Boromir - biography, image and character, actor, quotes


Character History

Character Roman John R.R. Tolkina "The Lord of the Rings", as well as the film-chirping of the same name, filmed by the director Peter Jackson based on this book. The eldest son and the heir of the dentor of the second, governor of the gondora, the brother of Famira.

History of creation

Writer John R.R. Tolkien

At the heart of the name of Boromir - the words designed by the Tolkin fictional elven languages ​​of Quenya and Sindarin. The name does not have a connected value and consists of the words "Mire" - "precious stone" and "Boron" - "faithful, persistent." According to the internal mythology of the "Lord of the Rings", Boromir received a name in honor of the son of one of the previous governors of the Gondora, who broke the army of MORDORS WORK-HAEV in 2475 by the third era.

"Lord of the Rings"

Boromir is a man of forty years with the appearance of a harsh warrior, a descendant of Numenorats: Seruogrozzy, tall, with dark hair, similar to his own father. The hero is the title of the Gondora commander, in the film is armed with a sword and shield. Boromir is proud, the hero is fearless and strong, finds joy in battles. Boromira does not impose prospects to be cooled and put his wife, they do not interest the hero and old legends, with the exception of those that tell about wars and battles of the past.


George Martin called Boromir his favorite hero in the "Lord of the Rings." The writer attracts the fact that Boromir is the only one of the company fights the power of the rings and gives back to this effect, and then heroically dies.

Some critics compare Boromir with Saruman. Both high-opinion characters about themselves as a leader, both ambitious and consider themselves heroes, but dying because of ambiguousness. The difference between Saruman and Boromir is seeing these critics in the fact that Saruman is inclined to cooperate with Sauron.

Boromir believes that the power of the rings can serve him to fight Sauron. Both characters are too arrogant and insufficiently wise to objectively evaluate their own strength and prospects in this struggle. This becomes the cause of their fall.


According to the plot "The Lord of the Rings", Boromir headed the troops of Gondor. The hero commanded the army, who chopped off the first capital of Gondora - the city of Ogiliate, captured by Orcs Sauron. After the battle of Boromir and the younger brother of the Hero Faramir, both at the same time, saw one prophetic dream, where the words about the broken sword of Elendil were sounded, the springchalter of the Numen Kings, which will be rebounded in the Valley of Imladris.

In the same dream, both brothers heard about the curse of Isyldura, which some half aim will take over. Under the influence of this prophetic sleep, Boromir goes to the Valley of Imladris to the Council, who gathered the Elven Master Elrond about the ring of alliance. Boromir expected that this trip will help unravel the meaning of sleep, having doned him and brother.


On the Boomir Council, it is called to go east as part of the brotherhood of the ring, along with the elf Legolas, the son of King Trannduel, Gnometric Gimli, Hobbits and Aragorn, the true heir of the throne of Gondor. However, Boromir believes that the ring of alliance does not need to be destroyed.

The hero insists that the ring remains in the hands of the opponents of Sauron, who will direct the power of this powerful artifact to fight the enemy. Even during the Council in the valley, Imladris, Boromir, argued that to send a ring right in the hands of Sauron, in possession of the enemy - very risky, and the chances of victory are small.


In the end, Boromir gives himself to the tempting charm of the ring and is trying to take the artifact from a semi-slim frodo, which caused to be a rings in this campaign. It happens after the group left Lorien, the forest city of elves. After this incident, Frodo decided that the group is safer to be away from the ring, and escaped from the accompanying, to then get to Mordor alone.

When temporary turbidity of the Ring's Source has passed, Boromir has realized its own error. Just at that moment in the forest on the heroes attacks the Detachment of Urukha Khaev. Boromir protects the Hobbits, Frodo's friends, and dies from arrows. Before dying, the hero tells about what happened between him and Frodo who came to the student Aragorn and speaks of repentance.

The satellites put the body of boromira into the boat and with the honors, leaning the warrior, are allowed by the river. Faramir later saw in the vision of the dead boromir, who lay in half flooded, surrounded by the radiance of a boat floating towards the sea, and so he learned about the death of his brother. This vision partly helped Hobbits Frodo and Sam explain with Farramir later, when the heroes were encountered.


The role of Boromir in the trilogy of Peter Jackson "The Lord of the Rings" played the English actor Sean Bean, famous to the audience as Eddard Stark in the cult series "Game of Thrones", shot based on the series of Romanov George Martin.

In the film, the hero is somewhat different from Boromir presented in the book. Here the hero has light red hair, and not dark, as in the text. The weapon is also different: in the movie Boromyr, wears a wide sword and a round shield, in the book, hero is armed with a long sword.

Actor Sean Bin

There are some plot discrepancies. In the text, Boromir dies only at the beginning of the second part of the novel - "Two fortresses", while in the film the death of the Hero falls on the final of the first part. Umiya, Boromir is recognized by Aragorn in the fact that the faith in the people of Gondora has lost. After Aragorn promises that it would not allow the Gondor to fall, Boromir swear to loyalty and recognizes Aragorn King. During the remaining path of Aragorn, Boromir's brackets as a sign that he remembers this promise.

In the second film - "The Lord of the Rings: Two Fortresses" - Boromir appears in Flashbeck scenes and memories. In the first such episode, the memories of Farramira, who saw the body of a brother in the elven boat and a split horror of Boromir.

The second episode is the conversation of Boromir and Framira, which took place after the battle for the osgiliat. The first capital of the kingdom was in the hands of people for the first time in a long time, and the brothers celebrated victory. At this time, denethor arrives, their father, who congratulates the victory of Boromir and immediately puts forward claims to Faramya for the fact that the youngest son and his people could not defend the right bank of Anduin.

Faramir and Boromir

After that, the governor assigns Boromira to the side and makes it to go to the Valley of Imladris, where to pick up the ring of alliances from the elves and bring to the Gondor. The denethor believes that the power of the ring should be facing Sauron and benefit to people. Boromir is trying to refuse the trip and says that instead of him in Imladris it is better to go to Faramya. However, denethor believes that the youngest son has insufficient courage to this case, which states openly.

Boromir episodically appears in the final film of the trilogy - "Return of the King". In one episode, the Hobbit Pippin recalls how Boromir fell from the hands of Uruk-Hais, protecting the hobbits in the forest on the slopes of Amon Hyung. In the second episode, Boromir is in the vision of his own father, the governor of Denetore, who goes crazy. Denentor refuses to believe that Boromir has succumbed to the influence of the ring and because of this in the end died.

Frame from the film

In 1978, a full-length cartoon film called "Lord of the Rings" came out. Director Ralph Bakshi shielded not all novel, but only the first part ("Brotherhood of Ring") and the beginning of the second. The plans from the director had a second full-length cartoon where the final part of the story would be originally, but due to financial difficulties the project did not take place.

Boromir in this cartoon voiced actor Michael sin coke. The hero here was created without supporting text and externally, it is absolutely not similar to how Boromir Tolkien describes. This is a certain barbarian in the horned helmet.


"I do not ask for help, but we need it. If we know that the Gondor is not alone, that someone in the measure of her strength is fighting with the enemy, - it will give us courage. "" Remember this day, younger brother. Today life is beautiful. "" The people of Gondora are valiant soldiers, they will not go anyone. But they can be overcome in battle, because the valor is nothing without a mighty army and weapons. "

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