Alexander Gusev - biography, photo, personal life, news 2021



Alexander Gusev is a Russian statesman who came to politics from a manufacturing enterprise. His appointment temporarily acting by the head of the Voronezh region in 2017 was for many surprises, but the victory in elections a year later, residents of the region were recognized by deserved and convincing.

Childhood and youth

Alexander Viktorovich Gusev was born on July 27, 1963 in the Kaluga region, in the village of Lake. Father died when the boy was 1.5 years old. The future policy and his older brother Vyacheslav raised the mother who worked at the local hospital nurse.

At school, Alexander studied perfectly and was the permanent participant of the Olympiad to the exact sciences. Having received secondary education, the young man went to the Yaroslavl Polytechnic Institute to receive a specialty chemist engineer.

Alexander Gusev

On the first day, when Alexander arrived in the city to file documents, he stole almost all the money, and he managed to stretch for 2 days the remaining 3 rubles 50 kopecks, of which most of which had to pay for the hotel. In an interview, telling about this case, the politician is joking that it was then that he learned to plan a budget in crisis conditions.

Gusev's second education was received in 2004 in the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Service under the President of the Russian Federation. In the same year, he graduated from a business administration course (MBA), and in 2010 he studied at advanced training courses under the Cluster Policy Study and Private Partnership.

Career and politics

After the end of the Polytechnic Institute, the future statesman went on the distribution of the factory "Voronezhsinzkukhuk". The appointment upset yesterday's student - he dreamed of getting to the "Nefteorghimavod", but Dean of the Faculty convinced him that the proposed option was much better. For 7 years in the new place of Gusev, the way from the Master of Shift to the deputy head of the workshop was held.

Politician Alexander Gusev

In 1995, he became the head of production at the native factory, and later - Deputy General Director. In 2007, Alexander Viktorovich was headed by Voronezhsintezkukhuk and stayed in this post for 2 years.

At the enterprise, Gusev was famous not only as a manager, but also as a talented developer. With his participation, 30 new production technologies were created, among which the production of thermoelastoplasts to create a road surface, a method for eliminating acid evaporation in plant production emissions and other innovations.

Vladimir Putin and Alexander Gusev

Former colleagues remember their boss as an honest and courageous person. In November 2005, a fire happened in the factory due to the depressurization of the equipment. The fire quickly spread and soon covered all the 5 floors of the building, and in the workshop, where the firefighters worked and another 4 employees remained, an explosion threat arose.

Gusev who arrived at the scene explained to the fireman, which is dangerous. He went to the shop and shouted that he heard hiss - perhaps a sign of that very leakage that could become fatal. Alexander Viktorovich, without thinking, rushed to the workshop to help. As a result, it was found that it was hiped not gas, but the brave of the chief was very impressed by subordinates.

Alexey Gordeev and Alexander Gusev

In 2009, Gusev receives an invitation to the service in the administration of the Voronezh region. From that moment on, the political stage of his biography begins, which began from the post of deputy chairman of the regional government. Then he moved to the post of Deputy Governor Alexei Gordeyev and headed the Government Commission for Fire Safety and Prevention of Emergency Situations.

In 2013, Alexander Gusev nominated the post of Chapter Voronezh on the lists of United Russia. According to the media, it was a "throw on the ambrusura": a businessman, owner of the Network of Furniture stores Gennady Chernushkin, was applied to this chair, and his chances of winning were evaluated as high, but 2 months before the voting day, he suddenly changed his mind and removed his candidacy from elections .

Gusev, at that time a non-public person, had to go to the center of widespread attention in the role of the "Human Gordeyev", that is, a trusted person of the governor. As a result, he won with a result of 43.62% of the votes, confidently bypassing the main rival Galina Kudryavtsev.

In 2017, rumors had rumors about the ambulance of the governor due to fatigue and health problems. According to rumors, Alexander Viktorovich, although he was at that time the first deputy, seriously was not considered for the liberated place, but the favorable recommendations of Gordeev played a role. In September of the same year, Guseva appointed Vrio Governor of the Voronezh region.

Personal life

Alexander Gusev is married. The members of his family are rarely shown in public, and their photos in the media flashes infrequently. With his wife Valentina Alexandrovna together for many years: they worked in the youth at one plant.

Alexander Gusev and his wife Valentina with his daughter
"We and my wife had a real service story," says politician.

The daughter of the governor Catherine received a higher education in Voronezh State University. Now she is studying in graduate school and studies foreign languages. Father calls her independent and not at all spoiled by the girl. In addition to her, there are no children from geous.

Mother Faith Polippovna Guseva's policy died in January 2018.

Alexander Gusev in 2018

Alexander Viktorovich has state awards: the medal of the Order "For Services to Fatherland" II degree, the medal named after Mikhail Timofeevich Kalashnikov. He also has departmental awards from the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Government of the Voronezh region. For research developments at the native enterprise, he is awarded the Government Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology.

Gusev - Politician "Old School" in terms of information technology: he does not publish a photo in "Instagram" and does not announce news in Twitter, preferring traditional ways to communicate with the inhabitants of their region.

Alexander Gusev now

In September 2018, politician won the regional elections, performing on them as a candidate from the United Russia party, and moved from the post of Virio to the place of the Permanent Head of the Voronezh Region.

"Now the opportunity has come, the time of development of the region from the point of view of the removal of financial restrictions, the opportunity to change to us as managers," he said.

Among the main priorities announced in the election program, the elected governor called the support of production and individual entrepreneurs, promising them both monetary and non-financial support.

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