Alexander Uss - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Part 2021



Alexander Uss from those politicians called "strong businesspores". Not one year later, Alexander Viktorovich cared for the well-being of his native Krasnoyarsk Territory and finally achieved his main goal - came to the position of the governor. In addition to political career, there was a place in the biography of the Uss and for scientific activities, and for family happiness.

Childhood and youth

The future Russian politician was born on November 3, 1954 in the village of Novgorod, which in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Alexander's father was the chairman of the collective farm and even awarded the honorary title of the Hero of Socialist Labor. In an interview with Uss likes to emphasize that he also considers himself a peasant, like parents, and bowed to the wisdom of villagers.

Alexander Uss.

After graduating from school, the young man entered Tomsk University by choosing a legal specialty. In 1976, Alexander Viktorovich continued her education in graduate school of the same educational institution and after 4 years he defended his thesis. The topic of scientific work Uss was rather unusual and concerned conflicts between convicted people. Also, during his studies, the future governor managed to become a scholarshot of the Institute of Criminal Law named after Max Planck.

Career and politics

The career path of Alexander Uss began with teaching: until 1993, a man worked first by the assistant, then the senior teacher and, finally, the associate professor of the Department of Criminal Law in the Krasnoyarsk State University. Then Alexander Viktorovich received the position of head of legal administration in the administration of the native land. From this purpose and its climbing on the political staircase began.

Governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Alexander Uss

In the same year, the novice politician became a candidate for the deputies of the Federation Council (from the Evenkiy district) and the year later took this chair. Career Alexander Viktorovich developed rapidly: already in 1995, the man became Deputy Governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, and in 1997, the Ussa was elected to the Legislative Assembly. Alexander Viktorovich, he stayed only a year and in 1998 he headed the chief legislative body of the region, becoming his chairman.

In 2001, Alexander Uss again managed to go to the deputy composition of the Legislative Assembly, and, as in the previous time, a year later, the politician returned the position of Chairman. In parallel with the work in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, a man since 1998 held a chair and in the Council of the Federation Federation, being a member of the International Affairs Committee. True, in the winter of 2001, Alexander Viktorovich had to abandon these powers due to the new law on the formation of the upper chamber of the Parliament of the Russian Federation.

Alexander Khloponin and Alexander Uss

All this time, the politician went to the main goal - the chair of the governor of the native land. For the first time, Alexander Uss was ran into this post in 2002, after the death of the operating governor Alexander Lebed. The first round of elections brought victory: Alexander Viktorovich scored 27.6% of the votes. But in the second round of the candidate, a failure was waiting - the victory went to Alexander Khloponin. In 2007, politician again passed to the deputy composition of the regional legislative assembly and in the same year he headed him again.

In 2012, Alexander Uss became the head of the branch of the Russian Association of Lawyers in the Siberian Federal District. In addition, politician entered the Council of Foreign Policy and Defense.

Vladimir Putin and Alexander Uss

2015 I was remembered by the Uss Supporters of the Youth Economic Forum, held in Krasnoyarsk with the assistance of Alexander Viktorovich. One of the moderators of the event was the Rector of the Skolkovo Management School of Andrei Sharonov, who emphasized the importance of such forums for the development of the country as a whole.

In 2017, Alexander Viktorovich received the appointment of Vladimir Putin to the post of Vrio Governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. That year, politician has replenished its state by 221 million rubles (according to the official declaration).

The Uss fully justified the confidence of the president and did not regret the efforts to develop the native land. It is known that politics managed to attract large amounts of investment in the region.

Since 1996, Alexander Uss has been part of the "Our House Russia" party, and then, in 2001, became a member of the "unity". Since 2003, politicians have been listed as part of United Russia.

Personal life

The personal life of Alexander Ussa was happily. It is known that the wife's wife - Lyudmila Prokopyevna - is engaged in its own business. In the family of Alexander Viktorovich, three children: In 1977, the spouse gave a man Mary's daughter, in 1982 the son of Artem was born, and in 1992, the Uss became a father for the third time - Alexander's daughter appeared. Older children went to the footsteps of the Father and received a legal education.

Alexander Uss and his wife Lyudmila

In 2013, Alexander Viktorovich first became a grandfather. In an interview with the politician shared joy and reported that the boy was named Grisha and he was born in Berlin. It is also known that the Iss itself speaks free in German.

Free time a man prefers to spend with his family. In addition, politics have a hobby: he loves to ride skiing and ride. Also, Alexander Viktorovich is fond of tennis and golf and plays a guitar well.

Alexander Uss now

In 2018, Alexander Ussa photo reappeared on the pages of news publications. This time the election of the Governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory was the occasion. Policy managed to enlist the confidence of voters and gain 60.19% of the votes, bypassing other competitors to this post.

Alexander Uss in 2018

Opponents of Alexander Viktorovich were Egor Bondarenko, Alexander Lympio and Ivan Serebryakov. The latter represented in the elections a batch of "Patriots of Russia", the head of which in the Krasnoyarsk Territory is Anatoly Bykov.

Now the politician takes congratulations on the new status and already, on his own admission, is preparing to implement far-reaching plans.

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