Chiara Mastroanni - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



It happens that the case of parents continues the child: the future doctor is born in the family of doctors, the builder's family is born. And Chiara Mastroanni is a bright example of the inheritance of acting talent. Born in the family of the two greatest stars of French and Italian cinema, she continued the case of parents and to this day conquers the world arena.

Childhood and youth

In the biography of Chiahra, it is impossible to do without mentioning her parents - the legends of the big screen Marcello Mastroanni and Catherine Denev. The actors got acquainted on the filming of the film "This happens only with others." In Ribe, Mastroanni and Denev had to play a married couple, which lost a child. To convey the condition of painful loneliness, director Nadin Trentinyang locked actors for several days in the apartment where there were no books, televisions, telephone, only a bed and a couple of chairs. The experiment gave the result, and from the apartment they came out convincingly exhausted.

Little Chiar Mastroanni, Catherine Denev and Marcello Mastroanni

And in four walls, the actors fell in love with each other. Mastroanni - without memory. Over the years of the marriage, he never said Floor's wife about feelings for other women, but Catherine turned out to be special. For the sake of her, the actor spent a divorce half a year and, having received it, made a proposal of deneurs. That unexpectedly refused.

In the fall of 1971, the world stunned news about the pregnancy of French actresses. On May 28, 1972, a child appeared. Deneuvea gave her the name of Charlotte, but Marcello, amazing whiteness of children's skin, exclaimed "Chiara!", That translated from Italian means "light". In addition, he insisted on his last name. So the life of Chiary-Charlotte Mastroanni began.

Chiara Mastroanni in childhood

A full-fledged family actors did not, but both took part in the upbringing of the daughter. Passionate Marcello had many children, but Chiara became his favorite. He fell out of filming to walk with her, bought toys and clothes.

In his youth, the girl often traveled from Rome from the Father to Mother to Paris. For Chiara, it was more than a journey between countries - travel from the world to the world. Catherine brought up a daughter in rigor: forbade the girlfriends, because they distracted from achieving goals, dried guys, because they only have one thing. In Italy everything was different. On the shooting sites of the father, the girl surrounded young people, she tried alcohol.

Chiara Mastroanni in youth

Natural beauty The future actress did not appreciate and portilate intentionally. It was not painted, briefly streamed the hair and for a long time they were not soap, wore clothes not the first freshness. Chiara did not want to repeat the fate of the mother - an abandoned unfortunate woman with two children (from the Union with the director of Roger Vadim, her son Christian was born).

In part for the same reason, Catherine did not want her daughter to become an actress, saw her future in archeology. By the punishment of Mother Chiara entered Sorbonne. However, the thrust for creativity was inevitable: with his father in Rome, the girl often visited the film festivals and premieres, participated in photo shoots. And in childhood, Chiara helped mothers to prepare for the films and read the replicas of other characters, visited the shooting platforms. This life, filled with creative people, manifes a girl, so she secretly went to castings from the mother.


Upon finding noting the truth, Catherine Deneuveraphus was reconciled with the choice of daughter and even helped her get into the frame. In the film "Favorite season of the year" 1993, they starred together. I contributed to the promotion of acting career and Marcello: he invited Chiara to the "High Fashion" tape. Young Mastroanni worked on the same platform with Sophie Lauren, Jean-Pierre Kassel and Kim Bacyinger.

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Parents gave Chiara impetus, after which she, however, was offered only episodic roles. In 1995, she starred in an interesting project "Do not forget that you will die soon," which tells about the AIDS patients. From that moment on, the girl prefers difficult roles, in no way associated with romance. She continued to intentionally close from men.

In order not to hear the actress that fell into the cinema "By Blatu", Mastroanni refused large-budget films in favor of Art Haws. Changed the role of a prostitute on an image of an experienced journalist, the mask of the Manyak victim's mask to a secular lioness. The ability to reincarnate made it in demand and desirable from worthy directories.

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So, in 2007, Chiara played one of the main roles in the Musicle Christopa Onev "All Songs Only about Love". A brave film about the sexual adventures of Parisian Ismael was nominated for the "Golden Palm Branch".

A year later, the actress again appears in the project of Christopher Oneorn. The "beautiful figure" became the free adaptation of the novel Madame de Lafayette "Princess Klevskaya". The picture was nominated three times on the "Cesar" award, but did not take one award.

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The most famous film with the participation of Mastroanni is the picture "Lovers" of 2011 of the same Christopher Oneorn. In him, Chiara appeared with Catherine Denev. The story of the ribbon is hardly autobiographical. According to the plot, the mother and daughter are repeatedly deceived by selfish, false men, suffer because of them, even endorse the life of suicide is unable to resist despair. So, in fact, the life of the legendary French-Italian actresses looked.

In 2017, the screens came out the "knockout" picture with Chiara in the lead role. The woman appeared in one frame with a famous French actor Laurent Lafitt.

Personal life

Despite the precaution, Mastroanni still repeated the history of his mother's personal life. In 1990, married a sculptor Pierre Torretona. He was not faithful to the spouse, he twisted the novel with the intensivers. Chiara preferred not to notice. In 1996, she gave birth to a cute son, and two years later a couple broke up.

Chiara Mastaunni and Benicio Del Toro

In 1999, Chiara met with actor Vincent Lindon. He was older for 13 years.

The next man became the famous actor Benicio del Toro, who did not like Catherine Denev scared. She considered him spoiled and lazy, and once he insulted him, calling the "prostitute." It was the last drop in relations with Chiara, which lasted three years.

Chiara Mastroanni and Benois Pulvord

In May 2002, Mastroanni married a musician Benjamin Bioleia, a year later, in April 2003, the daughter of Anna appeared. Chiara helped Benjamin in the record of his album "Home". In 2005, this union ceased.

In 2014, Actor Benouua Pulvord, with whom Chiara starred in the film "Three Hearts", told in an interview with the writer Frederick Begbeder that they can be considered a pair not only on the screen.

Chiara Mastroanni now

In 2018, a joint filmography of the Mother and Daughter was replenished with another picture - Le Dernier Video-Grenier de Claire Darling.

In the free from the shooting, the actress time performs the role of a single mother, walking in Paris with his children. He is engaged in Pilates, which allows it to support the magnificent form: Chiara with a height of 170 cm weighs 61 kg. And this is despite the fact that the proper nutrition of a woman is alien. Repeatedly in an interview, she admitted that he could not live without cheeseburgers and pasta.

The actress does not lead accounts in "Instagram" or "Twitter", so only the photo of the paparazzi helps about the current life.


  • 1993 - "Favorite season"
  • 1994 - "High Fashion"
  • 1995 - "Do not forget that you will soon die"
  • 1996 - "How I discussed ... (my sex life)"
  • 1999 - "Discussion"
  • 2002 - "Slaughter"
  • 2007 - "All songs only about love"
  • 2008 - "Beautiful figure"
  • 2010 - "Man in the bath"
  • 2011 - "Beloved"
  • 2014 - "Three Hearts"
  • 2017 - "Knockout"

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