Anton Alikhanov - biography, photo, personal life, news, instagram 2021



Anton Alikhanov became the youngest among regional leaders, but this fact absolutely does not reduce the degree of importance of male decisions taken. Judging by the actions of the governor, he seeks to improve the quality of life in the region and make it comfortable for residents.

Childhood and youth

Anton Alikhanov's biography began on September 17, 1986 in the city of Sukhumi. The Father of the Future Policy Policy is half of the Don Cossack, half the Greek, worked on a tea-tobacco factory. As for Mom, she has Russian and Georgian roots, has a degree of candidate of medical sciences.

Anton Alikhanov State

From 6 years old, the boy seriously engaged in sports: visited the workout Wushu twice a day, and at the age of 12 went to the Judo section. A little later, Anton liked mixed martial arts, while the young man was again not fond of a new sport - Kudo, in which the masters belt almost reached.

The measured life of the family changed dramatically after the collapse of the USSR, when the conflict between the two republics began. The members of the Alikhanov family did not want to participate in this, so the Father, and previously thought to return to the capital of Russia, decided to move.

Anton Alikhanov in childhood

Leaving all the property, a family of 9 people, including close relatives, fled to Russia. They filmed a one-room apartment where the younger brother Anton - Georgy was born a little later. In an interview with Alikhanov, it was told that this time was imprinted in his memory as a cold and dark. A man remembers only a long way on foot to the subway and an early rise: Anton had to get up at 6 am to get to school on time.

Sound childhood did not prevent Alikhanov to receive an excellent formation: he graduated from the All-Russian State Tax Academy of the Ministry of Finance of Russia and received two diplomas at once - financier and lawyer. 2 years after receiving the specialty Anton Andreevich became a candidate of economic sciences. In the army, the young man did not serve.

Career and politics

At the age of 24, Anton Alikhanov took a post at the Ministry of Justice of Russia. Practical skills in the economy and national economy management man honed in state bodies. But from the previous place of work, Alikhanov moved to the Ministry of Industry to the post of deputy director of the Department of State Regulation of Foreign Trade Activities, and later he headed him.

Lawyer Anton Alikhanov

Due to the next turn in the fate of a young specialist who occurred in the fall of 2015, Anton Andreevich decides to move from the capital to Kaliningrad. Here he was offered to take the post of deputy chairmen of the Government of the region in economics, industry and agriculture.

Thanks to the direct participation of the official, the so-called "problem April 1, 2016" was solved. On this day, customs and tax breaks for organizations ceased. Summing up 2017, the concerns of some experts were not confirmed: a significant drop in the economy did not happen, and the unemployment rate did not significantly increase.

Politician Anton Alikhanov

For 2 years in the region, Anton Alikhanov changed 3 posts, gradually climbing the career ladder: from the first position, he became the chairman of the government, and then - Vrio Governor, he headed the region in a year, replacing Evgeny Zinichev. The latter in turn went back to work in the special service.

After the unexpected resignation of the Governor Zinichev, the decree of Vladimir Putin Alikhanov appointed Vrio Governor of the Kaliningrad region. In the summer of 2017, politics put forward the governor from the United Russia party. On the day of the elections, the most voters voted for the candidate on September 10, 81% voted.

Governor of the Kaliningrad Region Anton Alikhanov

The highest post in the Anton Alikhanov region received less than a month after 30 years. This is the age line, after which you can hold the post of head of the subject of Russia. The man joined the post on September 29, the solemn ceremony took place in the dramatic theater, on the stage of which Alikhanov took the oath of the governor.

Personal life

Anton Andreevich is an official marriage with a charming graduate MGIMO Daria Abramova, his granddaughter might could. When there was a need to move from Moscow to Kaliningrad, grandfather wife especially objected, motivating that at least the city and good, in the wage of Alikhanov lost almost 2 times. But the politician has repeatedly admitted that he did not go to the ministry because of money.

Anton Alikhanov and his wife Daria Abramova

Heroically agreeing to change the Moscow vanity on the problems of the border region, Chuta Alikhanov, with two children, the son of Andrei and the daughter of Polina, moved to someone else's city. Because of this, the wife had to leave the editor on television and currently remotely writes to the program.

As the official said more than once, "age is a disadvantage that passes with time." But sometimes the immediacy of Anton Andreevich led him to conflict situations. The case has been widely covered when a journalist asked the governor at a press conference, whether the return of compensation for the costs of the kindergarten was canceled in 2016. Alikhanov answered on this question, the hard "no", thereby causing clarifying "why?". "By Kochan," said politician. After that, the man gave an unfolded response and asked for more similar questions to him not to ask.

Anton Alikhanov with family

The first formulation to journalists seemed offensive, and they published audio recording of the conversation on the network. But the deepening of the conflict managed to avoid: after a couple of days, the governor across the assistant asked for the editment of the forgiveness "for incontinence."

Anton Alikhanov Now

In 2018, Anton Alikhanov occupies the post of governor of the Kaliningrad region. You can say with confidence that the career, and the personal life of the men developed as it should not be better.

Anton Alikhanov in 2018

Now politics have an informal account in the social network "Instagram", where it is divided by the latest events of the region and personal pictures.

According to some sources, the growth of a man is 187 cm, and the weight is about 86 kg: Alikhanov is in good physical form.

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