William Miller - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



The fifth season of the popular American series "Sota", which started in April 2018, was marked by the appearance of a new character - Paxton Makriri. According to the plot, the newcomer - the villain and the killer, the head of the criminal group, the antagonist of the main character of Clark Griffin. So ambiguous character played William Miller - Spanish actor with Anglo-American roots.

Childhood and youth

William Thomas Francis Miller was born in British Windsor on September 9, 1978. His mother is Englishwoman, Father - American. For a while, the Miller family lived in the United States, but when the boy turned 8 or 9 years old, moved to Catalonia: the company in which William's father worked, opened a branch in Barcelona.

Full William Miller

Despite the fact that the initial education of Little Will began to receive in English-speaking countries, he perfectly fit into a new environment and soon spoke in Spanish and Catalan as well as in his native English. Later, French and Asturian will be added to the knowledge of the languages ​​of the young polyglot.

At the end of the school, the future actor studied history and archeology. And even participated in a number of excavations in Egypt, being as part of an archaeological expedition. But then he drew the views towards dramatic art and entered the University of Rowira and Virgiili in Catalonia, at the Faculty of Drama. He performed in amateur theaters in Barcelona and Tarragona.

William Miller in youth

In addition, Miller studied at the Theater Studio of the famous Spanish director Juan Carlos Koraforto.

The young man has lost his father early, and he brought up his stepfather.

"Perhaps dad would insisted that I do business," the actor suggests.


William Miller's acting biography began in 1998 with small roles in Spanish films and TV shows. Virtually no break began to be filmed from 2001-2002.

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The first serious project in which the guy managed to light up, became the Spanish series "Tell me ..." (Cuéntame). After a single television season (2002-2003), the actor became the ascending Spanish television. The next projects did not make himself wait.

"I participated in many TV shows," remembers William in an interview. - But not more than one season. Crossed from the project to the project by invitation without choosing. When there was no work, hired by a waiter. Unstable is part of my life. "

To date, in the filmography of the actor, dozens of telecoms and paintings of different genres - from historical drams to melodram and comedies. Among other major projects that brought the greatest fame, the series "Isabella" - a biographical drama about the life of Queen Isabella Castilskaya. Miller played the lover of Queen Juan Portuguese - Berran de la Cuev. His participation in the project continued from 2011 to 2013.

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From 2010, the actor cooperates with American film companies. In 2016, two films were released on the screens with his participation - "Full-purpose man" and "Ruta Madre".

Dating with American Kinobossov gave a successful result: in 2017 it became known that the Spanish actor with the British surname would be a new character of the popular American TV project "hundred". When asked how he managed to get a role, Miller replied:

"I am familiar with the creators of the series, once we have already recorded pilot episodes for another project, but they never fired. And now I remembered me. No one believes, but I did not even pass the casting. "

William Character in Sotne, perhaps, one of the most cruel and cynical in the career of the actor. The keyword in the character description of Macriri is ruthless.

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According to the plot of Pacston - a former murderer, convicted and enclosed in a capsule for sleep. In the fifth season, the villain enters the ground, where he wakes up and starts the war against "hundreds".

"The roles of bad guys always have always liked more. Because no one is indignant by nature. And the task of the actor is to justify why this man became such, "Miller admits.

Personal life

The actor does not advertise a personal life, but does not make a mystery out of it. In photographs from secular events, he is invariably with a pretty companion.

William Miller and Maria Kotelo

It is known that a serious romantic relationship for several years tied William Miller with the Spanish actress Maria Kotelo, who is known at home due to roles in large TV projects. He even recognized journalists in that he did not exclude the creation of the family in the near future.

William Miller and Elais Taylor

However, in June 2018, the network has information about the new entry of the actor by the leading role in the series "hundred" - Elaisa Taylor. The official confirmation of the novel from the pair did not follow. And the fans of the series make conclusions about the relationship of idols on the basis of eloquent photos, which the girl lay out in "Instagram". Oils in the fire pour paparazzi, which and then manage to capture a couple on joint walks.

William Miller now

The actor has long dreamed of playing the artist, and this desire got an embodiment. Not so long ago, Miller starred in the tenth season of the series "Neighbors" in the role of a multi-faceted creative personality of Hector Adii.

William Miller in 2018

The artist still lives in Spain and, even despite the fact that in America it is still more common in America, does not want to leave the country that has become native for him.

"I feel more by the Spaniard, rather than a representative of the blood nations," Miller reveals. - I lived in the UK, and in the USA, but I do not feel any of these places. What is most attracted to me in Spain - the people! "


  • 2002-2003 - "Tell me ..."
  • 2004 - "Rottweiler"
  • 2006 - Salvador
  • 2008 - "Sagan"
  • 2011-2013 - "Isabella"
  • 2012 - "Sale of Paradise"
  • 2014 - "Mr. Avilla"
  • 2016 - "Full Person"
  • 2016 - "Ruta Madre"
  • 2017 - "Neighbors"
  • 2018 - "Sota"

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