Victor Tomenko - biography, photo, personal life, news 2021



Movement up - so briefly you can characterize the career path of Viktor Tomenko. The first steps in the profession he began to do a student, then dedicated a dozen years to work in Norilsk Nickel. In 2010, Tomenko moved to civil service and for some time was considered a candidate for the post of governor of his native Krasnoyarsk region. As a result, he became the head of another Siberian region and is now placed in the "capital of the world" - the city of Barnaul.

Childhood and youth

Viktor Petrovich Tomenko was born on May 12, 1971 in Norilsk. His parents Peter Vasilyevich Tomenko and Tatiana Pavlovna Melchenko have nothing to do with politics: the father worked on the mining plant, and the mother devoted himself to the work of the teacher.

Victor Tomenko and Alexander Novak

About how Krasnoyarsa was in childhood, Elena Pronin, an employee of the Nadezhdan Metallurgical Plant, told in an interview. In 1977, in Pioneroger "Taiga trails", where Elena worked by the leader, 6-year-old Victor rested. According to her memories, he was a cheerful, inquisitive child. His best friend was Alexander Novak, subsequently became the deputy minister of Finance of the Russian Federation - together they graduated from school №23 of Norilsk.

Tomenko since childhood was interested in football and basketball. The last sport especially attracted Victor - he even had a chance to participate in sports fees. The legendary coach of Vasily Radita recalls that the guy has shown himself as a talented player.

Failure to sports has not passed since the years - Tomenko and now in his free time does not miss the case to exercise with a basketball ball. In the network you can find several videos in which the Governor of the Altai Territory demonstrates its sportsmanship.

In 1988, Victor received a maturity certificate, and in 1993 he was released from the Norilsk Industrial Institute.

Career and politics

Back in Student years, Tomenko worked at the Nadezhdan Metallurgical Plant. Here he tried himself at once in several positions: an accountant, technician-technologist, economist, etc. After completing Victor's study, Victor took to the staff, and in subsequent years his labor biography was noticeably expanded.

Politician Viktor Tomenko

In the 90s, Krasnoyarsa ranked positions in CJSC Polygon-Taimyr, JSC Norilsk Combine, OJSC Norilsk Mountain Company. On the eve of the new millennium, in December 1999, Tomenko found himself in Norilsk Nickel. Here he worked as deputy heads of economics and chief accountant.

In 2001, in the year of its 30th anniversary, Victor was appointed Deputy Head of the Polar Branch of Norilsk Nickel. Later he got up at the head of this enterprise and in the status of the general director worked until 2010. After that, Tomenko decided to go to the civil service.

Victor Tomenko

Colleagues in Norilsk Nickel remember Viktor Petrovich as a reliable and tactful person who can hear the point of view of other people and defend their own position. He focused on the efficiency and development of the enterprise, such a position helped the branch cope with the 2008 crisis.

In March 2010, Tomenko turned out to be the head of the Vice-Governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. He had a chance to work with three chapters - Lvom Kuznetsov (from 2010 to 2014), Viktor Tolokonsky (from 2014 to 2017) and Virio Alexander Uss (from 2017 to May 2018).

Governor of the Altai Territory Victor Tomenko

In 2017-2018, Victor was a program for the preparation of the presidential personnel reserve, which journalists dubbed the "School of Future Governors". Many graduates of the Program occupied the posts of VRIO in a number of regions. Among them was Viktor Petrovich - in May 2018, he arrived in Barnaul in the status of Virio Governor of the Altai Territory. On September 9, he was elected to the post of governor.

Personal life

Tomenko is not in a hurry to share with the press details of personal life. It is known that with his wife Tatiana he met back in Norilsk, at that time they were both about 17 years. With the design of relationships did not wear, the wedding took place 2 years after the acquaintance. Since then, spouses are not parted, together attend events and travel a lot - in social networks Tatyana Tomenko, you can find a number of joint photos.

Victor Tomenko with family

The married couple has a daughter Galina, other children in the family Tomenko. In an interview, Victor said that their daughter was already an adult, independent person who lives his own life. The girl released from school with a gold medal, and in 2018 he graduated from the financial university under the Government of the Russian Federation. Now she is studying in the magistracy.

Victor Tomenko now

On May 30, 2018, President Virio Governor of the Altai Territory was appointed by Decree of President Victor Tomenko. In communicating with journalists, politicians quoted the words of the president who marked that the region has great potential, but there are also its difficulties: "there should be plowing." The next day, May 31, Viktor was awarded award "for labor merit". Among the Krasnoyarsa, he turned out to be the most young owner of this sign of distinction.

Victor Tomenko and Vladimir Putin

June 1, Tomenko officially started the duties of Virio. Already in the first days of stay in Barnaul, he personally visited all parts of the city, assessed this state of affairs and outlined vectors of further development. During the first months, Victor visited about half of the regions and cities in the region. On August 31, his meeting with Vladimir Putin took place, the main topics of their conversation were to raise living standards in the Altai Territory, the labor market, socio-economic transformation.

Viktor Tomenko in 2018

The Party "United Russia" was put forward to the position of head of the region of Victor. In August, he presented the final version of the pre-election program, in which more than 15 thousand people participated in the discussion - from experts to ordinary residents. In total, the program reflected 12 development directions.

On September 9, Tomenko was elected governor of the Altai Territory. He scored 53.61% of the votes. The newly elected head of the region thanked voters for confidence and support, noting that this year the turnout increased by 3%. Viktor Tomenko's inauguration took place on September 17, 2018 in Barnaul.

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