Ed Hein - biography, photos, personal life, sacrifices, movies



Ed Hein, one of the list of the most famous American maniacs, became a prototype for the heroes of many films and books in Gorror genre. At the expense of the killer - two confirmed victims and about a dozen unproved crimes. Legends went about the terrible habits of Hein, and the best psychiatrists of the country were swarmed over unhealthy attractions.

Childhood and youth

The biography of Edward Theodore Heine began in Wisconsin on August 27, 1906. The boy's family is difficult to call a prosperous: the unemployed Father George suffered from alcohol dependence, and the mother of August, who owned a little grocery bench, was heard by Tyran. Their marriage was not initially rooted, but the spouses lived together from religious beliefs. When Ed was born, the son of Henry was already in the family, who became the boy with her older brother.

Ed Hein in childhood

Mom Ed rose in the Lutheran family, whose members of Yaros denied love relationships, considering their mud and sin. Augustus did not allow the boy to communicate with other children, released only to school, and forced to do hard work on the farm. The parent girl read the Bible daily for children, convincing children that the world is mired in lust and debauchery, and all women, except for her - fallen.

When Edu was 7 years old, August decided to move away from La Cross, because it believed that life next to this city could negatively affect the children. In a new place, a dairy farm, the family has lived for about a year, having moved in the neighborhood of Plainfield.

Ed Hein in youth

In the school years, ED was a shy and closed child. For attempts to at least make friends with someone make friends ruthlessly punished his son. Despite the difficult family situation, the boy studied well, he especially liked reading lessons.

Mother's cruelty and extremely severe upbringing did not affect the perception of the boy, Hein considered her saint. Augustus rarely praised her sons, believing that they would be losers like their father. Being teenagers, the brothers practically did not go beyond the limits of the dwelling, and the circle of communication with young people was limited to her family.

Personal life

When Edu was 33 years old, his father died. After this event, to cover the cost of housing, the brothers more often went beyond the farm, pleaseing accidentally work. As for Heina, he often worked for a nanny for neighboring children.

Ed Hein and his mother of August

When Henry began a romantic relationship with a woman, he planned to move to it, but this did not happen. Senior Hein seriously worried about his brother, because the influence of the mother by that time was overly strong. Henry has repeatedly criticized her fanatical attitude, unlike Ed, the guardian of August.

Somehow in 1944 brothers burned the swamp vegetation on the farm. The fire was out of control, but when the firefighters were extinguished, Edward declared his brother's disappearance. After a few hours of searches, Ed, August and Sheriff's helpers found Henry's body lying face down. Information regarding the state of the corpse is different: some sources talk about the absence of visible damage, while others are about bruises on the head. The cause of death is choking, the opening of the body did not produce.

Ed Gaines

Some time after the death of the Son Augustus, there was enough blow, the woman was chained to bed. Ed rounded the mother around the clock, but she was never satisfied with his son, he constantly screamed him and called him a loser. Sometimes at night, Augustus allowed Edu to lie with her on the bed.

After a year, the mother recovered from the disease. Once, he and Edward went to a neighbor to buy a straw. August experienced shock at the sight of the fact that a neighbor is inhibited with a woman. The parent was enough for a new blow, finally undermined her condition: August died at the end of December 1945.


When Ed remained on the farm in full solitude, he was fond of books on the anatomy, on the atrocities of the Nazis and Exumation. Neighbors considered Heina, though strange, but solely harmless eccentric. Soon, ED became a frequent visitor to the cemetery, he knocked out and dismemberd the corpses. He especially liked the Fresh graves of women. Later, when the investigation was conducted, Edward admitted that he did not produce any manipulations of a sexual nature with bodies, "they smelled too badly."

Ed Heine's belt from human skin

Separate parts of people Hein took into the house. The trophies accumulated, and after a short time, Ed gathered a collection of skulls and heads that a man hanging out on the walls. He explained that brother during the war sent these heads to him as a gift.

Once around the city, a rumor was held that in the house of men supposedly there are things from the skin of people, as well as work and crafts from body parts. But that's not all. Hein sewed himself a suit from a female skin, which wore as home. ED himself did not deny these rumors, and easily agreed and nodded.

Ej Heine's shoes from human skin

Officially, the killer history began in 1954, when ED killed the Mary Hogan Mary Hogan. No matter how paradoxically, Hein is imperceptibly carried by a fat dead woman for a farm through the whole city. He dismembered the sacrifice, retaining her remains. For some time, Mary was considered to be missing from the motel, where the police found a puddle of blood.

After 3 years after the events occurred, the hostess of Bernis Warden disappeared without a trace. Son, returning after noon, discovered a frightening bloody trail stretching from the showcase to the black entrance. In case of inspection of the room, he found a crumpled receipt in the name of Edward Guine.

Mary Hogan and Bernis Warden - Ed Gayne's victims

Based on this evidence, the police decided to search the house of the men and immediately found the planned and disfigured body of Bernis, hanging in a barn, like a tusk deer. In the building stood a terrible SMRAra, in one of the rooms found a collection of clothes made by handled from house-skinned skin. The police also found a product resembling a plate for soup made of skull. As for the refrigerator, he was scored by human organs, and the heart lay in the saucepan.

Later, Hein said that the corpses of middle-aged women died, who reminded him to Mom. During the interrogation, a man confessed to the murder of Bernis and Mary.

Art of Ed Heine

In accordance with the sentence, Hein was recognized as insane, having diagnosed with schizophrenia, and sent for compulsory treatment. But in 1968, the Doctor changed the decision, considering Eca adequate, and the serial killer again appeared before the court. The trial began in November of the same year and lasted a week. Subsequently, the judge acknowledged Heina guilty of foreigners of murders and sent a sentence to a psychiatric clinic for serving.

So far, the first trial, Farm Ed nicknamed the horror house. For citizens, Gayne's housing turned into a symbol of evil, so the authorities decided to sell the estate from the auction. Residents opposed, but could not do anything. Once at night, the killer's house was surprisingly burned down the dotley, and the remaining plot acquired a real estate trader. Manyak car sold at auction.


Ed Gaine died in a psychiatric hospital on July 26, 1984 from the head of the heart caused by cancer. The man was buried next to their parents and elder brother.

Togil Ed Heine

For a long time, the tombstone of the Grave of Hein was subjected to attacks of vandals, and in 2000, most of the stone was stolen. In a year, a memorable plate was installed under Seattle, and the burial itself remained at the same place without identifying signs.

List of victims

  • Mary Hogan
  • Bernis Warden


  • "ED Hein: Butcher from Plainfield"
  • "In the light of the moon"
  • Deredanned.
  • "ED Hein. Monster Monson "
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  • "Motel Bates"

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