Sebastian Kurtz - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Instagram 2021



All political appointments Sebastian Kurtz begin with the words "the youngest". The Secretary of State Secretary, Foreign Minister and Finally, the Federal Chancellor of Austria - these posts Kurtu managed to occupy in a much earlier age than all of his predecessors. However, despite the relatively young years, the head of the Austrian government has already managed to earn a reputation as a mature and even wise policy.

Childhood and youth

The future Chancellor of Austria was born on August 27, 1986 in Vienna in an ordinary family: the father of the future policy was an engineer, the mother worked as a teacher. In the school years, Sebastian pointed himself as a diligent student. In 2004, after graduating from school, Kurtz immediately entered the mandatory military service. Having gave the debt home, the young man decided to continue their education. The choice of young people fell at the Faculty of Faculty of Vienna University.

Sebastian Kurtz in childhood

The eloquentness and purposefulness of Sebastian manifested themselves in his youth: at the age of 16 he wanted to join the ranks of the People's Party, but received a refusal due to age. However, the failure only disassembled Kurta, and the young man still achieved his goal, joining the party association across another branch of the organization. Perhaps this moment and became the beginning of a serious political career. Soon Sebastian Kurtz had already led the youth branch of the party in Vienna.


Gradually, Kurtz entered the course of the political and social life of the hometown, and also gained experience of leading work. The efforts of a young man did not pass in vain: Already in 2010, Sebastian joined the composition of the Council of Vienna, having received a deputy destination as a result of elections.

The election campaign of Kurta was distinguished by the originality: a novice politician made a bet on the fact that many seemed to be a shortset - age. He drove around the city on a black SUV in the company of beautiful girls, invited potential voters to parties on which later and shared his own views and political plans.

Such bold actions allowed the Kurtury to enlist the support of young people and get a cherished place in the city council. Of course, having achieved the goal, Sebastian Kurtz reacted to the appointment with all seriousness than the trust and respect of senior colleagues deserved.

Sebastian Kurtz and Emmanuel Macron

Already in 2011 it became clear that the career policy would go up: a young man appointed secretary for integration. This state office was opened specifically for Kurta, and he perfectly coped with trusted responsibilities. Proof of this was the new appointment, who was waiting for Sebastian in two years: Kurtz received the position of Minister of Foreign Affairs of Austria.

It is noteworthy that he became the youngest minister in this position in the native country, and in the world. At that time, the joke became a joke about whether Kurtz, who was then a student, to combine state work and study. As the time has shown, Sebastian succeeded.

Federal Chancellor of Austria Sebastian Kurtz

The next position was expected by Kurtz in 2017. However, this time the young man was not appointed to the post, and received him in voting, having achieved voter support. We are talking about the victory of the Austrian People's Party in the elections to the parliament of the country. At that time, the politician was already at the helm of this party and, accordingly, received the right to head the government, becoming the federal Chancellor of Austria. Officially, the new page in the biography of Sebastian Kurta opened on December 18, 2017 - on that day he brought the oath, becoming the youngest among European heads of countries.

Kurtu's challenges to win the position of migrants from Africa and Eastern countries in many ways. In his opinion, it is necessary to stop illegal entering the country. But those who come to legal reasons, Sebastian proposes to help - for example, arrange free German courses for people of other nationalities.

Sebastian Kurtz and Angela Merkel

Also Kurtz is not afraid to criticize the politics of Angela Merkel than causes the approval of many voters. This position of Sebastian is compared with the approach of his French colleague Emmanuel Macgron, who also often raises questions of tightening measures towards illegal. Such an approach was already painted by the populist, but the newly connected chancellor goes to the intended goals and, it seems, while justifies the confidence of the Austrians.

In relation to Russia, Sebastian Kurtz occupies a fairly flexible position and even, according to his own statement, is ready to become an intermediary in the dialogue of Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump.

Sebastian Kurtz and Vladimir Putin

In 2017, the Chancellor also became the chairman of the OSCE. This post Sebastian considers honorary and conflict in an interview that it intends to do everything possible for repayment and peaceful completion of conflicts between those or other countries.

However, not all Austrians are configured to trust Kurtouris. Thus, representatives of the LGBT community are wary of the new chapter of the government. The fact is that the party representing Sebastian is famous for the conservative approach to marriage and even religiosity. However, so far Kurtz has never compromised himself in the eyes of people of unconventional orientation.

Personal life

Sebastian Kurtz's personal life is trying not to advertise, but does not hide what is found with a girl named Susanna Tir. It is known that the beloved of the Austrian Chancellor works in the Ministry of Finance of the country.

Sebastian Kurtz and his girl Susanna Tir

Young people do not comment on further plans, however, by rumors, soon the girl will become a wife's wife. So far, Sebastian and Suzanne appear together in cultural events and receptions.

Sebastian Kurtz now

Now Sebastian Kurtz still keeps the informal "title" of the most promising policy of modernity. For the development of a career of the Austrian Chancellor with interest in many countries.

Sebastian Kurtz in 2018

He himself, meanwhile, is happy to share some details of political work, hobbies, as well as new photos in Twitter, Facebook and Instagram - Kurtz active social networking, which also adds points to him in the eyes of young people.

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