that the films were influenced on the passion and popular at that time. Favorite picture Vyacheslav considered the North Korean adventure fighter "Hon Gil Don".

Martial arts

Among the Thai boxing partners and the audience, Datsik quickly won the reputation of an unpredictable wrestler. Vyacheslav could almost not respond to the opponent's blows almost the entire round, forcing others to believe in their defeat, and then overcame the opponent with one exact blow. However, even such a skill did not help the Datsika to achieve sports heights.

Officially debut fight on the ring of mixed martial arts Datzik spent with Andrei Orlovsky: During the entire confrontation, Vyacheslav was noticeably inferior, but at the end of an unexpected powerful tower in the jaw pulled out victory. But further loud fights ended not in favor of datik.

The fact is that in the youth of the Red Tarzan repeatedly violated the rules of the competition, did not pay attention to the prevention of the referee and allowed himself eccentric and even inadequate antics. The high athlete (height 186 cm) resorted to dishonest techniques, struck opponents to strike in the groin, for which there were a lot of disqualifications.

There were good fights and successful fights at Datsik, but defeat statistics outweigh the victory, which, according to sports critics and observers, did not even better affect the psyche of Vyacheslav, even more recklessly.

Red Tarzan was often compared with another shocking fighter - Charles Bennet, who received a rabbit horse with his nickname. Charles fully justified the nickname of the defiant behavior and non-standard intake intakes and, as well as Datsik, did not want to obey the rules and laws and outside the ring, for which the impressive prison sentence earned.

In addition, in the Northern capital, Vyacheslav entered into the organization "Slavic Union" (activity is prohibited in the territory of the Russian Federation). Datsik came to the nationalist ideas closely, began to attach itself to the neo-language.


In winter, 2007, Vyacheslav photo appeared on the pages of news publications. True, this time is not in the sports column, but in the Criminal Chronicles section. The fighters were accused of a series of robbery attacks on cellular salons and jewelry stores. However, during the investigation, it turned out that Datsik mentally unhealthy: the suspect was recognized as inconvenient and sent for treatment to a psychiatric hospital.

"The Red Tarzan is the Son of Svarog, the Lord of Murom Forests, from the kind of gray pieces" - so completely introduced to Vyacheslav representatives of the law enforcement at the interrogation. Subsequently, the phrase received the status of a peculiar visiting card athlete. The behavior of Datzik, disassembling the windowsills and defended with the sanitation, pushed the doctors to the diagnosis of "schizophrenia, complicated by injuries."

Later, Datsik confessed in an interview, which specially sought such results of psychiatric examination. According to the Red Tarzan, it is much easier to escape from the clinic than from prison than Soon Vyacheslav and took advantage of choosing a good time.

In 2010, Vyacheslav was transferred to a friendly hospital (in the Leningrad region), in which there was no proper security. The fugitive was looking for around the region and in Moscow, however, the wrestler was soon announced in Norway, where he tried to get political asylum.

At the same time, a video was distributed in the network, in which Alexander Emelyanenko, the famous MMA fighter, criticized the actions of Datzik and called the athlete scumbag. Red Tarzan did not remain in debt and recorded a response video message to Alexander, in which he did not hesitate in expressions addressed to the former colleague in Ringgu.

Meanwhile, the Russian court ruled on absentee arrest of red tarzan, and the Norwegian authorities presented Datsika accusation in the illegal wearing weapon (the detainee voluntarily passed the Makarov Pistol with a policeman). As a result, the solence was refused to provide asylum, and in the spring of 2011, Vyacheslav was extradited to their homeland. In Russia, the illegal crossing of the state border was added to the list of charges, Vyacheslav Datsik himself sent to the Crosses.

In December 2012, Datikov announced the verdict - 5 years of imprisonment. To serve Vyacheslav to serve in the colony of the general regime. In 2016, Red Tarzan was freed, truth, for a short time. Already the next day of the nationalist, they again concluded in custody: over the past day, a former athlete managed to participate in the riots in St. Petersburg Tona. In addition, the fighter burst into the hotel's room and pulled out the room from the room. In the corridor, a woman managed to escape and escape.

A long trial began over Datikom, during which Vyacheslav was arrested.

On March 19, 2018, the trial ended and the Datsik was read by the sentence. The friend Stas Baretsky, singer and showman who surprised those present by the funeral wreath, who were surprised by the funeral wreath, were on the head in protest. But the shocking measures did not soften the judges, and the athlete received 3.5 years of imprisonment in a strict regime colony.

However, in February 2019, themis regretted Datzik. A number of accusations with a wrestler removed and released in connection with the departure of the sentence. In a conversation with the press, Vyacheslav confessed that there was not enough delicious food in prison. Therefore, being behind the goal of a correctional institution, immediately went to the restaurant.

The athlete was not afraid to sharply criticize the power in general and the penitentiary system in particular. Did not disappear Vyacheslav and racist statements. Not every edition decided to interview Datsik, which seemed to be a member and prepared for the next time.

Return to MMA

Chuguly red tarzan and organizers of professional competitions. But the interest of the audience the scandalous fighter only heated. In April 2019, Vyacheslav participated in the "Battle of Haip" show. In rivals, Datsika got blogger Artem Tarasov. The latter was recognized as the winner, since the ring of Ring resorted to forbidden techniques.

Maxim Novoselov decided to distract the buddy from politics and fighting tritons, offering to hold a bright duel. The meeting promised to be spectacular, tickets were well bought. But shortly before the event, friends participated in the True Gym Fights tournament, during which Vyacheslav broke the jaw, the battle had to cancel. The irresponsibility of the ward then extremely outraged the promoter who threatened to cancel the contract.

New term

At the end of 2019, Ryzhoretarzan detained for the fellow illegally cross the Estonian border. A friend Vyacheslav named Dmitry was hiding from the investigation. The athlete wanted to help a friend to leave the territory of Russia, but the undertaking was not crowned with success.

In June 2020, the information appeared that Datikov appointed a sentence of 1 year of imprisonment. Since the lion's share of the term Vyacheslav spent in imprisonment, it was already in November.

Personal life

Details of personal life athlete reveals reluctantly. Matched journalists tormenting learn the subtleties as the first love, Datsik immediately proposes to get an "autograph under the eye." According to the network, the fighter had a beloved named Ksenia. Choir gave birth to Vyacheslav two children - the son of Yaroslav and daughter Vasilis. In 2019, the pair was awarded each other with mutual accusations and parted.

Now Vyacheslav is married to Victoria Datsik (in Mamaligina's Maumatic), which is listed by PR director of the fighter. In the spring of 2021, the athlete laid out several pictures with his wife in an instagram account, which is noticeable that the happy family will soon wait for replenishment.

Vyacheslav Datsik now

On February 20, 2021, the first fight of Vyacheslav after liberation was held. Tyson Dijon spoke by the enemy, whom Datsik knocked out in the 4th round. "Specially substituted his head. I love to break your head fist. Many fighters broke, "- a satisfied winner shared his impressions with representatives of the" Sport-Express "edition.

But in May, red-made tarzana was lucky: Haji Avtomat Navruga sent an opponent in a knockout already in 1 round. Perhaps the reason was in a bad form of datsik.

Spring athlete tried to lose weight. Already in June 2021, Vyacheslav Valerevich demonstrated photos before and after social networks, explaining that he got rid of 48 extra kg.

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