Jackless Jack - biography, image, history, surname and character


Character History

A dark sweatshirt, a painted mask and an ominous oskal - such a lackless Jack appears in front of his own victims. A young man who distinguishes love for human kidneys, the trunks extract organs from sleeping people. The talented maniac leaves on the human body only the scar, and most of the victims of the monsters do not even guess that they have become dinner for the bloodthirsty monster.

History of creation

Lord Jack is a character of horror strokes distributed under the name "Crippasta". As with most urban legends, track the author does not seem possible. Mystical fairy tales, full of mysterious deaths and bloodthirsty heroes, quickly apply to the Internet, faster than new details.

Eyeless Jack

The legend of Jack was born in American forums crippastes. The Manyak fans claim that the anonymous user under the azelf5000 pseudonym "Azelf5000" was an anonymous user under the ambiguous character.

Alas, due to numerous interpretations and translations, the initial biography of Jack is lost. Therefore, on Russian sites, the crippasters are lackless Jack appears in the images of the surgeon, a student and simply insane maniac.


Biography of lackless Jack is full of conversations and shortcomings. The real story of the hero is known only since the reincarnation of a person in a dangerous monster, frightening crime cruelty. One thing is known to one - the young man wore the name Jack Narati before he became a serial killer.

Jack in full growth

Those who met a lackless Jack and survived, describe a man equally. The age of the killer is unknown, but externally, the hero of the horrors looks like a 19-year-old guy. In full growth, the young man reaches almost 2 meters. The young man practically does not appear without a mask, but the witnesses argue that under disguise the gray skin is hidden. A lightlike Jack is dressed in a dark sweatshirt and jeans, and a thick black alone follows from the eye.

His story has become known for users of the Internet due to the guy named Mitch. The young man moved to his own brother's house. After a couple of days, the young man discovered a scratch on his cheek, and in a couple of hours he found out that the kidney lost.

Eyeless Jack

Shortly after the tragic event, Mitch wakes up among the night and notices an unusual guest. The young man has time to take a picture of the maniac before the escape. It is believed that these are the only real photos of a lackless Jack. In the morning, the young man discovered the corpse of the elder brother, next to the body of which was broken by the Buloded Kidney Mitch.

A canonical story tells that a lackless Jack, like Ben Drill, became a victim of some mystical sect. The young man was whipped and tried to sacrifice, but the rite had failed for an unknown reason. The magic spell has affected the non-standard way, turning the guy in the maniac.

During the sacrifice, Jack snapped his eyes and poured empty socies with a mixture of resin and dirt. Therefore, the victims of the attack claim that a lackless jack is bleeding with black blood. A young man feeds on the organs of people, at all preferring the kidney preference.

Ben drowning

The legend is no less common, which, before turning into the bloodthirsty monster, Jack worked in the hospital. A young man, endowed with a brilliant mind and talent in medicine, finished the university early. Career Men's Surgeon moved quickly enough until the girl died on the operating table because of Jack's mistake. The hero was attracted to the court. And as a sentence, they were proposed to become an experimental for a famous biologist.

A solution that introduces a scientist modifies the consciousness and brain of Jack. A talented doctor turns into a monster and breaks out, cruel and destroying everyone without disaster. However, such a variant of the biography causes distrust of Jack's fans. Fans violently dispute this theory, looking for inconsistencies.

It is rumored that in real life, before becoming a hero of crippastes, Jack has already had black eyes. The boy was born with a similar deviation, not taking care of his parents.

Jackless Jack without mask

Jack grew up in the family of a surgeon and housewives. Before the age of majority, the guy had difficulty: because of unusual eyes, they did not want to be friends with young men, they mocked him with all sorts of ways, called "snowless."

But the real nightmare in the life of the hero began after the death of the parents. Once at night, an unknown person burst into the house of Nilarov. The disfigured bodies of the Father and Mother Jack found in the middle of the night, after he heard strange rustles.

Panic and despair blew up a young man. Quickly collected everything you need, the guy ran out of the house. Already on the threshold, Jack remembered the mask, which the hero presented the only friend. Returning to the gift, the guy spent so precious minutes - the police broke into the house.

Jackless Jack - Art

Love for parents and bitterness losses were deprived of the younger ability to figure out. Clear everything on the way, Jack immobilized patrol and disappeared in the night. The only place where the guy could stay and think, was Justin's house - the best friend of the hero.

In the silence of peacefully sleeping at home, Jack told the school comrade a further plan - a young man decided to find a killer of his parents and revenge. At night, the killer attacked Justin's house. Now both young men have left families and loved ones. The guys combine efforts and quickly find a monster who have deprived them of their relatives.

Russell over the killer became a turning point for Jack. Sooting in the depths of madness awakened. The only thing that took the young man is to revenge those who offended and insulted the guy. But just the death of the enemy quickly bored a young man.

Jackless Jack - Cosplay

Now, during the violence, Jack began to cut the kidneys who eaten. The campaign of Avengers soon turned into a bloody slaughter. Justin, who was not at all sought to destroy everyone and all, shot himself in the old house of the dead parents. The fellow act of comrade did not form Jack. After all, there are so many kidneys in the world, which are just the taste of taste.

Interesting Facts

  • The fans of a lackless Jack attribute to their adorable killer a variety of novels. But there is not a single confirmation that the character meets the girl, which is not surprising with this lifestyle.

Jackless Jack and Jeff Killer - Friends. In one of the anime dedicated to the crippaste, the guys even started a joint pet, the same bloodthirsty, as well as both maniac. True, Jeff almost died from the teeth of animals. The guys saved the Bin Drift, who passed by.

Jackless Jack and Jeff Killer
  • Calling a lackless Jack you need shortly before midnight, mentally referring to the maniac. The main thing is not to make sharp movements, and then Cannibal will not come out of the shadows.

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