Commissioner Rex - History of the series, Main characters, actors and roles, quotes


Character History

In the 1990s, the mass of foreign TV shows was broadcast on Russian screens, which still, nostalging, recall the audience. Among them are youth projects, soap operas and detective multi-ribbons. "Commissioner Rex" became a series that focused on the screens a different audience from children, adults and even pets.

History of creation

The idea of ​​shooting the megapopular series "Commissioner Rex" appeared at the creators in 1992. Initially, the project was conceived as kinocartine in a detective genre about police officers. When acting samples were conducted, the challenger on the main role of Tobias Maretti led the PSA with him, and the director decided to invite the Pet of Artist to participate in the shooting. The scenario was written with the new acting person and for a long time they were picked up by major roles.

Commissioner Rex.

The premiere of the pilot series took place in 1994. She was waiting for an unpredictable success. Shepherd, starring in the series, loved by the audience Austria and other countries. In Germany, the project's audience consisted of 8.5 million viewers. The series looked in many countries of the world.

The biography of the dog in the plot was predictable. German Shepherd Dog Rex - the guardian of the law and a police officer who helped investigate murders and confusing crimes. The main character of the series was loved by the audience with a quiet character and funny manners. Rex masterfully wanted things and people using sharp scent, and could not resist the buns with sausage.

Frame from the film

The acting staff did not make specific requirements, and the question of choosing a pet for a leading role was not burning. During the filming of the series, several dogs appeared in this image, pre-past specialized training courses.

Hosts and dogs

The first owner of the PSA in the plot was Richard Moser. Rex became his faithful companion for the whole four seasons. Colleagues became friends and understood each other with a half-clow. The dog helped reveal the case, and the policeman was bald her and helped get comfortably in the department. Tobias Maretti, who spoke as Musher, was a popular actor in Austria, but Commissioner Rex made him world-famous artist. Maretti chose a television sphere and starred in a variety of projects. The audience also observed him in the 1998 Clarissa drama and in the Western "Dark Valley" of 2014.

Richard Moser (Tobias Moretti) and Rex

According to the scenario, in the fourth season, Moser died in a fight with a maniac. Alex Brandtner came to replace the colleague, which Rex perceived not immediately. Later Gideon Burkhard, who played Alex, told about work in the series as an exciting event. Like his predecessor, Burkhard left the project after several seasons.

The artist tried himself in unexpected creative directions in his career. Burkhard was filmed in advertising and was a face of a fashionable label, tried provocative images and was not afraid to seem like funny. Recovering in an episodic role in the tape "Inchlastic bastards", the artist won the glory of the sex symbol.

Gideon Burkhard (Alex) and Rex

Leading characters changed, the actors went away, but the series did not lose the ratings. The audience continued to follow the adventures of the Austrian police and their assistant - resourceful PSA. In the following series, Alexander Pwalle, who played Mark Hoffman appeared as the owner of Rex in the frame. The artist is not so famous in cinema, like other actors in this role, but a lot was playing in the theater. Critics awarded the Romy Prize for execution of the role of the investigator.

In 2008, the director upgraded the idea, moved to Italy. After a four-year break in the filming, Caspar Caparoni attracted. In the form of Lorenzo Fabrbrib, he is in demand from the public. The artist rarely gives preference to cinema, a lot appeared on stage staged. Participation in the project fascinated him for a while. In the 14th season, the owner of the Rex died in the eyes of a four-way friend. In the last series of the project, His place alternately occupied Ettore Bassi in the image of David River and Francesco Arch as Marco Tercani.

Kaspar Caparoni (Lorenzo Fabbri) and Rex

In parallel with the replacements of the characters in the series introduced new dogs. Each time the actors began to interact with the new dogs of the same breed. Dogs worked on the same line of mutual relations. At first, the relationship between the partners did not develop, but afterwards they became friends and were fine.

The history of the series is considered a real history of success, as the project "Commissioner Rex" turned out to be demanded on Austrian-German television. After entering the screens of the first episodes and promoting the image of the four-legged policeman, German shepherds began to enjoy wide demand from the wishing to make a pet.

Commissioner Rex lunch with the owner

Now the actors of the series do not enjoy great attention to the audience and are rarely removed in international projects, remaining regional zoom stars. The uniqueness of the series "Commissioner Rex" was how the actors and roles are chosen. For performers of major roles in a multi-sized film, the proposed images did not become "stigma" on the creative path. The series gave a ticket to the future and some future stars, including Christopher Walz.

Interesting Facts

  • German shepherds have long been elected to the role of guards. At the end of the 19th century, preference began to give to other rocks, among which bulldogs, Dobermans and Labradors. Among the Germans, shepherds had indisputable authority, as they were considered an ideal view for the proposed functional. Different with loyalty, courage and mind, these dogs were often exhibited at exhibitions, belonging to the standard. This is another reason for the filming in the TV series "Commissioner Rex" a dog of a specific breed was chosen.
German Shepherd
  • Police dogs serve for the benefit of the public, participating in rescue operations, looking for and, identifying narcotic and explosives and, pursuing criminals.
  • The creators of the project were inspired by the characters that existed in reality. Pots who worked with detectives were taken to serve in London from the 19th century. Sir Charles Warren - the first investigator, whose partner became a dog. Two hounds were to participate in the pursuit of the Jack-Ripper maniac, but the dogs betrayed the service for sausages and the idea failed. Nevertheless, the flair and instincts of dogs are often used in the disclosure of crimes.
Sir Charles Warren
  • Belgium became the first country where they developed a program to upbringing police dogs. Today, its algorithm is practiced in Austria, Hungary and Germany.
  • The series "Commissioner Rex" found a continuation of nine countries in the world. Shooting and release of new series lasted until 2015. There are 208 episodes of the project, which is comparable to the duration of the Santa Barbara series.

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