Svetlana Orlova - biography, photo, personal life, news 2021



In September 2018, Svetlana Orlova lost his advantage in the second round of elections of the governor of the Vladimir region. Previous years at the helm of the region, the official compared with the hell, and himself - with the Decembristian, whom first time had to sleep for 3 hours and work without days off. Despite its negative background, Orlova became a noticeable person in political circles of Russia.

Childhood and youth

Svetlana Yuryevna was born in October 1954 far from the current place of work - in the Jewish Autonomous Region. He graduated from high school in the city of Obluchye, then - the Faculty of Philology of the Pedagogical Institute, worked in a Dubinin school in Vladivostok, taught Russian and literature to children.

Svetlana Orlova in youth

In the 70s in the biography of Orlova, there was a promotion along the party line - the woman held posts in the district and seaside trash of the CPSU. After the collapse of the USSR Svetlana headed a charitable organization, tried to be blocked by the governor of the region. In 1993, he passed to the State Duma on the lists of the "Women of Russia" movement, in the parliament of Orlov became a member of the budget committee.


In the early 2000s, a former deputy was appointed vice-president of the closed joint-stock company NPO "Crosna" in Moscow. The company has developed and manufactured electrical equipment. At the same time, Svetlana became a member of the Political Council of the Unity Party.

Politician Svetlana Orlova

In 2001, the Council of Deputies of the Kemerovo Region elected Svetlana Yuryevna with his representative to the Federation Council. In the upper chamber of the parliament, Orlova was the Deputy Chairman and a member of several commissions, participated in the preparation of the Olympics in Sochi, represented the Federation Council in collegial and advisory bodies under the President and in the Government of the Russian Federation, in the Accounts Chamber and the Council of Europe.

Svetlana's powers extended to the scope of development of the Cossacks and demographic policies, restoring the objects of cultural heritage and road safety.

Deputy Svetlana Orlova

In the State Duma Svetlana Orlova was pleased with a good lobbyist. In particular, the deputy is attributed to the protection of the interests of Gazprom by making changes to the law "On subsoil" and the state regulation of coal mining. In the latter case, she met the support of the former Governor of the Kemerovo Region Aman Tuleyev - it was from the Kuzbass coal mines that gas was made.

In March 2013, Vladimir Putin instructed Orlova to fulfill the responsibilities of the head of the Vladimir region. The appearance of Svetlana in this post was for its inhabitants a shock - the region never managed the seed "Varyags", and besides without the experience of a businesspiana and managerial. The local elite, as the media wrote, was offended, and the new governor quickly showed who the master in the house launched a boiler in the house, for which he received a nickname of a lady.

Svetlana Orlova and Vladimir Putin

True, the words of the new appointee did not always coincide with the case, and local journalists faced dismissive, and sometimes an insulting attitude from the governor. Thus, the "interlocutor" as examples of non-compliance with the promises brought ruined projects for the construction of a plant for the production of buses and the reconstruction of the airport and the promenade of Vladimir. Unpopular leaders of the districts were fired, but also those who came to shift were strangers and not so effective managers.

Among other things, Svetlana became famous for careless and ambiguous statements in an interview and in public events, such as the decline in oil prices will not affect the Vladimir region, since hydrocarbons are not mined there.

Governor of the Vladimir region Svetlana Orlova

On the other hand, Orlova brought order with tariffs in the heat and electricity, the head of the supplier holding a supplier was in prison on charges of fraud. Svetlana Yuryevna attracted federal money to the area, which was completed by the Lybeda highway, before that standing without promotion for several years, repaired the M-7 track.

In the region began to be held all sorts of exhibitions, festivals. At the political survival of the governor, there was a high percentage given to Putin's president in the elections in March 2018. However, the organization TRANSPARENCY INTERNATIONAL-Russia, positioning itself as an anti-corruption center, noted that the head of the region "turns out where it is just enough to hit the fist on the table."

Personal life

A little known about the personal life of the ex-governor of the Vladimir region. With her husband Viktor Svetlana brought the only son of Vladimir. The spouse passed the path from Starripom to the departure of the port fleet. Nowadays, the former captain of long-range swimming is headed by a non-profit partnership to support trade navigation "UNICE PARTN MARIN". The son graduated from the Moscow State University, served in the police, including the apparatus of the Federal Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Svetlana Orlova and her son Vladimir

The press wrote a lot about the husband and the son of Orlova, and for the most part in the scandalous way. According to the website of the site of, Viktor Orlova is connected with Cypriot Offshores, dozens of real estate objects are recorded, whose cost is not correlated with family income, and Vladimir as if he was engaged in raidness at all. Svetlana categorically denied the participation of loved ones in illegal acts, and the property was introduced in the declaration in public access, and the authorities did not arise any questions.

Svetlana Orlova on a bicycle

In July 2018, the press service of Orlova reported that the ex-governor started page on social networks Facebook, Twitter, Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki and Instagram. At leisure, Svetlana Yuryevna plays tennis, to which he was addicted to youth. This passion of the official took advantage of the inhabitants of Rainbow, even before the first elections in the fall of 2013, asked to build in the city of Cort. What is the situation with the sports facility is now unknown.

Svetlana Orlova now

The conflict with the local establishment since 2013 did not prevent Svetlana Orlova to nominate his candidacy in the election of the governor in September 2018. According to the director of the Consulting Agency NPR Group, Polittechnologist Dmitry Fetisov, I simply did not find a replacement.

Svetlana Orlova in 2018

In addition to Svetlana, the head of the head of the Vladimir region, the Communist Max Shevchenko, Jewelnorsu Sergei Biryukov, a representative of the LDPR Vladimir Sipyagin and Sergey Glumov from the "Patriots of Russia" were joined. The elections came a little more than a third of voters. Decide to those who will get a responsible post, failed from the first time.

Orlova and Sipyagin passed into the second round. According to the final estimates of the regional election, Svetlana lost hundreds of hundreds of thousands of votes in 2018 compared to a similar 5-year-old event. On September 24, residents of the Region preferred its main competitor - Vladimir Sipyagin.

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