Missander - character biography, name, quotes, actress


Character History

Fantasy series "Game of Thrones" whose popularity has become a modern phenomenon, regularly replenished with new characters. Starting from the third season of famous saga, the audience followed the adventures of the slave and translator of Missander. The girl whose life depended on the desires and whims of the slave traders, took an important place in the retinue of the young warriper Deeneris Targaryen.

History of creation

George Martin is the author of the books about seven kingdoms and the screenwriter of the series - introduced an unusual heroine into the plot of the novel "Ice and the flame". Over time, the minor character acquired an intriguing biography. The slave Missandeye appeared again in the "Bure of Swords", "Dance with Dragons", as well as the "Wise Winds".

Writer George Martin

In the screening of drama, too, there was a place for colorful heroine. Missandea appears on the screens already in the third season of the famous series. True, the television image of the heroine is noticeably different from the book original.

Missander's novels recently turned 10 years old. In front of the reader draws the image of a small innocent and serious girl. In the television series, Missander has already reached puberty - during the unfolded events to the girl 22 years old.

Playing former slave in the "Game of Thrones" entrusted to the British artist Natalie Emmanuel. A beginner actress has already gained world-wide fame. Natalie played a girl named Charlie in the "garbage" - a tragicomic series about difficult teenagers.

Actress Natalie Emmanuel

Shooting in a popular television series, according to the actress, became an unforgettable and instructive experience. Especially Emmanuel touched the love line:

"In the middle of this chaos, they are something clean, cute. Love shown in the show, usually through tragic. They had tragedies in the past, but they benefit from it, and I hope that the script authors will retain it. It rarely happens in the show, but when it happens, it causes a wide resonance. "

"Game of Thrones"

The girl named Missandy was born on the island of Nat. The heroine grew in a poor family surrounded by senior brothers. At 10 years old, the girl kidnapped the robbers from the Island of Vasilisk and sold to slavery.


Missander was lucky, the child got to the good aristocrats who noticed the girl to knowledge. Congenital talent saved the newly new slave. The girl was given to scribes, where the heroine received a good education.

Further fate of Missander is full of battles. Since childhood, realizing that it is value only as a translator, the girl mastered 19 foreign languages. Becoming older, the heroine fell to the service for KranziSu MO Tiltoz - an influential worker. During the negotiations of the owner with Daeneris, Missandeye demonstrates talent in Welsh and diplomatic skills - the girl does not translate the rudeness, which lets the worker to the princess.

Missandea and Deeneris

The insightful daughter of Eiris Second asks for the crane to give a quiet girl. The worker that thirsting to get an order from the guest, easily gives Missander. Now the girl belongs to Deeneris, however, not long. Princess gives translator freedom. An impressed by the act of influential patroness, Missandeye decides to stay in the service of young Mrs..

During the hike, the heroine does not part with DeEneris. A restrained, calm and judicial girl gradually conquers the confidence of the last of Targarey. So from a simple slave Missander becomes a friend and reliable advocacy of the mother of the Dragons.

Wanting to make a good deed, a girl gets closer to the commander of the army of impeccable gray worm. The heroine helps castratus to master the common language to communicate with the residents of seven kingdoms without obstacles. Conversations and acquaintances of both problems bring the young people.

The illusion of friendship violates an ambiguous case. Missander, swimming naked in the lake, notices a gray worm, carefully looking at the girl. Such an outcomes embarrassed and excited the girl. Restrained Missandea does not know how to react to what is happening. And apologies for men do not bring calm the girl.

Frame from the series

But when the gray worm is seriously wounded, the heroine spends the bed of the patient all his free time. The girl realizes that the commander became somehow for her than just a friend. In the rustling of feelings, Missander first kisses a man.

Political events prevented further development of the relations between the former slaves. At the patronage of Missander, an attack was made, and Deeeneris leaves his own subjects to avoid death. In the absence of mistress, Tyrion Lannier, a gray worm and Missander, was entrusted to the launch of Mrs.

Missandy, Tyrion Lannister and John Snow

The girl defends the interests of the Mother of Dragons and ordinary slaves, who only felt freedom from the oppression. A similar attitude to politics has consequences - both gray worm, and Missandea do not find a common language with Tyrion.

The voltage falls when Deeneris returns to power. The girl feels calm again, because near a close friend who will help the Council and protects from enemies. But the unexpected news makes the heroine panicing. The detachment of flawless is sent to the assault of the castley cliff.


No one can be sure that he will return from the battle home. Young translator frightened. The only man to whom the heroine is experiencing romantic feelings leaves her. Wanting to say goodbye to the beloved, Missandy goes into the chambers of a gray worm. Without hoping for the next meeting, young people cease to hide from feelings and opened towards each other.

Interesting Facts

  • The fans of the cellopopeship do not get tired of building crazy theories about the further fate of the heroes. In one of the options, Missander - was not the former slave, but a mercentee from the "faceless clan".
  • The name of the heroine came up with George Martin himself. The accurate translation of Missandy is unknown, but there is a theory that the meaning of the name intersects with the term "Mizandria" - Hubborn.
Kiss Missandy and Gray Worm
  • After the Missander's Love Scene and the Gray Worm was shown on TV, the Internet overflowing the memes in which the girl informs the beloved that pregnant. True, everyone does not leave the question - how did it happen?!


"There is no gentlemen in the grave, your grace". "We have no marriage on Naate, so there are no bastards." "She is not a queen because she is a king stranger. We chose her themselves. "

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