Sergey Levchenko - biography, photo, personal life, news 2021



Sergey Georgievich Levchenko began a political career in the post-Personal time. He was elected to the Council of People's Deputies, then to the State Duma from the Communist Party of the Communist Party. It has a brilliant professional biography of a construction specialty - behind his shoulders more than a thousand objects built.

In 2015, Levchenko became the Governor of the Irkutsk Region, bypassing the Virio of the Head of the Sergey Eroshechenko region by 15%, and thus entered the story as the first CPRF Candidate, who won the election from the representative of the ruling party.

Childhood and youth

Sergey Georgievich was born on November 2, 1953 in Novosibirsk. In one interview, the governor clarified the place where it was born and rose:

"There is such a settlement of the chealing. The name itself suggests that it was for the territory. More than once had to defend their positions. "

Levchenko grew up without his father, and the mother had to work a lot to put the son on his feet. All this contributed to the early worship of the young man: he quickly became independent, learned to make decisions, move to the target target.

Sergey Levchenko

In childhood and youth, Sergey Georgievich was actively engaged in sports. Specialized in mild athletics, has the title of candidate in the master of sports on a decade. In early youth, played in the national team of the Novosibirsk region on basketball and is now trying to maintain a fitness.

When it came to choose a profession, I decided to stop at the most relevant specialty - construction. And in 1976, Sergey Georgievich graduated from the Faculty of Industrial and Civil Engineering of the Novosibirsk Engineering and Construction Institute.

Career and politics

Immediately at the end of the university in 1976, a young specialist went to Krasnoyarsk, where he began his labor biography. Passed the path from the master to the head of the section of the Krasnoyarsk construction and assembly management of the "Sibstalconstruction" trust, becoming a good production.

Communist Sergey Levchenko

After 6 years - a new employment post. This time in Angarsk and immediately to the leading position. The head of the Angarsk construction and assembly management of the Krasnoyarsk Stalconstruction Trust, Sergey Georgievich worked until 1987.

Successes in production did not slow down to affect the advancing along the party line: in 1987, Levchenko became Chairman of the South-Western District Executive Committee of the Angarsk, a deputy of the South-Western district of the Council of People's Deputies, and in 1990 - the first secretary of the Angarsk Committee of the CPSU. To the question of how he got into politics, Sergey Levchenko answered:

"I initially fell into politics by chance. I was put forward by the Chairman of the Executive Committee. Then the reforms arrived, the batch was banned, and I could not accept this. "

With the beginning of the 90s, the era of transition to new economic rails is coming, privatization raises in the country. In Siberia, whose share in the total production of Russia is 12.4%, this process takes place particularly active. And in these conditions (in 1992), Levchenko was appointed General Director of SMU "Stalkonstrukti" in Angarsk.

Politician Sergey Levchenko

His competent leadership allowed the company to safely switch to market rails, and the head of serious career himself thought about the political career. In 1993 he graduated from the Faculty of Economics and Management of the Russian Academy of Management under the Government of the Russian Federation and became the first secretary of the Irkutsk Regional Office of the Communist Party.

1997 - Saturated for Levchenko year. In April, he became a member of the Central Committee of the CPRF. And in July, for the first time, he declared himself as a candidate for the post of governor of the Irkutsk region. Then he scored only 18.8% of the votes and lost to the former mayor of Irkutsk Boris speak. Despite the loss, the political career of Levchenko goes to the mountain: In December 1999, he was elected a deputy of the State Duma III convocation on the Federal CPPF List (subsequently elected in 2007, 2011).

Sergey Levchenko

And in 2001 again run by the post of chapter of the region. This time, Levchenko goes to the second round of voting, but again inferior to the score with a meager separation - in 2.3%.

Since 2004, Sergey Georgievich has been elected to the Presidium of the Central Committee of the CPRF. At the same time, the leader of the G. A. Zyuganov gave the companion to a flattery by calling the "talented and promising leader." In the party cell, Levchenko has so strong positions that in 2011 his candidacy was called among the possible participants from the Communist Party in the 2012 presidential election.

Governor of the Irkutsk Region Sergey Levchenko

In 2015, Sergey Georgievich won the election of the Governor of the Irkutsk Region, ahead of Sergei Eroshechenko's United Russia. Among the main theses of the election program of the new chapter of the region were

"The fight against corruption, promoting small businesses, state support for agriculture, the solution of environmental problems of the Baikal and others."

Recently, the governor presented a strategy for the socio-economic development of the Irkutsk region until 2030. It includes such priorities such as the gasification of the region, the construction of a new airport, the development of mechanical engineering, the growth of efficiency and streamlining the work of the timber industry complex.

Personal life

Sergey Levchenko's first wife - Lyudmila Ivanovna Arastov (marriage was concluded in 1976), born in 1954, a native of the city of Gorno-Altaisk. She graduated from the Novosibirsk Engineering and Construction Institute, worked in Morharkhstroyadzor at the Angarsk City Hall. The married couple raised two children: Daughter Tatiana (1977) and son of Andrei (1982).

Sergey Levchenko with family

The current spouse policy is Natalia Yakovlevna Solovyov, born in 1958, a native of Angarsk. He was engaged in the insurance business, was the general director of the regional insurance company Diana. After the husband's entry into the position of the governor in 2016, according to the site, the woman sold the package of its shares for 70 million rubles, thanks to which he was among the richest wives of the heads of Russian regions (based on annual income declarations).

Couple together since 1998. Levchenko launched two children of Spouse - Janu (1983) and Elena (1987).

Sergey Levchenko in 2018

According to party sources, Levchenko does not like secular events, modest into everyday life. Recognizes the relevance of social media: there are profiles in Twitter, Instagram and VKontakte.

The governor is engaged in charity. Initiated the creation of the Charitable Foundation Sergey Levchenko. In this, his wife Natalia helps him. A woman often accompanies her husband on business trips.

"We live, not parting. Even just between meetings for a minute, take each other by the hand - this is important, "said Natalia Yakovlevna.

Sergey Levchenko now

In early September 2018, just on the eve of a single voting day (September 9), Sergey Levchenko was involved in an impartial history. Photos and a video appeared on the network, on which the governor in the emphasis shoots the sleeping bear.

Sergey Levchenko on the hunt

The social networks immediately exploded the squall of disturbances and the demands on the resignation of the official. The relevant materials on the fact of hunting are directed by the Prosecutor's Office of the Irkutsk region in the TCR. The head of the press service of the Irkutsk Government, Irina Alashkevich, commented in response to the request of Interfax:

"It was a Bear Shatun, the hunt took place in the permitted period in November 2016, a bear-shooting license had"

Now the situation is in the stages of clarifying and expecting new details.

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