Andrei Kosinsky - biography, photo, personal life, news, songs 2021



Composer and singer Andrei Kosinsky from those stars who are confused by increased attention and their own glory. Friends talk about a musician as a very modest person, but this crash is hidden by a real master of his case. The artist easily works in any genres: pop, rock, chanson - the list can be continued endlessly. As well as Russian-speaking pop stars, performing maestro hits.

Childhood and youth

The future musician was born on May 12, 1957. Rodina Kosinsky - Odessa, at the time father of little Andrei served in the navy. Mom worked as a teacher. When the son turned 1.5 years old, the Kosinsky family moved to Sevastopol, and in 1962 he returned to his native Leningrad.

Andrei Kosinsky in childhood

As the artist himself recalls, he often remained together with her mother, his father spent a lot of time on his travel on trips. Interest in Andrei's music appeared at an early age: at age 5, the boy began to master the accordion, and the year later the parents presented the son of Piano, which was a real holiday for the young artist.

Andrey Kosinsky in youth

In addition, Kosinsky studied painting, dances and foreign languages. In 1965, the boy went immediately into two schools - the usual and musical, where she continued to improve talent.


Andrei Kosinsky began his way to the scene from work in variety. Also, the artist worked in restaurants where he performed songs of his own essay. There's on a talented musician and drew attention to Valery Leontyev - Matrum Estrada liked the composition called "Figure". And after some time, the new album of the star was replenished with the song "Everything", music for which Kosinsky wrote, and Alexander Koshevhev became the author of the text.

Andrey Kosinsky and Valery Leontiev

Soon, other popular artists wanted to work with a talented author of the songs: "List" Andrei Kosinsky was gradually replenished. The musician wrote the compositions for Lyme Vaikule, Alexey Glyzin, Mikhail Boyarsky, Alena Apina and other famous artists. Later, young singers and teams - A-Studio groups ("A'Studio"), "Nepara", Stas Pieha - List of "Star Clients" Kosinsky can continue to continue to be added to the deserved Maramm.

Parallel Andrei Yuryevich organized his own concerts, collecting the full halls. In 1995, the artist recorded the debut plate, the name "First Collection". The most popular compositions of the "Golden Dome" and "Little Digital Reverb", however, and the rest of the songs found their listener.

The year later, the artist decided to try his happiness at the Eurovision Contest - 1996, which was held in the Norwegian capital. For this musical competition Kosinsky chose the composition "I am I". Unfortunately, the artist failed to become the winner. Andrei took the 27th place at the preliminary stage of the competition and did not pass into the final composition of the speakers. The first place in that year went to Turkey, which was represented by the singer Shembar Packer.

The failure did not break the musician: Andrei continued to speak with his own team of the Kosin Orchestra and write new hits for pop performers. Fans of the singer and composer celebrate his unique style: often it is called not an artist, but an artist. According to friends and fans of Andrei, his compositions invariably cause an emotion from a listener, one or another mental video series, which is impossible not to empathize.

Kosinsky himself on the question about the genre of his own music shrugs: believes that the exact definition of the style is not important if the music likes the listeners. Among the works of Andrei, the compositions "you know, dad", "this love", as well as the spectacular musicals "Treasure Island" (based on the work of Robert Lewis Svenson) and the "protein and the arrow" addressed and the children's and adult audience.

Personal life

The work of Andrei Kosinsky in sight of fans and journalists, but personal life is completely hidden from curious views - this page of the biography of the musician prefers not to advertise.

Andrei Kosinsky and Denmark Isaev

It is only known that he is not officially married, but, according to social networks, more than 10 years is in a romantic relationship with Denmark Isaeva.

Andrey Kosinsky now

In 2018, Andrei Kosinsky photo appeared on the pages of news publications. This time the musician's participation in the "First Channel" project was becoming a reason. As it is clear from the name, the participants of the competition were artists who oversail a 60-year-old frontier and not lost desire to develop professionally and conquer new fans.

Andrei Kosinsky and Leonid Agutin

The jury of the project was Leonid Agutin, Valery Meladze, Lion Leshchenko and Pelagia. Leads the program Dmitry Nagiyev.

The project traditionally began with "blind listening" - the judges had to give an assessment of the execution of artists without seeing them. For this tour, Andrei Kosinsky chose an incendiary composition "Virtual Insanity" of the British team "Jamiroquai". From the first chords of the song I liked the members of the Commission. Leonid Agutin deployed his chair to Kosinsky, and after the completion of the room and the rest of the jury expressed admiration for the performance.

Andrei Kosinsky in 2018

The musician admitted that, despite age, ready to new accomplishments. Also, the artist stressed that the focus has always paid songwriting for others, now it is ready to completely devote time to his own talent. Now Andrei Kosinsky is preparing for regular speeches in the project, and fans are looking forward to the triumph of the idol.


  • 1995 - "First Collection"
  • 2011 - "I'm me"

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