Vladimir Vasiliev - photo, biography, personal life, news, ex-head of Dagestan 2021



On a single voting day, on September 9, 2018, in 26 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, residents and representatives of parliaments chose the future leaders of the regions - governors and chapters. Vladimir Vasilyeva After the early resignation of Ramazan Abdulatipova on October 3, 2017, Russian President Vladimir Putin appointed to fulfill the responsibilities of the Head of the Republic of Dagestan. On September 9, his candidacy for elections approved 89% of deputies.

Childhood and youth

Vladimir Abdalievich Vasilyev (at the birth of Alik Abdalievich Asanbayev) was born on August 11, 1949 in the city of Klin in the Moscow region in the family of teachers. Ali's father (Abdali) Asanbaevich Asanbaev, Kazakh by nationality, worked as a teacher, and the mother of Nadezhda Ivanovna Vasilyeva, Russian, - as an educator in kindergarten. Parents met in Kazakhstan, where Nadezhda Ivanovna has worked out educational practice.

Young parents did not have time to raise the Son because of work, so in childhood Alik was often granted himself. He screamed his knowledge from the home library, which was collected by his grandfather, who took direct participation in the grandson's maturity.

In the elementary class, the boy studied on perfectly, in the senior school of thrust for knowledge, in addition, the grandfather, who led his health, could no longer be engaged in his grandson. In 1967, Alik graduated from school in Vysokovsk. After the release, she got a mechanic to the research institute of accurate instruments of Moscow.

In the youth, the young man replaced the name, taking the hereditary family name of the mother. At 19, Vladimir went to military service to the Arkhangelsk region. Two years later, in 1970, demobilized and entered the Moscow Secondary School of Militia, although he planned to devote his lives of history and wanted to go to the historical and architect institute of the Russian State Humanitarian University.

Personal life

Vladimir Vasilyeva has a happily life. Politics have a wife Lyudmila Dmitrievna (in the Maiden Odintov), ​​by education economist. In 1973, the daughter of Julia appeared in the family. She managed to make her parents with her grandfather and grandmother, giving them granddaughter.

In politics, the head of Dagestan is fond of fishing, goes to nature. The beloved place of rest is Lake Seliger. Despite the old age, it supports a good physical form - with a height of 185 cm weighs 90 kg.

There is a place in Vasilyeva biographies: he is an honorary member of the Maria charitable organization, which assists the families of Moscow internal affairs officers.

In July 2019, Vladimir Abdalievich was emergency hospitalized in one of the Moscow clinics with a diagnosis of "lung inflammation". At the time of the lack of his duties, they switched to Artem Zdunov, chairman of the Government of the Republic of Dagestan. Details of treatment and status policies have not been reported.

Career and politics

In 1972, Vladimir entered law enforcement agencies. He began with the office of the Inspector, Having heard to the head of the department to combat the embezzlement of the socialist property of the Bauman district of Moscow. To expand knowledge in your field, in 1978 he graduated from the All-Union Legal Correspondence Institute.

The future head of Dagestan continued to rise through the career ladder, in 1983 he headed the department to combat the embezzlement of property and speculation of the Main Directorate of Internal Affairs (GUVD) of Moscow. After 4 years, he was appointed deputy head of department management. Two years, from 1989 to 1991, he studied at the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. This allowed him to take the place of the main inspector of the Inspectorate of the Office of the Office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the RSFSR, and then reach the post of First Deputy Head of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of Moscow.

In 1997, Russian President Boris Yeltsin appointed Vladimir Vasilyeva First Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs and Head of the State University for Organized Crime of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. For posts, he stayed 2 years: after appointing the Minister of the Interior of Vladimir Rushailo, a man decided to resign. According to the unofficial version, colleagues did not compare the characters.

In 1999, he took the post of Deputy Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, and after appointing the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Boris Gryzlov in 2001 became his deputy.

In the same year, he defended his thesis on the topic "Criminological study of murders and ensuring the safety of the life of citizens", having received the title of Ph.D. Nevertheless, scientists from the organization "Dissenet" reported that the text of the dissertation of Vasilyeva by 60% coincides with the year earlier by the scientific work of Sergei Abeltseva, deputy of the State Duma.

Vladimir Abdalievich took direct participation in eliminating the consequences of the terrorist act on Dubrovka in 2002. From October 23, the militants held in the building of the theater center 916 people: employees of the crowd, actors of the Musical "Nord-Ost" and the audience. Thus, terrorists voiced the requirement to stop hostilities in Chechnya and bring Russian troops from there.

On the morning of October 26, Vasilyev, being deputy head of the headquarters for the release of hostages, reported on the beginning of the assault, as a result of which 36 terrorists were destroyed, more than 750 hostages were released. According to official data, 130 civilians were killed during the liberation operation, including 10 children.

In 2005, Vladimir Putin appointed Vasilyev by the head of the Security Committee. Much later, in 2017, in the 15-year anniversary of the terrorist attack, while the acting head of Dagestan, Vladimir Abdalievich reported in an interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda: "In my new work, I just do that and do everything in order to "Nord-Ost" has never happened no longer. "

Since 2003, Vasilyev has repeatedly elected to the State Duma deputies from the Tver region as a member of United Russia. In November 2012, he headed the faction of the ruling party in the State Duma, replacing Andrei Vorobyeva, as well as appointed Deputy Chairman of the State Duma.

From January 2017, Putin accepted a number of decisions about the early termination of the responsibilities of the governors of 19 regions of the country. Among others, the post left Ramzan Abdulatipov, President of Dagestan (now a special representative of the President of Russia on the issues of humanitarian and economic cooperation with the states of the Caspian region). Vladimir Vladimirovich appointed Vasilyeva to his position. He assumed responsibilities on October 3, 2017.

Vladimir Abdalievich is one of the few politicians who spent the total cleaning of the local government. In January 2018, he initiated a check of colleagues on the anti-corruption component. As a result, four members of the government were arrested. They were accused of fraud with land plots, bribery and creating a criminal conspiracy. The criminal case on the fact of theft of funds from the budget of the republic was carried out by the General Directorate for the Investigation of the Especially Important Affairs of the Investigative Committee of Russia.

According to the results of a single voting day on September 9, 2018, by a majority of votes of members of the local parliament, Vladimir Vasiliev appointed head of the Republic of Dagestan.

The candidacy was supported by 77 deputies from 86, that is, 89% of the electorate. Together with Vladimir Abdalievich, Camil Vadiyev and Mahmoud Mahmudov claimed.

Vladimir Vasiliev now

On October 5, 2020, Russian President Vladimir Putin stopped Vladimir Vasilyeva's authority to the head of Dagestan. The information provided the Kremlin press service. The text declares that Vasiliev resigned at his own request.

Close to the head of the region, sources report that the main cause of the policy is its age. In August, Vladimir Abdalievich turned 71 years old. Another reason is health problems. Politician was sick for a long time and was treated in the sanatorium "Dagestan".

There is also the opinion that the resignation is associated with a difficult epidemiological situation in the republic. During the pandemic of coronavirus infection, Dagestan headed the anti-racification of Russian regions in terms of the severity of COVID-19. A flash of infection has taken tens of thousands of lives, but the complexity of the situation was hidden until the last.

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The post of head of the region of Dagestan, Vladimir Putin, handed over Sergey Melikov, Senator of the Stavropol Territory. The politician knows the Caucasus well, as he held the position of the President of the President in SPO. Vladimir Vasiliev was appointed presidential adviser.

Putin spent a working meeting with Melnikov and Vasilyev in the online format. During her, the President noted the merit of Vladimir Abdalievich and expressed hope for an ambulance meeting to personally express gratitude for the good service. The former head of Dagestan admitted that 4 years on the position held by him flew as one day, but the work was interesting and alive.


  • Order "For merits to the Fatherland" II, III, IV degree
  • Order Alexander Nevsky
  • Order of Honor
  • Order of courage
  • Order "Commonwealth"
  • Medal "In contrast to the protection of public order"
  • Medal "For Combat Commonwealth"
  • Medal "200 years of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia"
  • Medal "For the Facilitation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs"
  • Medal "For Interaction"
  • Medal "For Promotion"
  • Medal "200 Years by the Ministry of Defense"
  • Medal "For impeccable service" I, II, III degrees
  • Medal "For the Return of Crimea"
  • Medal PA Stolypin II degree

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