Ted Bandy - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, Manyak Victims



It is difficult to imagine that in the description of the serial killer, words are sympathetic, charming, charming. However, this is how Teda Bandei was described, one of the bloody maniacs of the United States, the victims who were lucky to survive. The exact number of deaths remaining at the conscience of this Ripper and the rapist are still not known, and the story of Ted Bandei continues to inspire the horror of children and adults even after his death.

Childhood and youth

Often the root of mental abnormalities are trying to find at an early age. Bundy himself argued that his childhood was cloudless, however, as it turned out later, he said in a lie.

Ted Bundy

The future "American Psychopath" was born on November 24, 1946 in the town of Berlington (which is in the state of Vermont). Zodiac sign Ted - Sagittarius. Mother Bundy - Eleonor Louise Kaull - grew up in a respected family. That is why when the daughter became pregnant, not being married, Kauelli decided to hide the "shame" and for a long time gave birth to a born boy for his own son. And only becoming older, Ted learned that her grandparents were brought up. This episode has seriously affected the psyche of Bundy: he held off his resentment to the mother, and without a lies.

The personality of the father of the maniac also goes disputes. In the birth certificate, the name of a certain Lloyd Marshal is indicated, but afterwards Louise Kaulle called another man - Jack Wallington, who allegedly seduced her. There is also a version that Louise gave birth from his own father, but there is no evidence of such assumptions.

Ted Bundy in childhood

In an interview, Ted Bandee described the grandfather with respect, but he told terrible stories about how he beat his wife, mocked animals and, in general, it was easily furious. Life next to such a person brought a grandmother Ted to mental insanity: by the end of his life, a woman standing in the hospital for mentally ill and was afraid to go out. It is not surprising that soon and in the behavior of the little gang began the oddities, for which, unfortunately, there was no one to pay attention to.

After graduating from school, Ted entered the local university, but he studied for a long time. Soon he moved to Washington, where he also began to learn, but again threw up learning. For some time, Bundy worked in different places, and then, in the early 1970s, again decides to enter the university. This time the choice of a young man fell on the profession of a psychologist.

Ted Bundy in youth

Soon he became one of the best students on the course: Professor praised an exemplary student. At the same time, Bundy met Ann Steering, which will later become the author of one of the most famous biographies of the criminal. She will talk in his book about the charming maniac.

After graduating from the university, Ted Bandei enrolled in a law school, but soon it was expelled for leaving classes. It was in 1974. At about the same moment, the first messages about missing women appeared.


The first reliably proven crime of Ted Bandei performed in 1974. The criminal was 27 years old. Karen Sparks became the victim of the maniac (some sources call another name of this girl). Ted beat and raped it. Fortunately, she managed to survive, but because of the strong beatings, the memory did not return to her. The month later Bundy was killed by the students of Linda Ann Heili, and another month, Donna Manson became a victim of Manyak, which was barely 19.

Victims of Ted Bundy

The girls continued to disappear with an interval about a month. Sometimes witnesses who saw victims shortly before disappearance, told about a pleasant man with whom those cute talked. Soon the loss of students seriously excited the inhabitants of Washington and Oregon (most of these states occurred in the territory of these states).

There were noise in the press, residents with discontent responded about the work of the local police, but the guards of the order could not do anything. The evidence was practically not, and the testimony of a couple of surviving girls was contradictory and rather even interfered with the external and psychological portraits of the criminal.

Victims of Ted Bundy

On July 14, the same year became one of the greatest days in the biography of Manyak. Bundy kidnapped two girls with a crowded beach with an interval in a couple of hours. Both victims, succumbing to the charm of the criminal, voluntarily followed him, about this later the police told friends of the victims. When Ted dragged into a secluded shelter, the second girl was still alive. He killed and raped victims in front of each other, and then broke them and buried in the forest. Later, the police found part of the bodies and the head of the victims separated from the body.

Meanwhile, it was possible to draw up a photorobote of the suspect, hundreds of calls from those who allegedly saw Ted Bande on the streets began to enter the police. But, unfortunately, the search for the criminal was in vain. The girls continued to disappear.

Fingerprints Tedi Bande

At the end of the summer of 1974, the maniac decided to move. Ted Bande moved to Salt Lake City and even continued education at the university.

In a new place, the criminal resumed his bloody affairs, but here the disappearance of women remained unnoticed for some time. In October, the gangs brutally dealt with the 17-year-old daughter of the local police chief, and the week later, the tourists came across the bodies of two more women who were raped and strangled with their own stockings.

Agent FBI William Hagmayer and Ted Bande

Later, Ted Bandeza described the details of what he worked with the bodies of the victims in an interview. According to his own admission, the maniac has repeatedly raped the dead girls, as well as soap and combed their hair, caused makeup. Also, the police suspected that Bundy - Cannibal and periodically eat the flesh of killed women.

For some time, the maniac traveled around the country, periodically changing refuge. The number of victims of Bundy, according to various information, has reached from 30 to 50 women, but the exact number of them remains unknown.

Personal life

In 1967, Ted Bundy began to meet Stephanie Brooks. The girl was a maniac classmate. After a while, young people broke up. Later Stephanie said that the cause of the gap was the immaturity and infantality of Ted, who, according to the girl, was not ready for a serious relationship.

Ted Bandy and CTFan Brooks

The next woman with whom the personal life of Bandee was connected, became Elizabeth Kleppfer. According to some data, this novel began at the time when Ted met Stephanie Brooks. Relations with Elizabeth lasted up to the imprisonment of the maniac.

Ted Bundy and Elizabeth Klepp
Interesting fact: at some point, the girl suspected something wrong in the behavior of the beloved, and then recognized him in one of the photorobots. Klepfer immediately appealed to the police, but the evidence was not enough, and they did not pay attention to her suspicions.
Ted Bundy and his wife Carol Ann Bun with his daughter

Continuing to meet Elizabeth, Ted Bandei twisted Roman with Carol Ann Bun. Later, she became his wife and in 1982 gave birth to a daughter from Maniac. There is also information that at different times the criminal met with other women: he is attributed to a number of novels.


The first detention of Ted Bandy dated August 1975. In the car of the criminal, they found a ski mask, handcuffs, ropes and scrap, as well as garbage bags. In the apartment, the maniac has failed to find any evidence. Later, Bundy admitted that he kept photo of the victims, but the police did not find them. The killer had to be released on bail, the investigation continued.

Ted Bande in the courtroom

In February 1976, a trial began. Police managed to prove only one episode, so at first the gangs were charged with one murder, however, later this list expanded significantly due to the testimony of the maniac. He delivered pleasure to talk about new and new victims. But, even despite the recognition of Ted, not all cases managed to prove. According to some sources, Bundy exaggerated the number of victims.

In June of the same year, the killer managed to escape from custody. 6 days Bundy hid, then again was detained. At this attempts of the criminal avoid punishment did not stop: a few months later he again managed to free himself. In the will, the maniac hijacked the car, got to Florida and managed to make a number of terrible crimes before he was again caught. After six months, the trial was completed. Teda Bundy sentenced to death.


The date of execution was changed several times. January 24, 1989 Ted Bandei died on an electric chair. On this day, 2 thousand people gathered near the prison walls, who arranged a holiday with fireworks, music and dancing. The body of the criminal is cremated, and the ashes dispelled in the cascading mountains, according to his last will.

Ted Bandy body after execution

Based on the lifetime interrogation with the detector of lies, as well as voluntary testimony of the criminal and his interviews, specialists tried to diagnose maniac. And during his lifetime, and after the death of Bundy, the opinions of psychiatrists and psychologists did not coincide: the split personality, psychosis, bipolar affective disorder - versions were many, but none is recognized as official.

"Hell's Heritage" Ted Bundy was reflected in art and documentaries, as well as in books.

List of famous victims

  • January 4, 1974 - Karen Sparks, 18 years
  • February 1, 1974 - Linda Ann Helli, 21 years
  • March 12, 1974 - Donna Gail Manson, 19 years old
  • April 17, 1974 - Susan Ileyin Renkort, 18 years
  • May 6, 1974 - Robert Katlin Parks, 20 years
  • June 1, 1974 - Brand Carol Ball, 22 years old
  • June 11, 1974 - Georgean Hawkins, 18 years old
  • July 14, 1974 - Jenis Ann Ott, 23 years old, Denis Mary Madaland, 18 years
  • October 2, 1974 - Nancy Wilcox, 16 years
  • October 18, 1974 - Melissa Ann Smith, 17 years
  • October 31, 1974 - Laura Ann Eym, 17 years
  • November 8, 1974 - Carol Daronch, 18 years old, Debra Kent, 17 years old.
  • January 12, 1975 - Karin Campbell, 23 years old
  • March 15, 1975 - Julie Canningham, 26 years
  • April 6, 1975 - Denis Oliellson, 25 years
  • May 6, 1975 - Lynett Culver, 12 years
  • June 28, 1975 - Susan Curtis, 15 years

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