Anastasia Orlova - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, TV presenter 2021



Talented leading Anastasia Orlova is an emotional and kind person, which is even felt through Teleker. Despite the short presence on the broadcast of the "Good Morning", the journalist has already been in love with the audience of the main channel of the country. Orlova and now continues to conquer new fans due to their activities on television.

Childhood and youth

The biography of Anastasia Orlova, in the Maiden's debris, began in Saratov. Mom girls was the champion of the Soviet Union on Athletics, and Nastya in his youth was fond of this sport.

Already in adulthood in an interview, the woman confessed that sports training helped her to form as a person. Thanks to the classroom, she became independent and learned to go to the goals set. The efforts of the future TV presenter were rewarded by the title of Sports Master on Athletics. Parents in all supported daughter.

Sport is not the only thing that interested Anastasia in school years. Her second passion was books, literature so firmly entered her life that after the school Orlova made a choice in favor of humanitarian education. She entered the Saratov State University at the Faculty of Philology. Family and supported Nastya.

Personal life

About the personal life of the TV host known a little. With the future husband, Maxim Orlov, the girl met at the event in Saratov. At that time, the man already lived in the capital and came to solve business questions. He oversaw informational policies in the government of the Saratov region under the Governor of Pavel Ipatov. Today, the husband of Anastasia works in the field of construction.

Familiarity of the couple occurred spontaneously: the eagles climbed the stairs and stumbled accidentally, and Anastasia was near and picked up his arm. As the girl is a charismatic person, she still decided to swear, saying:

"You know, there is such a sign from the Japanese: if one person saved another, he will now have a liability for him."

So it turned out. Anastasia and Maxim got married, and the son of Ivan was born a little later. The boy is studying at school for gifted children and is fond of theatrical productions, it is better than the rest of him comedy roles.

Orlova is an active virtual user, it has a unbelievable account in the social network "Instagram", which TV presenter updates regularly.

Thanks to the sports past, an eagle's excellent figure, it looks great in a swimsuit. When height 173 cm (the precise weight is unknown), Anastasia looks fragile. This result has achieved a woman not only due to the abandon from harmful food, it also regularly walks on fitness, swims in the pool, does not refuse the morning jogs.


At first, Anastasia taught in several universities, and later led news in Saratov, on the channel "Russia". In 2011, it was decided to move to Moscow, where the girl worked in the cinema, promoting television and artistic projects. Little later, Orlova began to conduct evening information issues "reflection of the week" and the final Sunday program of the ORT television channel.

Being a TV presenter, Anastasia has repeatedly said that emotions on the air are not only admissible, but also important. After all, viewers do not want to see the robot in the frame, more interesting to look at a living person, empathizing and thinking.

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In the first half of 2018, the editors of the First Channel faced serious problems: the ether left the three leaders immediately. Anastasia Tregubova gave birth to a child at the end of January 2018 and until he returned to work. Two more stars of the TV channel - Olga Ushakov and Svetlana Zeinalova - also forced to leave service posts, leaving for maternity leave.

Meanwhile, Maja was approaching, and among the televisers this month is the most restless, because it accounts for many events. Moreover, it is necessary to broadcast folk festivities and other mass cultivities.

Employees found a way out, inviting Anastasia to the "Good Morning" program. The debut in this position took place in the spring of 2018 together with Roman Budnikov. In the account of the Social Network "Instagram", Orlov thanked the people who helped her to prepare for the first ether and morally supported.

Then, continuing his career on the first channel, Anastasia led two events - the festival "went" and the ceremony of awarding the "Height" award in Saratov together with Vsecenko Vsecenko. In February 2019, she fell to the project "Year of the theater", having received a proposal to participate in a photo shoot for a collection of photographs. For this, a woman chose the image of the star of the Soviet and Russian screen, Vii Artman.

In the summer of 2019, the annual charitable action of the first channel was held in Cheboksary, dedicated to the International Children's Day. The big holiday of childhood and magic thousands of residents and guests of Chuvashia presented popular athletes, TV presenters and artists. Video receptionation for Russians for the holiday Anastasia Orlova recorded with Sergey Babayev.

Anastasia Orlova now

Orlova continues to regularly appear on television, "syndrome of excellence" helped her in life to build warm relationships with colleagues. A woman does not feel envy, but only rejoices from the success of others.

Anastasia and now leads a "good morning" on the first channel, the photo taken during the next ether, the woman publishes in "Instagram". And on March 19, 2020, the TV presenter shared with the subscribers with joyful post, that 2 years ago, and I could not think that I could not know that I would meet my birthday on the ether of the country's main television channel.

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