Pavel Kornev - biography, photo, personal life, news, books 2021



Miscellaneous worlds, wizards-heroes, which at first glance do not differ from ordinary people from the daily crowd at the bus stop. Perhaps the passion for the witchcraft and mysterious, which lives in every person, explains the popularity of fiction and fantasy genre. The author of books about the adventures of necromancers and sorcerers Pavel Korenev, as a different other, knows the pleasure of creating his own extraordinary world. Readers are grateful and applied are immersed in the stories created by the writer, who once worked as an employee of the bank.

Childhood and youth

The future ficture was born in the Ural industrial city of Chelyabinsk on June 23, 1978. Looking alternatively, it should be said that the writer continues to live in his hometown, despite his author's fame overtook. Read Paul loved since childhood. Literary favorites from school bench became science fiction.

Pavel Kornev in youth

However, at first the root did not see himself as the creator of his own fantasy worlds. After receiving a certificate, the young man entered the prosecical and not related to the Faculty of Economics of the Chelyabinsk State University.

Leaving the university's walls, the former student began to work in a specialty. In the office of Sberbank, the man worked for 9 years, but in the end, the literary talent manifested itself and completely absorbed Paul.


As the writer admitted in one of the few interviews, his reading experience was pushing his idea about his own work. A fan of modern science fictions, such as George Martin, Jim Butcher, Andrei Cruz, Alexey Pekhov, once thought about what could he speak, like them. And other times in the hands of Paul, the works came to the idea that he was able to write much better and more interesting for their authors.

Writer Pavel Kornnev

The beginning of a creative career falls for 2002, and next year the root began to write systematically and professionally. The first novel of the science, saw the light, became "ice". Initially published on samizdat and fragmentary duplicated in the author's live journal, the text attracted the attention of readers and publishers.

In 2006, Alpha-book releases a circulation about the world of eternal cold, where the laws establish sharp blade and witchcraft. The very first novel of the author, which is called, "shot." In addition to the warm reception of fans of the genre, the writer received positive feedback from critics and colleagues. Immediately in the year of exit, the work was awarded the Russian Prize in the Fiction Word "Sword Unnamed."

Books Paul Kornev

Soon the heroes and the created world of border were developed in a cycle with a similar name. The root received a proposal from the Czech publishing house Fantom Print and the Polish Fabryka Słów about the print "Privacy". The author gladly agreed to international cooperation, and the cycle heroes received foreign fans.

In 2015, a new section of Khmel and Klondike saga appears, written in collaboration with Andrei Cruise - an equally well-known creator of fantasy. The section lived up to the death of Cruise and in 2018 ended with the release of the epilogue.

Illustration to the books of Pavel Kornev

Pavel Kornev shared with fans on the completion of history. As the writer explained in an interview, he cannot continue the story about the characters created by a colleague, because he does not know what fate was prepared by him on the idea of ​​Andrei. The fantasy of the writer was not limited to one world, soon the reader was able to transfer to the Middle Ages, described in the free interpretation of Kornev.

The cycle "All-Grade Electricity" talks about the gift of the former detective of the Say of Leopold ORSO. The hero is able to revive the fears of others. Having found an unusual talent in the first book of the "Sustaine" cycle, which faced the readers the character continued the misadventures on the pages of the "heartless", "fallen", "sleeping", "faceless".

Pavel Kornev gives autographs

Thrust to mysticism manifested itself in writing the cycle "Exorcist". The name speaks for itself. The protagonist of the world created by Paul is struggling with demons and demons, leading a fierce struggle with a cunning enemy of dark forces. In 2013, at the Bastcoin-2013 conference, the Cycle was awarded the Asthanasii Nikitin Prize.

According to Paul, he received several times the proposal of the film screening, in particular the most famous "ice", but did not immediately work on the script of the film until the proposal plans did not go.

Personal life

Modern fiction writers are far from public popularity and do not flicker on the pages of magazines and television screens with an interview. Details of the personal life of Pavel Kornev do not go beyond Chelyabinsk, where the writer lives with his family. It is known only that the author is married.

By the assumption of Kornev, the spouse like his work, as a woman asks to read newly written stories and heads of novels. By the way, the author himself is sufficiently critical to his own draft sketches and recognizes that the work requires it a special diligence in editing and subtraction. Labor and organization helps to cope with the laziness, since the publisher tough establishes the delivery time.

Pavel Kornev loves beer

In addition to fiction, the writer loves a movie, however, already in a detective genre. But the thrust to the created fantasy worlds is completely expressed in passion for computer games in the style of RPG.

Paul is the fan of Russian rock, and the heroes of his books sometimes quote the texts of the group "Agatha Christie".

The Hobbies of the Writer, which brings not only to the outstand, but also an additional income, is homemade brewing. Kraft beer, welded personally root, comes in a cafe and accessible to foam foam fans.

Pavel Kornev now

The science fiction continues to delight fans of the genre with new heroes and narration about fantasy worlds.

In 2018, the author began working on a new universe that exists in the virtual reality of RPG games. Character Sagie "Dear Deadman" turns out to be killed and sharpened in the body of the deceased. The cycle contains three books. Starting in the "Dead Thieves", the story was continued in the "Kingdom of the Dead" and ended in the epilogue of the trilogy "Detaire Sweet".

Pavel Kornev in 2018

The voice acting of the works of the fiction in the format of audiobooks is underway. In September 2018, readers can get to listen to the new part of the adventures of the Exorcist - "Holy Sigger".

It is worth noting that Courteva's work is included in the Top Sale of the Litles website.

Paul is ready for any development of his own future, and if the writer's career comes an end, he will simply return to work in the specialty.


  • 2006 - "Lod"
  • 2008- "Black Dreams"
  • 2010 - "Damned Metal"
  • 2012 - "Mor"
  • 2014 - "Determiner"
  • 2015 - "heartless"
  • 2015 - "Hop and Klondike" (together with Andrey Cruise)
  • 2016 - "Fallen"
  • 2016 - "Bloody Ties"
  • 2017 - "faceless"
  • 2018 - "Holy Sigger"
  • 2018 - "Dead Thief"
  • 2018 - "Dead Man's Sweet"

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