Murtaza Rakhimov - biography, photo, personal life, news 2021



Murtaza Rakhimov - Former President Bashkortostan. Among the leaders of the Russian regions, he is considered a political "long-lived" - at the head of the republic he stayed from 1990 to 2010. In 2018, Murtaza Gubaidulovich celebrated the 84th birthday. The biography of the leader is marked by both achievements and conflicts, some of which are still not permitted to this day.

Childhood and youth

Politician was born in the Bashkir ASSR, in the village of Tavakanovo. After the school, Murtaza entered the Ufa oil technician, after the end of which went to work on the refining factory.

Murtaza Rakhimov

Already in his youth, he managed to become a prominent specialist (on his account 35 copyright certificates and the title of Honored rationalizer of the RSFSR) and obtain a higher education without separation from production. In 1986, Murtaza Gubaidulovich became the director of his native enterprise.


Rakhimov's political career began in 1989 and developed rapidly: after a year he became a deputy of the Bashkir ASSR and entered the Supreme Council of the Republic as a chairman. At that time, the problem of the sovereignty of nationalities was very acutely stood, and Rakhimov actively advocated the preservation of the maximum independence of Bashkortostan from Moscow.

President of Bashkortostan Murtaza Rakhimov

In 1993, Murtaza Gubyidulovich won the elections and became president of the republic. Then the new constitution was signed. Rakhimov stood at the origins of the creation of the party "United Russia" (its first name was "Unity and Fatherland"). In 1998, he re-elected for the second term, and in 2003 - on the third.

The son of Murthase Gubaidulovich - Ural Rakhimov - headed the fuel and energy sector of the republic. Later in Bashkiria, the scandal associated with enterprises "Bashneft" and "Bashneftekhim" were broken: they were to be conveyed to federal property, but most of the statepastes went into private hands, and the fate of money from the sale remained unclear.

Murtaza Rakhimov and Rustem Khamitov

The sale of regional ownership led to the opening of the criminal case, but there were no information about its results, and no specific accusations were presented to anyone. Today's President of the Republic of Rustam Khamitov tries to bypass this topic. In an interview, he stated that the fate of the money was "practically not interested."

In 2005, in Bashkiria there was an increase in the discontent of the opposition. People took on rallies and demanded the resignation of the president. Rakhimov, in all, declared her son that he should return the shares of the Bashkir oil complex to the state. Urals transferred to the budget of 13 billion rubles and blocking stakes. In 2006, Murtaza Gubaidulovich put the question of confidence in Vladimir Putin and could resolve the situation in his favor.

Vladimir Putin and Murtaz Rakhimov

Rakhimov's powers expired in 2011, but he left the post a year earlier, asking for resignation on his own. Another day before his appeal to Medvedev, who then occupied the presidency, Kurultay (Bashkir Parliament) adopted the law that the coming head of the republic is guaranteed personal and property integrity, protection, pension and benefits are provided.

There was a rumor among the media that the size of the content designated Rakhimov is very large. Officially, no one confirmed this information, but not refuted. Opinions of the residents of Bashkortostan on the activities of Rakhimov as president will greatly differ. In the people, he received a nickname "Opener", because the solemn opening of enterprises, kindergartens, farms and other objects was the favorite plot in the media during his presidency.

Consul Askhat Nusqueba awards Murthaz Rakhimov by decree Nursultan Nazarbayev

The concentration of Bashkir TEK resources in some hands, many were also considered a plus. Rakhimov tried to support Bashkir language and "title" nation. In 2015, President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev awarded Rakhimov Order of Friendship.

On the other hand, many political opponents recall him unfinished history with Bashneft and Bashneftekhim. In 2014, IMIJ Rakhimov was seriously injured due to the son of the Urals. A criminal case has brought to the businessman, accusing in the assignment of money in particularly large sizes and the creation of schemes for their laundering. The son of the President disappeared in Austria. The Russian authorities demanded extradition, but the Viennese court found political motives in the persecution of Rakhimov and did not issue a scandalous businessman to the authorities.

Personal life

Murtaza Gubyidulovich is married to Louise Galimovna Rakhimova. The Urals is their only child, the grandchildren of the couple are not yet: the son has never yet connected himself by the Uzami official marriage. About personal life The former head of the republic speaks little, and even his photo with his family is a rarity.

Young Murtaza Rakhimov and his wife Louise with the son of the Urals

The official media emphasizes the love of the Bashkir president to music and reading the economic press, as well as addiction to physical education and sports.

Murtaza Rakhimov now

Former President of the Republic still lives in Bashkiria. The house is located in a green grove - an elite village near Ufa. He founded the charity foundation and became his chairman. The new organization is now actively invested in sporting events, supports the activities of the Hockey Club "Salavat Yulaev".

Murtaza Rakhimov in 2018

The Foundation also reconciled the construction of the AR-Rahim Mosque in Ufa, which led to trial and stopping construction. The management considered that the spiritual administration of Muslims, managed by spending, spent money not for its intended purpose, and led his donations back.


  • 1974 - the title "Honored rationalizer of the RSFSR"
  • 1977 - title "Honored Oilman Bashkir ASSR"
  • 1980 - Order "Honor Sign"
  • 1986 - Order of the Labor Red Banner
  • 1994 - the Order of the Friendship of Peoples
  • 1999 - Order "For merits to the Fatherland" of II degree
  • 1999 - PM premium gun
  • 1999 - Order of the Holy Plyover Tsarevich Dimitry of the Moscow and Uglich Wonderworker (ROC)
  • 2001 - Honor of the Council of the Federation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation
  • 2000 - Order "For Merit to the Republic of Bashkortostan"
  • 2003 - Order "Honor and Glory" of the 1st degree (Abkhazia)
  • 2004 - Order of Salavat Yulaeva
  • 2004 - Order "For Merit of Foreign Trade" (Belgium)
  • 2004 - Medal "For interaction with the FSB of Russia"
  • 2004 - PM Name Pistol
  • 2007 - Medal "For Promoting Narcocontrol Authorities"
  • 2009 - the Order of the Friendship of Peoples
  • 2009 - Honor of the President of the Russian Federation
  • 2010 - Order "For merits to the Fatherland" I degree
  • 2010 - Honor of the President of Bashkortostan

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