Philip Avdeev - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Actor, Films, "Elash", "Instagram" 2021



The actor who is interested in spiritual development, travel and love is Philip Avdeev. He is sure that it is not necessary to strive only to naked success, because it turns out not art, but careerism. Sensual and bright artist increasingly appears on the screens, pleaseing the fans with their presence.

Childhood and youth

The biography of the future actor of the theater and movie Philip Avdeev began on November 10, 1991 in the city of Moscow. Information about the children's years of the boy is a bit, it is known that from the early years, Philip showed creative abilities. Love for art was given a grandmother on the maternal line, with which Avdeev spent a lot of time. By profession, a woman is a teacher of kindergarten, so the early development of the child, reading and memorizing poems, was to more degrees, not parents.

Philip Avdaev in Yeralche

When Philip has grown, he carried away by dances, choosing not a secondary school, and theatrical, where creative lessons were included in the program. At first, the father negatively treated the hobby of the Son, but later accepted and realized that the acting was a complex and serious occupation. Especially since it brings Avdeev-younger not only pleasure, but also income.

Theater and films

From 10 to 12 years, the young man participated in the Musical "Nord-Ost", playing every time a different role. When the attack occurred on Dubrovka in 2002, Philip managed to escape through a lattice fence. The tragic events of those days forced Avdeev to quickly grow up.

Since that time, Philip began to look at life with other eyes. Awareness came to him: you need to appreciate what you have, here and now, because at any moment it can be lost. Avdeev, in spite of everything, continued to play in the musical, replacing the tragically deceased boy who previously fulfilled the main role.

After leaving the musical, Philip became a member of the children's musical theater of a young actor in the capital. This institution was founded in 1988, and to get into the composition was a very difficult task. Children there are learning from early morning until late evening, acting with professionals. On the account of Avdeev had many roles in musical performances, and the Children's Theater was often toured with ideas.

Philip Avdeev - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Actor, Films,

But the activities of the young talented actor did not end in production: for 5 years, since 2003, he starred in the news of Yelash, and also participated in three full-length films. In the adventure picture of the "Mystery of the Blue Valley", the young man played the main role of Teen Artem.

After graduating from school in 2008, a young man did not doubt the choice of the future profession and entered the MCAT Studio School on the acting faculty. Avdeev came to the experimental course in the workshop of a stylish modern director Cyril Semenovich Seremennikov. At the end of studying from graduates of the course, the teacher created the Seventh Studio, which became the Resident of the Gogol Center theater. From the first days, the actor effectively declared himself, participating in such productions as "scumbags", Mitina Love, "Ordinary History".

In addition to acting, Avdeev tried herself as director: on stage for more than 2 years, his first performance called "Sea of ​​Trees" in the tragicomedy genre. At the age of 21, Philip became the Laureate of the Golden Sheet Prize for the best male role in the performance of "scumbags."

Once during the tour in France, Avdeev visited the idea of ​​creating a print edition "White Noise", which describes eternal themes concerning each. In addition to the newspaper, the actors of Gogol Center produce a line of clothing under the similar name - these are things for men, women and children, gifts and accessories.

Removing the movie, the young man carefully chooses projects. Avdeev played Anton Sobolev in the picture "Correction Class". He starred in the film with Maria Torzaeva, and on the screens Drama appeared in 2014.

In 2016, his filmography was replenished by the tragicomedia "City birds" and the melodrama "Insight", where the actor got the role of the second plan.

In 2017, the 24-serial medical drama "Dr. Richter" was published with the participation of the artist - this is an adapted for the Russian spectator the cult American series "Dr. House".

Philip Avdeev - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Actor, Films,

In the summer of 2018, the long-awaited picture of Serebrennikov called "Summer" started on large screens, based on the formation of the team "Cinema" and Creativity Viktor Tsoi.

The shooting began approximately a year before the premiere and lasted 2 months until the director arrested on charges of non-target spending. The tape was mounted with silvernikov under house arrest, without the possibility of contacting the film crew. Philipp appeared in the role of a quiet and serious guitarist named Leonid, Alexey Rybin, a member of the first composition, became a prototype of the hero.

In the middle of the autumn of 2018, the premiere of the drama called "Acid" took place in the cinemas, whose director became a friend of Alexander Gorkilin. The film tells about the life of young musicians, and Avdeev is the main role of the Sasha guy who is experiencing a loss of a comrade and first love.

In 2019, the audience could see the Philip in the melodrama "Above the sky" - in this tape, Victoria Tolstoganova, Alexey Agranovich, Taisiya Vilkova, and PR.

In the fantastic film "AVANPOST" (2019) and the eponymous series (2020), the artist got one of the main roles. Aleksey Chadov entered the cast, Peter Fedorov - Jr., Svetlana Ivanova, Lucherya Ilyashenko, etc. In the plot, unknown forces destroy the population of the planet, there is no connection with most cities in the world, and only in Eastern Europe is still preserved the last avadapost of humanity.

Also in 2020, the biographical drama "Dr. Liza" was published, as well as the conference drama, received a prize to them. Gregory Gorina for the best scenario at the Festival "Kinotavr".

In the tape "Conference" tells about the life of a woman who was saved during the terrorist attack on the Musical "Nord-Ost", but left his family and 2 children in the hall with hostages. Avdeev, Natalia Pavkova, Roman Shmakov, Olga Lapshina, and PRT.

Personal life

The actor does not like to talk about personal life, but it is known that in the student years, Philip has met for several years with a classmate Alexander Rubno. They met in childhood, and in the first year of the university fell in love with each other, and the novel rose. But the relationship of the couple did not work out, young people broke up.

Now Avdeev is in relations with Catherine Sergeyeva. An account of the girl in the social network "Instagram" is a shot of romantic photos with an actor. In the summer of 2018, in Sochi "Kinotavra", Catherine and Philip called the most beautiful couple of the film festival.

The actor leads an informal account in the social network "Instagram", where it shares with fans with its photos and events from life. The artist loves to travel and prefers the countries of Asia, especially Thailand, but in principle loves all the places where heat and there is a sea.

According to some information, Philip growth is 175 cm, and the weight is about 78 kg.

Philip Avdeev now

Now the artist's weekdays consist of rehearsals, performances, interviews and film filming.

In 2021, the production was in the production of the "survivors", the drama "Chernobyl", the horizon fantasy and the jetlag comedy.

The 6-serial comedy drama "Jetlag" Mikhail Idova, in which Philip played one of the central characters, tells about the quarrel of lovers. As a result, Nikita (Avdeyev) turns out to be in Thailand, and his wife Zhenya (Irina Starnybaum) - in Berlin. But no love adventures or unusual events make young people forget about each other, and they seek to reunite again, no matter what.

The actor's theater repertoire in 2021 included "Ordinary History", "Mandelstam. ENGLISH WHOLKOVA "," Save Orchid ", etc.


  • 2003 - "Elash"
  • 2003 - "Mystery of the Blue Valley"
  • 2004 - "Nadezhda leaves the last"
  • 2004 - "At the very sea"
  • 2006 - "Aziris Nuna"
  • 2012 - "Danger of complete disappearance"
  • 2014 - "Correction Class"
  • 2015 - "Insight"
  • 2016 - "City Birds"
  • 2018 - "Summer"
  • 2018 - "Acid"
  • 2018 - "Ikaria"
  • 2019 - "Avangapost"
  • 2019 - "Above the sky"
  • 2020 - "Avolanpost" (serial)
  • 2020 - "Dr. Lisa"
  • 2020 - "Conference"

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