Andrei Klimnyuk - biography, photo, personal life, news, songs



The bright representative of the Russian chanson Sibiryak Andrei Klimnyuk, who gave lovers of the city romance and the throat courtyard of the famous composition "April", has lived incomplete 53 years. Not so much. Probably, the anticipation of a short earthly path, a musician hurried to create.

Composer and singer chanson Andrei Klimnyuk

Therefore, after the death of chanson, the fans remained 30 albums filled with romantic, lyrical, patriotic compositions, in each of whom the singer has invested the soul particle.

Childhood and youth

A future singer and musician in Siberia was born, in September 1964. The first years of his life passed in the snow-covered Minusinsk, where the military service threw his father. Soon Konstantin Klimnyuk was transferred to Novosibirsk, and a wife with a little son moved to the head of the family.

History is silent, who in the family of Klimnyukov musitsy and was endowed with hearing, but the creative spark flared in Andrei early. From the age of 14, he rhymed lines into poems and picked up notes to them. Inspired by the fashionable romance in those edges, which received special relevance due to the specifics of the places, which are called "not so distant".

Among other performers of Blouth Chanson, Andrei Klimnyuk highled the Arkady North (Star). The teenager listened to piercing, mental songs-stories and dreamed of doing something similar, from what would be a gross heart and wet shining eyes.

Andrei's biography was so that the young man got a powerful impetus to the world of performing arts. Soon after the presentation of the school certificate, Klimnyuk was called in army ranks. From 1986 to 1989, Sibiryak served in the very hot point - Afghanistan.

Participating in hostilities, Andrei Klimnyuk more than once watched the death of death. For courage and good service I received a medal "for the courage" and the Order of the Red Star.

The proximity of the deadly danger, the loss of friends became an impetus to writing piercing lines, permeated pain and sharpness of overwhelmed feelings. In the work of Klimnyuk - dozens of compositions that the former Afghan warriors are listening to today.


After demobilization, Andrei Klimnyuk did not doubt, on what road will go further. Choosing a musical direction, he worked without tired. But to publish a debut album called the "Volushka", he decided only 10 years after returning from Afghanistan, in 1999. The first collection of songs, which hit the hit "April", quickly paved the path to the hearts of hundreds of thousands of fans throughout the country.

Success was overwhelmed by the musician and the composer, and in the same 1999, thanked the first fans, giving them 3 more albums, a kind of "three-volume member", which called "from Afghan to Chechnya." In these songs, the strongest impressions of the service in the boiling Afghan "Cotelet" were embodied, the unclean stories of the years spent in the hot spot.

In the "zero" chanson pleased the genre lovers with two albums with the speaker names "Bosyatskaya Luck" and "Katorzhansky". Every year, Klimnyuk presents 2-3 new discs, which warmly meet listeners. About life on the snow-covered north they say the covers of albums: "From the places of deprivation ...", "Kolyma", "The Tale of Katorzhanian Years."

Having giving tribute to the fathers and grandfathers who defended their homeland in World War II, Andrei Klimnyuk wrote dozens of patriotic compositions, of which the collections of "Cranes", "Rota", "Songs, Speat Heart", "Soldiers' Song" have developed.

The singer and composer tours in Russia, it happens with concerts in the countries of near abroad, stands in front of soldiers in Chechnya, sings in places of detention, where the appearance of chanson is waiting with a special trepidation.

The touring geography of Andrei Klimnyuk is extensive, but two-thirds of concerts he gives in small and large cities behind the Urals. In St. Petersburg, Rostov and Sochi, he is long-awaited, but a rare guest. The victorist collects the Achlags and multiplies the army of fans.

In the Commonwealth with the Union of paratroopers of Transbaikalia and Russia, the composer and the artist created an album called "for the Airborne Forces", and also gathered the collection edition "Anthology of the Afghan song 1979-1989", which consists of 10 disks.

One of the brightest albums Andrei Klimnyuk "Constellation Magadan" was released in 2013. He inspired the chanson to write songs with a person, 25 years old in the places of detention on Kolyma, the broken stern edge along and in across, who knows every corner of these places. He is dedicated to one of the songs of the record - "Kuzmich". Climnyuk told about this in an interview, which and today you can look at the U-Tuba.

In an interview with Andrei Konstantinovich put accents, having told that he was coming out to the audience for live communication, which calls the speech, not a concert. They say, "concerts from Philip Kirkorov and Dima Bilan." Yes, and the artist Klimnyuk did not want to be called, preferring the designation "Author-performer". By artists, he considered Sergey Zverev and Boris Moiseeva.

On the question of the journalist, why chanson is a rare guest on television, he said that such is the policy of modern TV channels focused on commerce, and not on creativity.

Posted by the performer on the former colleagues in the musical direction, which began as a chanson, but then "changed the wash" and "diluted the genre of Popus", catering for unassuming fans. They betrayed the admirers for the sake of money and no longer have the right to put their name in one row with Chanson's classics Mikhail Circle and Katya Spark, who each song is a small novel, a unique story without beaten phrases and primitive rhymes.

Another edge of the talent of Siberian - literary. In 2006, he gave fans of creativity the first book - a collection of poems, named, like one of the music discs, "from the places of deprivation ...". In the summer of 2015, Andrei Konstantinovich released the book that he devoted events in Afghanistan. The third literary creation is also memoirs about the years spent in the mountains of Afghan - saw the light in 2017, the penultimate year of the musician and writer's life.

Discography Chance is 30 albums, the last of which, "Shalava," came out in 2018, when the performer was no longer alive. Among the collections Klimnyuk there is a joint with a colleague Sergey Klobhin, called "from one yard."

Personal life

About the life of the singer outside the scene is known not so much. Andrei Klimnyuk was married. Olga's spouse shared the interests of her husband and recorded three Chanson's author's albums.

Andrei Klimnyuk and wife Olga

A woman is known to lovers of urban romance and prison lyrics under the creative pseudonym Vika Magadan. The whole love Lyrics of Klimnyuk in verses and songs is dedicated to the beloved woman.

The souse had a son, but whether he went to the footsteps of his parents, not to find information.


The end of Andrei Klimnyuk was a shock for his family and fans. A man died unexpectedly, in March 2018, in the city where his whole life was held - Novosibirsk. The cause of death was not called.

Chanson Andrei Klimnyuk

The legendary chanson did not live to 54 for half a year. The funeral was held in their hometown.


  • 1999 - "Volyushka"
  • 1999 - "From Afghan to Chechnya"
  • 2000 - "Bosyatskaya Luck"
  • 2002 - "From the places of deprivation ..."
  • 2004 - "Kolyma"
  • 2005 - "Tale of Katorzhanian Years"
  • 2006 - "Afghan"
  • 2006 - "Cranes"
  • 2007 - "Songs, Sooty Heart"
  • 2013 - "For the Airborne Forces"
  • 2014 - "April"
  • 2015 - "Special Forces of Russia"
  • 2016 - "From one yard" (joint album with Sergey Klobhin)
  • 2017 - "Our locomotive"
  • 2018 - "Shalava"

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