Andrey Belyanin - biography, photo, personal life, news, books 2021



Andrei Belyanin is a recognized master of humorous fantasy, whose account has more than 60 exciting and fun books. The writer continues to create and delight fans with new novels, despite the terrible personal tragedy in 2004.

Childhood and youth

Andrei Olegovich Belyanin was born in January 1967 in Astrakhan. His father was worked, and the mother is nurse. The boy was fond of drawing and after the end of the 8th-pilot entered the art school named after Vlasov on the branch of painting. In the fourth year, Andrei was seriously interested in poetry, and so that he almost left without a diploma: reading books and the first experiments in writing poems did not leave time to learn.

Andrey Belyanin

After receiving secondary vocational education, the future writer went to serve in the Soviet Army. Even during the service in the border troops, he tried to find time for his hobbies: she gradually drew and, as soon as possible, poems wrote secretly. The impressions of those years are captured in many of his poems published in the first collection of "shepherd of bears".

Andrey Belyanin in his youth

Having finished the service, Andrei went to Moscow, and then to St. Petersburg. Faithful for a while between the two cities, returned to his native Astrakhan. Belyanin worked as a school teacher, the head of the literary studio and the editor in the newspaper, but over time, finally focused on writing books. In the author's biography, studies are studied in the Litin Institute, but he threw it, watched the whole semester. According to him, he realized that it was useless to study the writing craft.

"Either it is given to you, or not given," says the science. "It is impossible to teach a person to fantasize."


In 1994, Belyanin became a member of the Writers' Union. By the time the author had published 3 collection of poems and 2 fairy tales. A year later, his first works published the Judy Magazine, and the young writer began to receive offers from publishers. Andrei's debut novel in the genre of humorous fiction was "Jack Crazy King."

Books Andrei Belyanina

In 2000, the first book of the "Secret Sigger of Tsar Porosha" series was published, which brought all-Russian popularity to the Writer. For novels about the adventures of the policeman Nikita Ivashov in the trident kingdom ("marry and neutralize", a "flying ship", "Brides", etc.) Belyanin twice received a certificate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - so the guidelines thanked him for his contribution to the creation of a positive image of law enforcement officer. The last in the series The book "Black Sword of the King Keschya" came out in 2017.

Other famous works of Belyanin were the Baghdad Thief Cycles and Aargh, as well as several books about the shorts of co-authorship with Galina Black. In 2013, he began a new border series cycle. The first novel "White Wolf Castle" Fans on the Internet adopted favorably, appreciating the company humor and swirling plot.

Andrey Belyanin and Galina Black

Part of the author's works was decreed. While his filmography photography is very short: in 2006 and 2013, the "Cossack fairy tales" was removed based on the works of Belyanin. There were negotiations on the screening of the "sword without a name" and "Baghdad thief", but later the shooting was suspended, and the films still did not get into the world.

The publishing house "Alfa-book" called a premium for young authors in honor of one of Belianin's novels - "Sword Unnamed." The fiction has public awards: the cross "for works and hiking", the medal "100 years from the birth of Jalil Mousse" and the Order of Peter the Great.

Personal life

Andrei's wife, Natalia Belyanina, is also interested in poetry and works as a guide in the Velimira Khlebnikov Museum in Astrakhan. In 1991, the Couple was born the son of Ivan.

In 2004, the media thundered about the tragedy in the family of the writer. 13-year-old Ivan Belyanin kidnapped with the purpose of redemption. The organizer was classmate a boy with an elder brother. According to rumors, the Writer's family had money, and it was the material interest that caused a crime.

Andrey Belyanin

First, the attackers tried to "pull out" the money from Ivan, then threats to force him to participate in the robbery of the Father's apartment. When these plans were broken, they kidnapped the boy and began to demand a redemption. By the time the parents together with the police came to the trail of criminals, they, frightened, killed Ivan and hid the body in the pond.

According to the results of the court, the eldest of the attackers went to prison for 18 years, the younger was not subject to criminal punishment due to age. He spent a year in the educational special institution and was released, after which he was abducted and killed by unknown persons. There were rumors that the crime was the hands of Belyanin fans and the revenge of the young criminal for the death of Ivan, but the investigators did not confirm this version. How ended the case, they do not report in the media.

Andrei Belyanin now

A popular fictuller still lives and works in Astrakhan, where new books writes. The local Cossack army assigned Andrei Olegovich Chin Esoula. It continues to draw, but only as a hobby: When his free time is issued, Andrei is engaged in painting on ceramics and painting, crushing ready-made paintings to friends. It does not like to sell them, although there is a demand:

"Well, if I really, very much, I assign some reasonable price, and, fastening my heart, I give," he says.

Despite the fame, Andrei Belyanin is not a public person. He rarely gives an interview, does not appear at the congresses of science writers and other literary assets and does not post photos on the Internet.

Andrey Belyanin in 2018

The author's bibliography, which has more than 60 works, is now being replenished. For 2018, the release of the new book "Egyptian force" is scheduled.

In memory of the Son Andrei Belyanin built a small chapel in the school, where Ivan learned.


  • 1997-1998 - Sword-Unnamed Trilogy
  • 1999 - the trilogy "Jack Crazy King"
  • 2000-2017 - TV series "The Secret Check of Tsar Pea"
  • 1999-2001 - Dilogy "My Wife - Witch"
  • 2002-2007 - Cycle "Baghdad Thief"
  • 2007 - Cycle "Aargh"
  • 2000 - "Red Knight"
  • 2003 - "Vampire Taste"
  • 2004 - "Husar Hunt"

In co-authorship with Galina Black:

  • 2002 - "Professional Werewolf"
  • 2003 - "Werewtn holidays"
  • 2004 - "Chronicles of Werette"
  • 2006 - "Return of the Werette"
  • 2000 - "Red and Striped"

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